
[ˈtrænsɪt, -zɪt][ˈtrænzɪt]




  • I 'm a transit passenger for this flight .

    我是这次班机的 过境旅客。

  • The city has a modern transit system .

    这座城市有一个现代化的 交通 运输系统。

  • Inventory in UK and in transit are affected .

    英国的库存和在 货物受到了影响。

  • Some of the party 's luggage is lose in transit .

    旅行团的一些行李在 运输 过程中丢失了。

  • B : It 's already in transit .

    B:已经在 运输中了。

  • I have got a transit visa and I can go out of the airport right ?

    我已经通过了 过境签证,可以离开机场了,对吗?

  • Technical meeting on central asia 's transit transport links with world markets ;

    中亚与世界市场的 过境运输连接技术会议;

  • a transit lounge at Moscow airport .

    莫斯科机场的 中转候机室

  • And cooperation with a number of insurance companies greatly reduce the transport of goods in transit risks .

    并与多家保险公司合作,大大减低了货物的在 运输风险。

  • Chinese and other oil companies have agreed to pay part of the oil transit fees .

    中国和其它国家的石油企业已同意支付一部分石油 运输费。

  • Mass transit reduces traffic congestion and the pollution it generates .

    公共 交通减少了交通拥挤和由此产生的污染。

  • One of the packages was damaged in transit .

    包裹有一件在 运输 过程中损坏了。

  • At the moment I have no address . I 'm in transit .

    我眼下没有住址。我正在 旅途中。

  • Development and Application of Communication System in Urban Rail Transit

    通信传输系统在城市轨道 交通中的应用发展

  • The shipment was lost in transit .

    货物在 运输 途中丢失了。

  • The Research and Implementation of Guidance System of Passenger Flow on Urban Rail Transit

    城市轨道 交通客流诱导系统的研究与实现

  • A changing culture on transit and development .

    在大众 运输及发展上的改变中文化。

  • The driver accompanies the vehicle throughout the whole transit therefore the risk of damage and pilferage is reduced .

    司机在整个 运输过程中都会和车在一起,因此降低了损坏及偷窃的危险。

  • Two rapid transit trains collided early this morning in Boston .

    今晨早些时候,两辆 高速火车在波士顿相撞。

  • I have nothing to declare . I 'm a transit passenger for this flight .

    没有,我是这次航班的 过境旅客。

  • a transit time of about 42 minutes .

    大约42分钟的 运送时间

  • On the journey back from his official visits to Western europe the premier visited Italy in transit .

    总理在出访西欧归途中 顺访了意大利。

  • During their talks the two presidents discussed the transit of goods between the two countries .

    会谈中,两位总统讨论了两国间货物 运输的问题。

  • The president wants to improve the nation 's highways and mass transit systems .

    总统希望改善该国的公路与公共 交通系统。

  • All letters were opened in transit .

    所有信件在 邮递的过程中都要受到 检查

  • This paper firstly summarizes the research and practice on the network coordination between urban Rail Transit and Bus-Rote .

    本文首先对国内外城市快速轨道 交通与常规公交线网协调的研究和实践进行了总结。

  • the New York City Transit Authority .

    纽约市 公共 交通

  • GE will also invest in developing parts for diesel locomotives and railway and urban transit signaling systems .

    通用电气还将投资开发柴油机车零部件以及铁路和城市 运输信号系统。

  • These cities have introduced more efficient public transport metro and bus rapid transit and green spaces .

    这些城市都建设了高效的公共交通系统(地铁和快速 公交)和绿地。

  • This paper analyzes the generation and dissemination process of urban rail transit ( URT ) noise .

    分析了城市轨道 交通噪声的产生与传播过程。