transient wave

[ˈtrænʃənt wev][ˈtrænziənt weiv]


  • Feedback effect of low-rise buildings on vertical earthquake ground motion and application of transmitting boundaries to transient wave analysis

    建筑物对竖向地面运动的反馈影响和 暂态 透射边界的研究

  • This paper develops the theory of viscoelastic analogy and uses the theory for transient wave propagation normal to the layering direction of a semi-infinite composite with three layers as a period .

    本文发展了粘弹比拟理论,并将之用于求解半无限空间三层复合材料在垂直层合方向传播的 瞬态 问题。

  • This can be a variety of transient wave components can draw accurate steady-state harmonics .

    这样既可以得出各种 暂态 波形成分,也可以得出准确的稳态谐波。

  • Transient Wave Propagation in Layered Half-space with Underground Holes

    含地下孔洞层状半空间中 瞬态 的传播

  • Using a low order two-layer baroclinic quasi-geostrophic model a nonlinear system including the interaction between a thermal forced wave a transient wave and zonal flow is studied .

    本文利用两层斜压准地转模式,在低谱简化下,得到一个热力强迫波, 与纬向气流相互作用的非线性方程组。

  • A filtering algorithm based on discrete Gabor transform is proposed which can be used to conduct time-frequency analysis for transient signals . The appropriate threshold values can then be determined to limit the noise and the transient wave can be separated from the noise consequently .

    提出一种基于离散Gabor变换的滤波算法,可以对瞬态信号进行时频分析,并选择合适的阀值抑制噪声,实现 瞬态 波形和噪声的分离。

  • The system consists of microcomputer and transient wave converter etc For the measurement of working parameters of drilling machine such as impact energy or frequency stroke and pressure .

    本研究系采用微型计算机、 波形存贮器等技术装备组成了凿岩机械冲击能、冲击频率、行程、压力等工作参数的微机测试系统。

  • The wave flow interaction during the maintenance of Woollier Mountain blocking high is studied through the layout of the baroclinic trough ( transient wave ) and the blocking flow . This will give a primary basis for the further theoretical study on the formation mechanism of the blocking high .

    并从斜压( 瞬变波)同阻塞流的配置关系的角度出发,研究了乌拉尔山阻高维持过程中的 与流相互作用,为从理论上进一步探讨阻高形成的机理初步奠定了基础。

  • The numerical results of displacements and stresses of arch-wall structure dymanic response to the horizontal and vertical incident transient wave are given in the paper .

    文中给出了 瞬态 水平和垂直入射时直墙拱结构动力响应的位移和应力数值结果。

  • One-dimensional transient wave motion in saturated porous media under stress boundary condition

    应力边界条件下饱和多孔介质的一维 瞬态 波动

  • Damage Inversion and Transient Wave Propagation in Damaged Concrete Media

    损伤混凝土介质中 瞬态 传播及损伤反演

  • Inversion of the damage in concrete medium by transient wave field

    混凝土介质中 瞬态 场的损伤反演

  • Transient Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Damaged Concrete Media

    瞬态 在非均匀损伤混凝土介质中的传播

  • According to wave propagation theories the transient wave propagation in the inhomogeneous damaged media is researched .

    根据波传播理论,研究非均匀损伤介质中 瞬态 的传播;

  • The system adopts negative pressure transient wave method to conduct real-time monitoring of pipelines and wavelet analysis of signal processing method to achieve the accurate extraction the signal of leakage from noise which improve the positioning accuracy of the leakage points .

    该系统采用了 瞬态负压 法对管道进行实时监测,用小波分析信号处理方法实现了从噪声中准确提取泄漏信号,提高了泄漏点的定位精度。

  • Substructure Technique for Transient Wave of Flexible Body with Impact

    柔性体撞击 瞬态 子结构法研究

  • The boundary element method for scattering of transient wave for anisotropic medium

    各向异性体对 瞬态 SH 散射问题的边界元方法

  • Since elastic-plastic impact dynamics is a strongly nonlinear problem which is related to material dynamic properties the transient wave propagation the contact deformation the repeated switch of contact-separation state and etc it is hard to solve this problem by analytical methodology .

    柔性结构弹塑性碰撞动力学分析是一个涉及材料动态特性、碰撞接触变形、碰撞 瞬态 传播、碰撞接触与分离状态频繁切换等强非线性问题,理论分析十分困难。

  • There are two kinds of algorithms for calculating fundamental : harmonic analysis and transient wave analysis .

    己提出的基波提取算法主要有谐波分析法、 暂态 波形分析法。

  • The Application of Transient Wave Test Technique in Estimating the Bearing Capacity of Pile ; Method of neighboring trace transient Rayleigh wave and its application in compactness inspection


  • In this paper the multiple elastic poundings responses under vertical earthquakes are solved using the expansion of transient wave functions in a series of eigenfunctions .

    本文提出并运用 瞬态 特征函数展开法,研究了竖向地震作用下桥梁结构的多次弹性重撞击瞬态波响应问题。

  • The equation of one-dimensional wave motion and the model of inverse problem for damaged long concrete beam are established in this paper . Non-destructive inspection in transient wave field for concrete structure is simulated .

    建立损伤混凝土长梁的一维波动方程及其反演模型,模拟混凝土结构在 瞬态 场中的无损检测手段和方法。

  • An analysis on one-dimensional transient wave motion in saturated porous media

    饱和多孔介质一维 瞬态 波动问题的解析分析

  • By the use of the eigenfunctions the formulas of the propagation of the transient wave along rod beam and beam-rod structures are derived in the present paper .

    本文利用 瞬态 函数的特征函数展开法推导出了单柱结构、单梁结构和梁&柱结构 瞬态 传播的理论公式。

  • Analytical solutions are obtained using Laplace transform and convolution theorem for the transient wave motion in saturated porous media under arbitrary stress boundary condition and displacement boundary condition respectively .

    利用拉氏变换和卷积定理,分别得到了边界自由排水时在任意应力边界条件和任意位移边界条件下 瞬态 波动过程的解析表达。

  • Analysis of the extreme transient wave characteristics

    极端 瞬态 波浪的特征分析

  • Several examples calculating the scattering displacement show that the method used for scattering high-frequency transient wave is effective .

    数值结果表明利用该形函数 计算 高频情形下的 散射问题具有很高的精度。

  • Transient wave test technique is a new kind of geophysics exploration method for shallow layer . Using the dispersion characteristics of Rayleigh wave and relativity between wave velocity and physical mechanical character of site soil it can resolve many engineering geological problem .


  • Through several illustrative numerical examples the displacement and stress fields of solid skeleton as well as the velocity and pore pressure fields of interstitial fluid in transient wave motion under the two types of boundary conditions are discussed .

    几种典型的数值算例同时给出了两类边界条件下 瞬态 波动过程中多孔固体的位移场、应力场和孔隙流体的速度场、压力场。

  • The Application of Transient Wave Test Technique in Estimating the Bearing Capacity of Pile It provides a new method for estimating the bearing capacity of pile .

    实践表明:应用 瞬态 雷波检测单桩承载力,同时与静载荷试验结果进行对比,可以获得较高的精度,这为单桩承载力检测提供了新的方法技术。