transfer deed

[trænsˈfɚ did][trænsˈfə: di:d]


  • A transfer of property by deed . Probing into pushing forward Guangdong industry transition 's tax collecting countermeasures

    财产 让渡通过 契约的财产 转移推进广东产业转移转型税收对策探讨

  • ( law ) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance .

    (律)财产 让与 行为

  • Transfer of real property by gift to fraternal orders is easily accomplished merely by the execution and delivery of a deed .

    不动产以馈赠方式 转让给,比如说;教堂和教育机构、或互助团体等,就比较简单,只用合法签署和递交 契据了。