transistor package

[trænˈzɪstɚ ˈpækɪdʒ][trænˈsistə ˈpækidʒ]


  • The application of the programmable temperature monitor on the transistor molding package of TM-240

    四温控点监控器在 TM-240塑封压机上的应用

  • The fully automatic transistor die bonder is a modern semiconductor package equipment that utilizes interdisciplinary technologies such as fine mechanics auto control image recognition optics and so on .

    全自动 晶体管粘片机是集精密机械、自动控制、图像识别、光学等领域于一体的半导体 封装关键设备,主要用于半导体制造后端工序中将晶圆上微芯片粘接到引线框架上。

  • Quantitative evaluation of defect according to infrared nondestructive testing principle and quality testing of solder layer of F-4 power transistor package are described . Computer processing results of infrared thermal images are also given .

    根据红外无损检测原理,提出了缺陷的定量检测方法,并探讨了 F-4型半导体功率 管管壳焊料烧结质量的检测方法,最后给出了热图象的计算机处理结果。