



  • Now he is down to the upper chest and he transect the vessels .

    医生 分离到了胸腔上部,他要 分离血管了。

  • This cline exists along a transect from the Sacramento Valley to near the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountains .

    这一渐变群是沿着 萨克拉曼多谷地到西瓦内华达山脊的 植被 存在的。

  • To survey the transect a measured line is tautly strung between the stakes .

    测量 横断面时,应在桩之间拉紧一条测量线。

  • Biomass of Fine Root in Different Community Type on the Tibetan Vegetation Transect

    根生物量 总生物量 比例 年龄 拟合 效果则较差。 拉萨-林芝植被 不同群落类型的细根生物量

  • Soil Microbial Biomass for Larix Gmelinii Forests Transplanted from a Latitudinal Transect

    移栽自不同纬度 兴安落叶松土壤微生物量 研究

  • Collect water sample from the site where transect line runs into the sea .


  • It is for a discussion of area determination by transect sampling .

    这是有关 截距抽样估测面积的讨论。

  • Tree health in Songshan Park Macao was evaluated in terms of tree disease pest and liana destroy using transect sampling method which six transects and900 trees were investigated .

    通过 调查样带中树木病虫危害和藤本植物危害等指标,对澳门松山公园树木健康状况进行了评估。

  • We 're gonna transect the great arteries at the sino-tubular ridge .

    我们要在窦管脊上 横切大动脉。

  • This article mainly discusses the feasibility of integrative surveying which combine the vertical section and transect with topographic survey .

    主要探讨了道路工程中的纵横 断面和地形一体化测量的可行性及 几种 作业方法的比较。

  • Application of the separation of tidal and subtidal currents for ship-mounted ADCP data from repeating measurements in a transect of Xiamen Harbor

    船载ADCP资料的潮流分离方法在厦门港 断面重复走航中的应用

  • Application of golden section method to chanel transect design

    黄金分割法在渠道 断面设计中的应用

  • The design standard of motorway is very high especially in plane vertical and transect face .

    高速公路平、纵、 设计技术标准相当高,路堑边坡是其最为 普遍 内容 之一

  • Relationships between Leaf Traits of Castanopsis Species and the Environmental Factors in the North-South Transect of Eastern China

    中国南北 上栲属树种叶功能性状与环境因子的关系

  • Observation of Summer Precipitation Along an Altitudinal Transect in Southern Slopes of Tanggula Mountains


  • The Optimize Research on Construction Technology for Mutative Transect Multi-tunnel System of Urban Metro Crossover Area

    城市地铁渡线区变 截面群洞隧道施工技术的优化研究

  • Through to changes the performance the analysis uses the injection molding craft generates the transect to carry on the analysis to its mechanical properties .

    通过对流变性能的分析,采用注射成型工艺,制出 对其力学性能进行分析。

  • Qualified cast ingot of large transect produced by steel and iron with slag can be used to make solid waste are fully utilized .

    用渣钢铁冶炼生产合格铸钢 可以充分合理应用金属资源。

  • Along this transect the rise in elevation is gradual . The vegetation partakes of tropical character .

    沿着这 植被 海拔上升舒缓。这植物带有热带的性质。

  • Seasonal distribution features of nutrients and DO at 37 ° N transect

    37°N 断面营养盐和溶解 的四季分布特征及变化

  • If necessary and if time permits use a longer transect .


  • Second day of transect for us and third for the team .

    这是我们进行 截面 调查的第二天,是这个小组的第三天。

  • Biomass of Fine Root in Different Community Type on the Tibetan Vegetation Transect Characteristics of Biomass and Carbon Stock of Fir and Birch Fine Roots in Subalpine Forest of Western Sichuan China

    拉萨 -林芝植被 不同群落类型的细根生物量川西亚高山冷杉和白桦细根生物量与碳储量特征

  • Analysis of Forest Damages Caused by the Snow and Ice Chaos in Transect of Southern China in 2008 Spring

    2008年春季中国南方冰雪冻害林木 物理 典型 分析

  • A transect from the river mouths towards the sea shall be conducted taking temperature and salinity measurements to define the freshwater layer .

    河口到海洋带状 纵向调查,综合温度和盐度指数以便对淡水层进行研究。

  • The finite element method does not exhaust the possibilities for variational methods . Some Analyses of SFPM of Transect of Deformed Non-uniform Beam

    有限单元法不能排除变分法。分析变截面梁 受弯变形的 条有限点法

  • Livelihood Diversification of Peasants and Nomads of Eastern Transect in Tibetan Plateau

    青藏高原东部 农牧民生计的多样化