

[医] 横的,横肌

  • Aim : To study The therapeutic methods of processus transversus syndrome of the third lumbar vertebrae .

    目的:探索第三腰椎横 综合征的临床治疗。

  • The superficial layer of compact collagen fibres directly attached to and wraped up nasalis transversus and procerus and it was named the nasalis-procerus aponeurosis ;

    我们认为,浅层致密胶原纤维,与鼻肌 和降眉间肌呈包裹关系,为鼻肌&降眉间肌腱膜;

  • Effect of local injection on cervical 2 processus transversus combined with super-laser irradiation for patients with cervicogenic headache

    颈2横 局部注射配合直线偏振光近红外线治疗颈源性头痛的疗效观察

  • In present study 125 sides of the inguinal regions in the chinese adults were used for the anatomical observation and measuring on the internal oblique muscle the transversus abdominis muscle the transversus abdominis aponeurosis layers and iliopubic tract .

    在125侧成人腹股沟区标本上,解剖观察并测量了腹内斜肌、腹 横肌、腹横肌腱膜筋膜层和髂耻束。

  • The percentage that transversus abdominis originates from iliopubic was 10.7 % .


  • Analgesic efficacy of transversus abdominis plane block after cesarean section

    横肌平面阻滞 用于剖宫产术后镇痛

  • The labial tubercle was not damaged . The percentage that transversus abdominis originates from iliopubic was 10.7 % .

    本方法不破坏结节组织。 横肌起于髂耻束者占10.7%。

  • Clinical application of brachial plexus block by C5 processus transversus approach undergoing shoulder surgery

    颈5横 突入路臂丛神经阻滞在肩部手术中的临床应用

  • The medial part of posterior inguinal floor was constituted by a consistent structure transversus abdominis aponeurosis and fascial layers with which the iliopubic tract can be sutured together to reinforce the posterior inguinal floor for the repair of inguinal hernia .

    腹股沟管后壁的内侧部分由腹 肌腱 筋膜层构成,疝修补时可采用此层的坚实部分与髂 束缝合,以加强腹股沟管后壁。

  • Step 1 the space between pararenal fat and transversus abdominis and diaphragmatic muscle was enlarged ;

    第1步,游离肾旁脂肪 横肌 、膈肌 之间的间隙,扩大后腹腔肾

  • Treating Third Lumbar Vertebra Processus Transversus Syndrome with Small Needle Knife Combined Cycloversion-replacement Manoeuvre

    小针刀加手法治疗第三腰椎横 综合症

  • I think you mean to activate the transversus abdominis ie corset muscles .

    我想你的意思是激活 横肌,即紧身衣肌肉。

  • All the left coronary sinus is close to the sinus transversus pericardii .


  • Results There were 2 cases of situs transversus 1 case with gallbladder under right posterior lobe of liver 2 under left lateral lobe of liver and 16 in the liver .

    内脏 ,胆囊位于左肝下2例;肝左外叶胆囊2例;

  • Result : The important structures from outside to inside using lateral puncture were medium structures of lumbodorsal fascia ( obliquus externus abdominis obliquus internus abdominis transversus abdominis lumbar quadrate muscle ) deep lamella of lumbodorsal fascia greater psoas muscle intervertebra foramina and vertebral canal .

    结果:侧路穿刺路径由浅入深的主要结构有腰背筋膜中层结构(腹外斜肌、腹内斜肌、 横肌、腰方肌)、腰背筋膜深层、腰大肌、椎间孔和椎管。

  • 18 patients with vertebrobasilar transient ischemic vertigo ( VBTIV ) were examined with CT scantling for the transversus processus foramina of vertebrae cervical and increasing stimulus rate auditory brainstem response ( ISRABR ) . The results showed the positive rates of the two methods were consistent .

    应用颈椎 突孔CT扫描和高刺激率ABR测试,检查18例椎基底动脉缺血性眩晕( VBTIV)患者,结果发现两种检查方法的阳性率是一致的(72.2%。83.3%,P>0.05)。

  • Transversus Abdominis Plane Block : How Safe is it ?
