
[trænsˈvɛsˌtaɪt, trænz-][trænzˈvestaɪt]



  • His youngest son Gregory a tortured transvestite who eventually changed sex once called his father a gin-soaked monster .

    他的小儿子格雷戈里&饱受煎熬的 异性模仿者,最终变性,曾说他的父亲是“泡在松子酒缸里的怪兽”。

  • Sheldon : 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition ?

    那个重200磅 皮肤病的 变装

  • Leonard : When the transvestite lived here you didn 't care how he kept the place .

    易装 住在这儿的时候,你就不计较他怎么糟蹋这的。

  • Investigation on lifestyles and relative behaviors of transvestite men who have commercial sex with men about AIDS prevention in Kunming City

    昆明 男性 工作者艾滋病防治相关行为及生活调查

  • Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation homosexual or transvestite .

    考古学家因此推断他的性取向和 常人不同。

  • Izzard 's prominence has increased in the US after roles in TV series The Riches and2008 thriller Valkyrie-but he admits the country has yet to acknowledge him as a transvestite .

    在出演了电视剧《富贵浮云》和2008年的惊悚片《刺杀希特勒》之后,伊扎德在美国的人气大涨,但他坦称,美国影迷还没有接受他是 这一 事实

  • I am a woman in a long-term relationship with a man who came out as a transvestite about two years ago ;

    我是一个女人,和一个男人长期 保持 密切关系,大约在两年前,发现他是 变装

  • She dates her transvestite manager ?

    听说她和她的 易装 老板约会?

  • The transvestite toilet has three cubicles and was introduced last month .

    这种厕所分为 三小间,于上个月 建成

  • Robert Pattinson the British actor who plays a vampire with superhuman strength and speed in the Twilight series of films has admitted he looks like a transvestite in the role .

    系列电影中饰演具有超人力量和速度的吸血鬼的英国男演员罗伯特•帕丁森日前坦 自己在 剧中看起来像个

  • The sign on the door combines both the male and female icons found on ordinary toilet doors and the Thai word bandoh meaning transvestite .

    门上的标志既有普通的女厕所特征又有常用的男厕所特征,并且用泰语写着“ ”( bandoh)。

  • Stranger : Uh Transvestite from Canada .

    陌生人:嗯 来自加拿大。