transmission category

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈkætɪˌɡɔri][trænzˈmiʃən ˈkætiɡəri]


  • Analysis of transmission performance for category 5 & 6 digital communication cables

    5 和6 数字通信电缆的 传输性能分析

  • At the stage of simple paper and oral transmission transforming to the complex machinery digital transmission the sharp increase in the number of information and aesthetic activities led to deconstruction and variation on aesthetic category of cognition .

    由简单的纸质与口头传输向复杂的机械数字化 传输阶段,由于信息量或者说是审美活动数量的急剧增加,导致审美 范畴认知的不停解构与变异。

  • Traditional information carrier is language the information age today the flow of information to provide information in the visual transmission diversity so information design has become a new and rapid development of the discipline and design category .

    信息的传统载体是语言,信息时代的今天,信息流为信息在视觉 传达中的多样性提供了可能,因此信息设计成为一门新兴并迅速发展的学科和设计 类别

  • External publicity belongs not only to the transmission category but also to the ideological political work .

    该文提出对外宣传既属 传播 范畴,又属思想政治工作学范畴。

  • According to data transmission mode the wireless sensor network ( WSN ) can fall into the following category & event-driven WSN periodical sampling WSN and inquiry-based WSN .

    根据数据 传输模式的不同,无线传感器网络可以 为事件驱动型无线传感器网络、周期性采样型无线传感器网络和基于查询的无线传感器网络。

  • With increased transmission rate of LAN communication it is necessary to use shielded horizontal twisted pair category cables .

    随着局域网通信 传输速率的提高, 传输 介质必须使用屏蔽型 数字通信用水平对 电缆。