transfer vote

[trænsˈfɚ vot][trænsˈfə: vəut]

[法] 可转让的选票

  • However in the embedded fault-tolerant system especially in the fault-tolerant systems based on hardware redundancy redundancy modules should run synchronously transfer data across to vote and monitor .

    然而,在嵌入式容错系统中,特别是采用硬件容错的系统中,冗余模块需要同步地运行,交叉地 传递数据以 进行 表决监控。

  • Shareholders who want the offer to pass could sell or transfer shares to other investors who would presumably vote in favour to realise an immediate gain .

    希望收购计划通过的股东可以将股份出售或 转让给其他应该会 赞成票的股东,来获取直接收益。

  • The G20 pledged to shift at least 5 per cent of the shares in the IMF to emerging economies from over-represented nations and transfer at least 3 per cent vote share in the World Bank .

    G20承诺把至少5%的国际货币基金组织(IMF)股份、至少3%的世界银行(WB) 投票 ,从目前份额过高的国家 转移给新兴经济体。