


  • The method of pin transfixion was introduced in detail and the classification of mallet fingers and the principles of treatment were discussed .

    详细介绍了 固定方法,并对锤状指的分型和治疗原则进行了探讨。

  • The propagating rule of longitudinal cracks and influence factors under traffic loads were analyzed and the fatigue life of transfixion cracks was predicted .

    采用有限 建模,分析了行车荷载作用下 加宽工程 沥青 路面纵向裂缝的扩展规律及影响因素,并 对面层形成 贯通裂缝的疲劳寿命进行了预测。

  • In addition the phenomena of thermal transfixion were studied quantitatively . ( 4 ) The parametric study was presented .

    此外还对热 贯通现象进行了定量研究。(4)进行了参数研究。

  • Therefore the research for comprehensive transfixion ground wire monitoring system is of great significance .

    因此对 贯通地线监测系统的研究具有重要的意义。

  • Analysis of influence on lateral error of transfixion in GPS control network

    GPS地面控制网对横向 贯通误差影响的分析

  • Evolution of rock joints into transfixion is described by the time series from strain-stress curves and the state of joint system in sandstone is chaotic before its ultimate state .

    形成岩石全应力应变曲线的时间序列反映了岩石内部节理 裂隙 趋向 贯通的演化进程,砂岩节理裂隙系统在峰前阶段处于不同程度的混沌状态。

  • The rapid development of expressway realized the trans-provincial transfixion strengthening the major regional economic exchanges .

    高速公路的快速发展进一步实现了大规模跨省 贯通,加强了各大区域间的经济交流,分担了各省、经济区之间的客货运输,通道 效应 日趋 显著

  • Study of asepsis string preventing errhysis from transfixion pinpoint in hemodialysis

    无菌 线绳预防血液透析过程中 穿刺针眼渗血的研究

  • The application of detained transfixion pin in the superficial vein in neurosurgery

    浅静脉 离心 穿刺留置针在神经外科中的应用

  • Application of Total Station in Large Transfixion Survey Project

    全站仪在大型 贯通测量工程中的应用

  • Conclusions Ambi-butterfly transfixion pin can be used in the clinical to relieve suffering of patients .

    结论提示 双蝶式多功能 穿刺针可以应用于临床,以便减轻患者的痛苦。

  • Suture menisci with epidural transfixion pin to treating acute meniscus tear under arthroscope

    关节镜下硬膜外 穿刺针缝合半月板在急性半月板撕裂中的应用

  • ⑵ The rule of errors in the underground traverse were analyzed The estimation formula which expresses how the lateral transfixion precision is influenced by measuring errors was derived .

    ⑵分析了地下导线的误差影响规律,推导了测量误差对横向 贯通的精度影响估算公式。

  • Methods The clinical data of 48 cases of CT-guided mediastinum tumor puncture biopsy with the same axle transfixion pin biopsy technique and fast cytological examination were retrospectively analysed .

    方法CT引导下应用同轴活检技术和快速细胞学检查经皮纵隔内肿块 穿刺活检48例。

  • Transfixion from subdural space to sylvian cistern and roofing of temporal muscle in the treatment of potential intractable subdural effusion


  • Discussion of Method of Task Transfixion in Computer Teaching

    计算机教学中任务 贯穿法的使用探讨

  • The cable was dissected and tested The cause of fault was that the cable out shield with transfixion damage the results of test research accorded with calculation of finite element .

    为分析寻找引发故障原因,对电缆进行解剖试验分析,认为电缆可能存在外 贯穿性损伤,并对结果进行了验证试验和有限元 电场模拟计算分析,结果与结论相吻合。

  • Lateral error is essential in transfixion surveying .

    横向误差在 贯通测量中至关重要。

  • High seepage pressure lead to damage zone growth in unfavorable fault zone and even transfixion may be the important reasons which result in bank slope instability .

    高渗透压诱发岸坡不利断层带损伤区扩展,甚至 贯通可能是导致岸坡失稳的重要原因。

  • B-ultrasonic examination and cervical transfixion were the important methods to diagnose and treat the cervical incompetent .

    B超检测与宫颈 是诊治宫颈机能不全的重要方法。

  • The seepage in transfixion and non-transfixion fracture network is analyzed . Based on the analysis the effect of fracture geometry parameter for fracture network equaling to continuum medium is valued . The effect of nonlinear seepage and local water head loss for seepage field is researched .

    贯通 裂隙和非贯通裂隙网络进行渗流分析,据此评价了裂隙几何参数在裂隙网络等效成连续介质时的影响,同时研究了非线性渗流和局部水头损失对渗流场的影响效应。

  • ⑶ The origin of transfixion errors was discussed .

    ⑶讨论了 贯通误差的来源;

  • Application on transfixion needle of disposable infusion apparatus for phacoemulsification

    输液器 瓶盖 穿刺针头在超声乳化白内障手术中的应用

  • Research on the Development Pattern to the Transfixion of Academic and Vocational Education in China Adult Higher Education

    成人高等教育 贯通学历与职业教育的发展模式研究

  • Objective To evaluate the curative effect of curing Bartholin gland cyst or abscess by means of stoma transfixion and fastness drainage .

    目的评估 贯穿造口并固定引流术治疗前庭大腺囊肿(脓肿)的疗效。

  • A new concept of flow transfixion is suggested by analyzing the general features of aquifer .

    利用含水层储能的一般特点,提出流 贯通

  • Research on the Optimization And Error Estimation of the Tunnel Transfixion Survey for High-speed Railway

    高速铁路隧道 贯通测量方案优化与误差预计探讨

  • The heat transfixion will be increased remarkably if the permeability coefficient ratio is too small .

    过小的渗透系数比显著加快系统的热 贯通

  • The influence on lateral error of transfixion in the data process are studied and analyzed in this paper .

    同时也分析了这一数据处理过程对 贯通横向误差的影响。