tray efficiency

[tre ɪˈfɪʃənsi][trei iˈfiʃənsi]


  • The results show that combined tray can effectively restrain foam height and bubble diameter decrease entrainment and enhance tray efficiency .

    结果表明,复合型塔板能有效地抑制泡沫层高度和细化气泡直径,减少雾沫夹带,提高 效率。其中将 填料 置于 一定高度的复合 消泡效果最好。

  • The influences of hole kinetic energy factor F0 on the tray efficiency and the whole efficiency were studied under the total reflux and the same hole areas .

    在常压全回流和相近开孔率下,分别考察了筛孔动能因子对 筛板 效率以及全 效率的影响。

  • To obtain imformation on the performance of φ 80 standard bubble cap . studies were carried out in pressure drop . entrainment liquid mixing tray efficiency and tray capacity .

    本文报导对化工部拟订的φ80标准圆形泡罩(草案)性能的测定,包括压力降、雾沫夹带、液相混合、 效率和塔板的负荷性能图。

  • Hausen Tray Efficiency of New Vertical Sieve Tray

    新垂直筛板塔的 Hausen 效率

  • Evaluation of Sieve Tray Efficiency and Actual Number of Plates for Methanol-Water System

    单向泡帽塔盘的性能甲醇-水系统 筛板 效率和实际塔板数的估算

  • The calculated values of tray efficiency are in good agreement with those reported by Diener and the discrepancies are smaller than those without taking into account the effect of liquid mixing on vapour mixing between trays .

    经塔 效率的计算结果比较,本文关系式的计算值与Diener的数据相当吻合,而与不考虑液体混合对汽体混合影响的相比,误差明显减小。

  • Effect of Entrainment on Tray Efficiency of Distillation Columns

    雾沫夹带对蒸馏塔 效率的影响

  • Applications of excel in the tray hydrodynamics and tray efficiency experiments

    Excel软件在塔板流体力学和 效率实验中的应用

  • The results showed that the tray efficiency of the ripple tray was raised more than homogeneous perforated ripple tray .

    实验结果表明,与均匀开孔的波纹塔板相比,这种新型波纹塔板的 效率有较明显的提高。

  • In addition engineering experimental data fitting system was used to get the tie-in equation between tray efficiency and F-factor . Some critical data that was hard to achieve in experiment were ob to obtained .

    此外,本文还运用工程实验数据拟合系统对 效率进行了数据拟合,得到了 效率与阀孔动能因子关联方程,获取了现有条件下实验无法测得的关键性数据。

  • An improved dynamic model of nonideal multicomponent distillation column is presented in this paper in which the simultaneous effects of mass and heat transfer tray hydraulics tray efficiency and reboiler dynamics are taken into account .

    综合了精馏塔的物料及能量平衡、塔板水力学方程、 效率及再沸器动态特性,给出一种改进的非理想多元物系精馏塔通用动态数学模型。

  • Effect of Mal - distributed weeping on Distillation Tray Efficiency

    不均匀漏液对精馏 效率的影响

  • Moreover based on a lot of experimental data AIChE and Chen Chuang models were involved to calculate the tray efficiency and the AIChE model is closer to the experimental value of tray efficiency . The deviation was less than 8 % .

    此外,本文在大量实验数据的基础上,采用AIChE模型和Chen,Chuang模型来预测 效率,并考察其准确性,发现AIChE模型与实验值比较接近,偏差在8%以内。

  • The general open-equation model for distillations based on the LPM with tray efficiency modifications for RTSO has been developed .

    开发了基于局部物性模型、具有 效率修正机制的通用精馏塔开放式在线稳态模型。

  • In the experiment of tray hydrodynamics and tray efficiency the variants involved are generally many and the calculating expressions are complicated .

    进行塔板流体力学和 效率的实验时,涉及变量多,计算公式复杂。

  • Gas-leaking model was established . The effect of the gas-leaking on the tray efficiency was derived .

    本文建立漏气模型,推导出漏气对 效率的影响;

  • The effect of liquid mixing on tray efficiency with vapor unmixed

    汽体不混合时液体混合对 效率的影响

  • In on-site conditions some performance parameters of the device will change along with the operation time such as heat-transfer coefficient of exchanger tower tray efficiency catalyst activity coefficient coking coefficient and so on .

    当现场工况中,一些装置的性能参数会随着操作时间的变化而发生改变,如换热器传热系数、塔 效率、反应器中催化剂活性系数、结焦系数等。

  • A mathematical model for liquid concentration on tray and a formula on tray efficiency are proposed considering of entrainment and channeling under the condition of the two dimension non-uniform flow and two dimension eddy diffusion .

    依据液体二维不均匀流动、二维涡流扩散模型,提出一个雾沫夹带及沟流对塔板上液体分布影响的数学模型,得到该条件下的 效率计算公式。

  • Experimental study of vertical sieve plate Defoamer Hausen Tray Efficiency of New Vertical Sieve Tray

    垂直筛板型除沫器的实验研究新垂直筛板塔的 Hausen 效率

  • The tray efficiency was about 10 % higher ;


  • It was also measured the effect of froth height on tray efficiency . Thus we can offer the basis for determining the design parameters of compound tray .

    同时还测定了泡沫层高度对 效率的影响,从而为复合塔板设计参数的选择提供依据。

  • A new mixing model is presented for taking into account the effect of vapor mixing on tray efficiency under the condition of Partial mixing of liquid arid mathematical correlations are obtained to predict the tray efficiency of distillation column .

    在液体部分混合条件下,为考虑汽体混合对 效率的影响,本文提出了一个新的混合模型,并获得了计算塔板效率的数学关系式。

  • At atmospheric pressure and total reflux the influences of F-factor outlet weir height hole area percent and other factors on tray efficiency were researched .

    在常压、全回流条件下,考察了动能因子、出口堰高、开孔率等因素对 传质 性能的影响。

  • Model for predicting rotating stream tray efficiency

    旋流 效率模型

  • Arc semi-annular and radial downcomers ' effections on the tray efficiency were compared the main style structure advantage and disadvantage of the new downcomer in tower were introduced .

    比较了弓形、半环形和径向形降液管对 效率的影响,介绍了板式塔中新型降液管的主要形式、结构及优缺点。

  • The experimental phenomena were interpreted and the method for estimating tray efficiency was verified by our data in three phase system .

    随着固 率的增加, 效率先增加然后 减少。并验证了 气液 效率的计算方法可用于 气液固三相 效率。

  • Study on tray efficiency in multicomponent distillation process

    多组分物系精馏过程 效率的研究

  • A generalized mathematical model was derived with consideration of tray efficiency and liquid hold-up in the plates and the condenser .

    在二元物系的系统模型中考虑了 板的持液及冷凝器的持液,并考虑了 效率