transition strategy

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈstrætədʒi][trænˈziʃən ˈstrætidʒi]

[计] 变换策略

  • According to competition situation of current and future telecommunication market the telecommunication network transition strategy and a feasible telecommunication market operation supervision and management mode are also discussed .

    并结合当前和未来通信市场的竞争格局,提出了未来通信网向融合方向 演进 策略和一种可行的通信市场运营监管模式。

  • Economic Globalization and Transition Strategy of Household Electrical Appliance Industry in China

    经济全球化与中国家电业 转型 战略

  • This transition strategy is critical to the successful migration to a formal web content management system in your portal .

    对于成功地迁移到门户中的正式web内容管理系统而言,这种 过渡 策略至关重要。

  • Moreover in order to possess stronger guidance to the readers the treatise further discusses the transition strategy of schools software infrastructure from commercial software to OSS and gives out a case of an abroad school .

    为了具有更强的实践指导意义,本文还对从商业软件平台向开源软件平台 迁移 策略进行了探讨,并给出了一所国外学校向开源软件平台迁移的实践案例。

  • Theory analysis and numerical results demonstrate that the operational efficiency and computational precision can be effectively improved through adopting the new transition strategy . It is superior to the basic ant colony algorithm .

    数值仿真结果表明采用这种新的 转移概率可以有效的提高 算法的运算效率和计算精度。

  • Study on Risk Alert of Enterprise Industry Transition Strategy Based on Cloud Model Association Rules

    基于云模型关联规则的企业 转型 战略风险预警从碧佳伲药业看中小型企业的 战略 转换

  • Study on Transition Strategy of Physics Teaching from Middle School to High School

    初中到高中的物理教学 衔接 策略研究

  • On Transition Strategy from A Major Sports Country to A Sports Giant Country

    体育大国向体育强国 迈进 战略研究

  • Economic Globalization And Transition Strategy of Household Electric Appliance Industry of China

    经济全球化:中国家电企业的 战略 选择

  • Focus on macro and micro aspects proposed transition strategy .

    着重从宏观与微观两方面提出 转型 策略

  • Research on multi-modal smooth transition strategy based on penalty function

    基于惩罚函数的多模态平稳 过渡 策略研究

  • The algorithm proposed can not only guarantee the accuracy of model and control but also improve the computational efficiency . 4 . A multi-grade transition trajectory optimization model and transition strategy for the grade transition of double loop polypropylene bulk polymerization production process is developed .

    该算法在保证模型和控制精度的同时,提高了计算效率。4.针对双环管式丙烯本体聚合牌号切换生产过程,提出了一种多牌号切换轨迹优化模型及 切换 策略

  • Research on Modeling and Grade Transition Strategy in Polypropylene Process

    聚丙烯生产过程建模及牌号 切换 策略研究

  • Discussion on Transition Strategy from 3G to 4G

    3G向4G 过渡 策略探讨

  • For getting rid of this dilemma in 2005 China Telecom made the transition strategy to made itself to be a world-class integrated information service operator .

    为走出发展困境,中国电信于2005年提出 转型 战略,向世界级综合信息服务提供商迈进。

  • The Research of IPv6 Network Constructing and Transition Strategy in Campus Network

    园区IPv6组网和 过渡 策略研究

  • The overall transition mode of Ling ' ao fuel management has been analyzed especially the transition strategy and steps for the advanced fuel management after the mixed core ( from cy-cle 2-cycle 5 ) .

    分析了岭澳核电站燃料管理的最佳宏观过渡方式,尤其是岭澳核电站在混合堆芯后(涵盖第二至五循环)实施先进燃料管理的 过渡 策略和步骤。

  • Russia 's Economic Transition Strategy in the Process of Institutional Change-Conflict and Adjustment of Visions and Reality

    制度变迁中的俄罗斯经济 转轨 战略&理想化和现实性的冲突与调整

  • Industrial transition is a significant decision in the process of enterprise development . Opportunities and risks coexist when transition strategy is implemented in the enterprise .

    产业转型是企业发展过程中的重大决策,实施 转型 战略机遇与风险并存。

  • Therefore companies need to develop a transition strategy set a goal of the right making the whole company take the right direction doing the right things .

    因此,公司有必要制定一个 转型 战略,树立一个正确的目标,使得全公司走正确的路,做正确的事。