transfer bus

[trænsˈfɚ bʌs][trænsˈfə: bʌs]


  • But you can transfer from this bus to bus No.33 when we get the1st street .

    但是你可以搭这 班车到第一街 乘33路公共汽车。

  • Can I get a transfer to the No.22 bus ?

    我可以 到22路 公共汽车吗?

  • Four problems are found in the case study as following : serious disturbance between pedestrians and traffic flow long transfer distance bus waiting time and large traffic flow density .

    通过现状仿真分析,发现该枢纽存在行人与车流交叉严重、 换乘距离长、 公交车候车时间长、客流密度大等问题。

  • You 'll get off at the square stop and transfer to bus no.17 .

    你在广场下车 换乘17路。

  • Intelligent displacement transfer on field bus

    现场 总线 智能位移 变送器

  • Development of automotive paint should be in synchronism with or in advance of the development of automobile industry is the demands from society and market . Yes when you get on the transfer bus you will only have to pay another 1 yuan .

    汽车涂料与汽车工业同步或超前发展,是时代所期,市场所需。要,当你上了 的代共 汽车时,你只须再付1元。

  • Design of the data transfer bus interface circuit is one of the key technologies in the new imaging logging system developed .

    测井仪器 通信 总线接口电路的设计是新型成像测井系统研制的关键技术之一。

  • Asynchronous First In First Out ( FIFO ) is adopted to synchronize data transfer between APB bus and I2C bus .

    设计中采用了异步先进先出来同步APB 总线和I2C总线之间的数据 交换

  • You can take the subway and then transfer to a bus .

    你可先乘地铁然后 换乘 公共汽车

  • It implements interface transfer between ISA bus and self-defining bus . The aim is to reform the initial test-bed to satisfy the durability test requirements of the newfashioned automobile air-conditioning compressor .

    实现了ISA 总线与试验台中自定义总线的接口 转换功能,目的是改造原有试验台使其满足新型号汽车空调压缩机耐久性试验的要求。

  • When you get on the transfer bus just show the bus driver the ticket stub .

    当你上了 公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。

  • And then transfer to Bus 18 to Hilton Avenue .

    18 到希尔顿大道。

  • The Transfer with Bus System and Counter Measurements of Urban Mass Transit

    城市轨道交通的 公交 换乘问题与对策分析

  • Then you need to transfer to another bus .

    然后你需要 换乘另外一

  • The handle type of Data Transfer Bus for VXI-bus is researched thoroughly and the format of serial data transfer is designed .

    在设计中还深入研究了VXI 总线数据 传输的各种操作类型,制定了串行数据传输的编码格式。

  • The Effect of the Circulating Current on the Operation of the Transfer Bus Bar 's Circuit Breakers and Transmission Lines

    环流对旁 开关带线路运行的影响

  • You 'll have to transfer to bus No.11 at the grand continent hotel .

    你必须在新大陆宾馆 换乘11路

  • You have to transfer to another bus if you want to go to the park .

    如果你想去公园的话,得 另一 公共汽车

  • You can take a No.21 bus and then transfer to No.65 bus at the peace street stop .

    您可以乘21路公共汽车,然后到和平等街站 65路 公共汽车

  • Should I request a transfer from the bus driver ? Sue my plane is being announced .

    我要向 司机换车 吗?苏,飞机要起飞了。

  • You can transfer the No.4 bus at Gongzhufen stop and then you can get Xidan very soon .

    你可以在公主坟站 乘4路 汽车,然后很快就可以到西单了。

  • First the thorough analysis on VME bus interface is carried out : the operation principle and mechanism of the data transfer bus and priority interrupt bus providing the foundation for VME interface logic design .

    首先,对VME总线接口进行了深入分析,包括数据 传输 总线和优先级中断总线的操作原理与运行机制,为VME接口逻辑设计提供了基础。

  • He likes to transfer from the bus to the Blue Line at 103rd Street in Watts

    他喜欢在 华兹区第103大街下 公交车地铁蓝线。

  • Further more the paper presents a path-planning algorithm based on mixed transportation network comprised by urban road network and public transportation network realizing automatic transfer among bus subway taxi and so on .

    考虑到实际需要,进一步提出了一种基于城市道路网络和公共交通网络的混合网络路径分析算法,实现了多类型交通系统中的自动 换乘查询分析功能。

  • Where can I transfer to a bus for market street ?

    去商业街要在哪里 换车

  • Are advised to catch the Swindon train and then transfer to Bus 18 to Hilton Avenue .

    换乘开往斯文顿的列车, 18 到希尔顿大道。

  • The algorithm was described based on the principles of low power transfer and bus encoding and then its implementation structures on address and read / write data lines were given .

    描述了低功耗 传输 总线编码的算法原理,以及在地址线、读/写数据线上的实现结构。

  • By only considering the travel time choice of metro transfer probability is greater than the probability of transfer bus .

    在只考虑出行时耗的情况下,选择换乘地铁的概率大于 换乘 常规 公交的概率。

  • After a brief rest when they once more had the strength to return to the bus and suffer the bus driver said that the bus 's engine had broken down and they would have to transfer to another bus .


  • Transfer from a bus to a taxi

    公共汽车 换乘出租汽车