transfer day

[trænsˈfɚ de][trænsˈfə: dei]


  • Why not skip that Starbucks stop and set up an automated transfer to put $ 5 / day into your savings account instead ?

    为什么不放弃星巴克,改为 每天往自己的账户 自动 转入5美元呢?

  • Results : The levels of plasma RA and plasma ANG II in peripheral blood were higher on the day of retrieving ova and embryo transfer than on the day of injecting hCG ;

    结果:取卵日和 移植日血RA、ANGII明显高于hCG注射

  • It mainly controls the dilution of original chemical and the transfer to the Day Tank . A preparing process of petrolic residuum binder using local raw material is introduced briefly in this paper .

    主要控制将原化学试剂稀释并 移入 箱的过程。本文简要阐述了试制渣油粘结剂的过程。

  • Earlier Greece began the transfer of 750m in debt interest to the International Monetary Fund - a day ahead of a payment deadline .

    早些时候,希腊提前一 开始向国际货币基金组织支付 7.5亿欧元的债务利息。

  • The data transfer experiments are made at five periods of time in one day . The error code rate is zero when collected ECG is compared with that received by remote ECG server and the transfer speed is from 12.5 kb / s to 35 kb / s.

    在1 内5个不同时段进行数据 传输实验,比较采集的心电信号与远程服务器接收的信号,误码率为零,传输速度为12.5~35kb/s。

  • As per agency agreement transfer fund of bank bill issued to the principal bank on the day of issuance or on the morning of next business day at latest ;

    按照协议的规定 签发的银行 汇票资金于 当日至迟次日上午向被代理行 存;

  • Along with capital market 's development the stockholder 's rights transfer behavior is day by day frequent transfers in the process the tax payment preparation to cause widely takes seriously .

    随着资本市场的发展,股权 转让行动 日益频繁,转让进程中的纳税谋划已引起普遍器重。

  • More and more investor is it buy with gambling different financial item to go to transfer one 's own savings to want the index that the head wants to beat constantly from head to foot in a whole day too is always the more cumbersome .

    越来越多的投资人就非要 自己的积蓄转而去买跟赌博没两样的金融商品,脑袋也就一 整天想著上下不断跳动的指数,越老越笨。

  • Investors must transfer shares they wish to sell to their custodian bank or broker before the start of the trading day so that the stock exchange can verify that the seller owns the asset .

    投资者必须在交易 开始之前,将想要出售的股票 转移至托管银行或券商,以便交易所证实这些股票确实为出售者所有。

  • It mainly controls the transfer of the chemical from the Drum Container to the Day Tank .

    主要控制 化工试剂从桶形容器移至 箱的过程。

  • Parthenogenetic embryos and nuclear transfer embryos were evaluated for the numbers of 5-8 cells stage on Day 2 .

    激活第2 统计孤雌胚及核 移植胚中的5-8细胞胚胎数。

  • The Club agreed a record transfer fee with Newcastle earlier in the day for the transfer of the England international striker .

    不久之前,两家俱乐部就这名英国脚-创纪录的 转会达成一致。

  • Get the following conclusions : ( 1 ) This dissertation used Domestic and International Benefit Transfer to evaluate the recreational values of Dalian Xinghai Park get the consumer surplus per person per day respectively 530.47 yuan and 338.49 yuan .

    研究得到如下结论:(1)本文分别利用国内和国际非市场价值评价研究数据库,通过效益 转移方法核算大连星海公园的游憩价值,得到每人 每天的消费者剩余分别为530.47元和338.49元。

  • Also although they are highly sophisticated investors they are not in a position to transfer large numbers of staff to a new acquisition monitor the performance regulate its activities sign off the annual reports and do all the day - to-day micro managing required .

    而且,虽然他们都是非常老练的投资者,但他们并不能 新收购的企业派出大量员工、监控其经营、管理其行为、停止发布年报,并事无巨细地掌控所有 日常微观管理。

  • The Barclays Premier League champions had a bid for the26-year-old rejected last week with Torres handing in a transfer request the day after .

    上周英超联赛冠军对这位26岁西班牙前锋的报价遭到了利物浦的拒绝,而之后 托雷斯书面提交了 转会申请。

  • Gallas left Stamford Bridge on transfer deadline day as part of the deal that took Ashley Cole to Chelsea .

    加拉在 转会截止 当天离开了斯坦福桥,作为把阿什利科尔带到切尔西的交易的一部分。

  • Minister is going to transfer every day boring we have been called in front so throw away the morning to the Minister ;

    快要 调职的部长 每天都无聊,对着我们一直叫,所以早上起来把部长扔掉;

  • Tax official : you can transfer the foreign currency into Reminbi at exchange rate based upon either the date or the first day of the month that the Taxable item happened .

    税务局:按收入当日或 当月的汇率换算。

  • Through the simulation of three kinds of collector-storage wall structure patterns it is found that coupled heat transfer pattern gains more heat in the day .

    比较了不同集热蓄热墙体结构的热性能,发现耦合 传热的墙体形式在 白天的得热量最大;

  • Besides this that junk mails transfer over internet day and night causes mail server congested decreases overall availability of internet and brings great loss to mail service providers .

    此外,这些垃圾邮件在互联网上不分 昼夜的大量 传输造成了邮件服务器拥塞,降低了整个网络的运行效率,给邮件服务提供商们带来了很大的损失。

  • Nowadays the perspectives of knowledge transfer are increasing and the research methods changed each passing day .

    当前知识 传导的研究视角日益增多,方法也 日新月异

  • Since implementing the paid transfer of the use of state-run land right the real estate trade market of our country is developing day by day .

    自从实行国有土地使用权有偿 转让以来,我国的不动产交易市场 日益发达。

  • In case of approval of the transfer the transfer contract shall take effect as of the day of approval .

    批准转让的, 转让合同自批准之 起生效。

  • The average flux of energy transfer from ground surface to the air of a day of Tibetan Plateau in summer 1998 ; the Summer Solstice and midwinter 2000 are calculated .

    用该方法对青藏高原1998年夏天、2000年夏至和冬至晴空条件下地面向大气的 输送平均通量进行了计算。

  • Calculates and checks the heat transfer and condensation prevention in the day and night under different conditions .

    分别对 白天和夜间不同工况的 传热计算和防结露计算进行了校核。