transfusion cells

[医] 转输细胞

  • In all patients the reconstitution of hematopoiesis after pre conditioning and transfusion of purged marrow cells was observed .

    骨髓 细胞悬液中检测不出残留DBP。净化 骨髓 给放、化疗预处理后病人,骨髓造血全部重建。

  • Objective : To observe the effect of autologous peripheral blood stem cells transplantation ( APBSCT ) on neutropenia and thrombocytopenia when tandem transfusion of stem cells is given .

    目的:观察两次干 细胞 注在自体外周血干细胞移植( APBSCT)中对中性粒细胞及血小板减少的影响,观察其对患者并发感染和出血的影响。

  • Clinical Transfusion Concentrate Granulocytes ( Leukocytes ) Cells

    临床 浓缩白(粒) 细胞

  • Transfusion of partially HLA-matched irradiated allogeneic blood mononuclear cells for advanced renal-cell carcinoma

    经照射的HLA部分相合的异基因单个核 细胞治疗晚期肾细胞癌

  • Results The transfusion reaction rate before white blood cells filtered out was 0.6 % and that after white blood cells filtered out was 0.16 % .

    结果滤除白 细胞前的 输血反应率为0.6%,滤除白细胞后的输血 反应率为0.16%。

  • The transfusion of 5 × 106-5 × 107 spleen cells may be adequate to establish the murine model of GVHD for the prevention and treatment of GVHD . The number of murine spleen cells can be chosen according to the experimental requirement .

    结论:成功地建立了异基因骨髓移植小鼠GVHD模型,输入5× 106~5×107个供鼠脾 细胞均适用于小鼠GVHD防治的研究,可以根据实验需要选择供鼠脾细胞的数量。

  • Tranfusion tissue is present in the leaf of yew . It is composed of three sorts of cells : transfusion tracheids transfusion parenchyma cells and albuminous cells .

    在红豆杉的叶子中存在传输组织,它由传输细胞、 薄壁组织 细胞和蛋白细胞组成。

  • On the 4th day after transfusion erythroid and myeloid cells were to be labelled .

    移植后4天、幼红及幼粒 细胞开始标记。

  • Objective To observe the reaction occurring ratio after the blood transfusion of reheated suspension Red Blood Cells ( RBCs ) .

    目的:观察复温后的悬浮红 细胞 输血反应发生率。

  • How to find a balancing point between curative effects and side effects is a big problem in bladder transfusion chemotherapy that not only can maximally kill tumor cells but also decrease side effects to the minimum .

    如何在疗效和毒副作用间寻找平衡点,既能最大限度地杀伤肿瘤 细胞,又能将毒副作用减少到最低程度是膀胱肿瘤 灌注化疗上的难题。

  • Method : Selected a best exchange transfusion model in rats through the test of blood routine blood gas hemorheology and the check of pathology to compare the changes on these indexes above after artificial red blood cells .

    方法:选择较佳 换血方式,进行大鼠 换血实验,通过血常规、血气、血液流变学及病理学检测,比较人工红 细胞 前后上述指标的变化。

  • Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation with tandem transfusion of stem cells in treating hematological malignant disease-A report of 4 cases

    两次 自体干 细胞移植治疗血液肿瘤4例报告

  • Objective To investigate the variations of HCV core and E2 region epitopes during transfusion of activated immune cells .

    目的观察免疫活性 细胞 前后慢性丙型肝炎患者外周 丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)滴度及C区和E2区CTL表位的变化情况。

  • Transfusion of activated immune cells induced fluctuations of HCV titer without mutations in hepatitis C virus core and E2 region CTL epitopes

    免疫活性 细胞 前后HCV滴度及C区和E2区CTL表位变化

  • Conclusions Blood transfusion with white blood cells filtered out may reduce the occurrence of transfusion reaction and the adverse reaction in blood transfusion caused by white blood cells may be reduced to the lowest degree .

    结论运用去除白 细胞 输血 疗法,可减少输血反应的发生,使白细胞引起的输血不良反应降至最低限度。

  • Observation of the therapeutic effect of leukemia after chemotherapy and aplastic anaemia with marrow transfusion of fetal liver cells

    胎肝 细胞髓内 对再障及化疗后血细胞抑制的疗效观察

  • Decreasing Transfusion Reaction by Filtering out White Blood Cells

    滤除白 细胞对降低 输血反应的 临床 意义

  • Objective w_1968 Allogeneic blood transfusion will lead to changes in immune status which in the literatures of clinical blood transfusion study is termed transfusion-associated immunomodulation ( TRIM ) . The natural killer cells ( NK cells ) is an important element in transfusion-related immunomodulation .

    目的意义:同种异基因的血液输注会导致受血 免疫状态发生改变,这在临床 输血学文献资料中被称为输血相关性免疫调节(transfusion-associated immunomodulation,TRIM)。

  • For a procedure a transfusion of white blood cells .

    去进行了白 细胞 输液 治疗

  • Experiment Studies on Effect of the Exchange Transfusion Models for Artificial Red Blood Cells in Animals

    人工红 细胞微囊 血红蛋白)对动物 换血实验的作用研究

  • GVHD model was established by transfusion of the splenocytes of eGFP transgeneic C57BL / 6 mice together with born marrow cells harvested from C57BL / 6 mice into BALB / c mice underwent 8.0 Gy total body irradiation .

    将C57BL/6的骨髓 细胞和转基因荧光C57BL/6小鼠的脾淋巴细胞输入经 8Gy全身照射的BALB/c小鼠,建立eGFP标记供体淋巴细胞的GVHD小鼠模型;

  • The results suggest that transfusion of hepatitis B virus antigen specific T cells have effects in some extent for treating chronic hepatitis B.

    表明 特异性T 细胞治疗慢性乙型肝炎有一定疗效,远期疗效在观察中。

  • Investigation of Transfusion in Transfusing Suspension Red Blood Cells after Blood Warming

    悬浮红 细胞复温后 输血 反应调查