transfer register

[trænsˈfɚ ˈrɛdʒɪstɚ][trænsˈfə: ˈredʒistə]


  • Transfer the sequence number of hard disk that the local application program reads user 's host computer as user 's uniqueness basis through JNI interface then use RSA encrypt algorithms to realize the user information and encryption which register information are protected and proved .

    通过JNI接口 调用本地应用程序读取用户主机的硬盘序列号作为用户唯一性依据,利用RSA加密算法实现用户信息和 注册信息的加密保护和验证。

  • At the same time put forward my own ideas : students do not transfer registered permanent residence when in school To implement temporary residents to register and ID card system to abolish the restrictions on graduates registered permanent residence and develop the appropriate legal norms .

    与此同时,提出了自己的设想:学生入学不 户口,实行暂住人口 登记和身份证制度,取消毕业生户口限制,制定相应的法律规范。

  • In order to improve the transfer efficiency CCD shift register is designed with buried channel CCD . Reducing the impurity concentration in the buried channel is found to be an effective method of improving the transfer efficiency at the liquid nitrogen operating temperature ( 77K ) .

    为了提高 转移效率,CCD移位 寄存器采用埋沟CCD,并且发现,降低埋沟中的杂质浓度是提高器件在77K液氮工作温度下的转移效率的一种有效方法。

  • The All-Status Pseudo-Random sequence Generator ( ASPRG ) is based on the FSR obtained that through modifying its feedback transfer function its biggest merit is that the shift register states are all used & the greatest length is 2 ~ n.

    全状态伪随机序列发生器( ASPRG)是在FSR的基础上,通过修改其反馈函数而得到,其最大的优点就是利用了移位 寄存器的全部状态,序列最大长度为2n。

  • Pollutant release and transfer register ;

    污染物释放和 转移 登记

  • A domain fault model of Verilog RTL ( Register Transfer Level ) code and the corresponding domain-testing strategies are proposed .

    本文提出了一种VerilogRTL( Register transferlevel)代码域故障模型和相应的测试点生成策略。

  • Study on the legal nature of the ownership transfer registration in private house transaction in town ; closure of books / closure of register

    城镇私房买卖 过户登记的法律性质暂停 办理 过户 登记 手续

  • In another way we develop a compiler in virtue of GCC 's intermediate language RTL ( Register Transfer Language ) but we must rewrite the program of code generation and code optimization .

    此外,我们借助GCC编译过程中产生的中间代码RTL( Register TransferLanguage)文件,重写目标代码生成和优化功能程序,为新的目标机器开发C语言编译器。

  • It also shows the sub-module for each module schematic and RTL ( Register Transfer Level ) level integrated structure in the thesis .

    论文还对每个模块给出了子模块原理图和RTL( Register transferlevel)级综合结构图。

  • China gives weight to the UN Register of Conventional Arms and continues to submit data to the Register on conventional arms transfer in the seven categories covered by the Register .

    中国重视“联合国常规武器登记册”的作用,继续向登记 提供七大类常规武器 转让数据。

  • My father thinks an use housing to buy next property right I give property right transfer ownership when buying similarly hereinafter does flow of this change the name of owner in a register need to pay fee ?

    我父亲想把使用权住房买下产权,在买下同时将产权 过户给我,这个 过户流程需要付费吗?