transaction code

[trænˈsækʃən kod][trænˈzækʃən kəud]


  • Data cleaning is a distinction between the type of transaction under the transaction code and the results stored in the database .

    数据清理是对根据 交易 区分交易类型,并将结果存入数据库。

  • The transaction code of each module is written by Python language which is not written by hand but is automatically generated by a drawn flow graphic .

    各个模块中的 交易 代码由Python语言进行编写, 代码编写工作不需要手工完成,而是以绘制好的 交易流程图自动生成 交易 代码

  • You can indicate the level of transaction support on a page by placing the directive in your code .

    可以通过在 代码中放置指令来指示页上的 事务支持级别。

  • In most cases programmatic transactions are required in the client layer meaning that you must programmatically obtain a transaction manager and code the begin commit and rollback logic .

    在大多数情况下,客户端层需要程序化的事务,这表示您必须通过编程获取 事务管理程序,并 编写开始、提交和回滚逻辑。

  • If you deploy the flow without having set Coordinated Transaction the Java code validation with throw a user exception and cause any message input to be rejected

    如果在未设置Coordinated Transaction的情况下部署流,Java 代码验证将引发用户异常,并导致拒绝所有消息输入

  • Transaction demarcation code is embedded inside the DAO class .

    事务界定 代码嵌入在DAO类中。

  • If one was created the transaction was performed with XA coordination because the Java code performs validation of the setup by ensuring that a local rollback is rejected .

    如果创建了新行,将使用XA协调执行 事务,因为Java 代码将通过确保拒绝本地回滚来执行设置的验证。

  • It is called reservation of ownership in civil law but it is called purchase money security transaction in the United States Uniform Commercial Code . The reason is that they hold different concept .

    在大陆法系被称为所有权保留 买卖 交易形式在美国《统一商 法典 中却称为购买价金担保 交易,究其原因,在于所持理念的不同。

  • All of these entities interact with the transaction manager so that your application code doesn 't have to .

    所有这些实体都与 事务管理器进行交互,于是应用程序 代码就不必与之交互了。

  • Let 's consider a simple use case of a web service look-up of a description given the transaction type code and submission type for a ten-print electronic submission .

    下面,我们来看一个描述的web服务查询的简单用例,假设一个十印电子提交的 事务类型和提交类型已 指定

  • Naturally routing of this type will have a performance impact and you may be forced to route the transaction to the correct member by implementing code in your application .

    显然,这种路由会影响性能,您可能被迫通过在应用程序中实现 代码来将 事务路由给正确的成员。

  • Without it the @ Transactional annotation is ignored resulting in no transaction being used in your code .

    如果没有它,就会忽略@Transactional注释,导致 代码不会使用任何 事务

  • In this case your transaction demarcation code is intermixed with code that implements the business logic .

    在这种情况下, 事务界定 代码与实现业务逻辑的代码混杂在一起。

  • The first option requires that you use the Java Transaction API ( JTA ) to write explicit code for each transaction 's begin commit and rollback operations .

    第一个选项要求您使用Java 事务API(JTA),显式地为每个事务的begin、commit和rollback操作编写 代码

  • Test for specific conditions before starting or committing a transaction or before executing specific lines of code .

    在开始或提交 事务之前,或者在执行特定 代码行之前测试指定条件。

  • Forced Transaction Criminal Code of 1997 new charges this crime was established to safeguard the socialist market economic order improve and protect the socialist economic order .

    强迫 交易罪是1997年 刑法 新设的罪名,本罪的设立是为了维护社会主义市场经济秩序、完善和保护社会主义经济秩序。

  • The ambient transaction is the transaction your code executes in .

    环境事务是在其中执行您的 代码 事务

  • For example if you have a transaction you can make sure that your code always brackets transactional code with the appropriate function calls .

    例如,若要处理一项 事务,采用闭包后,您就能确保事务 代码总能由适当的函数调用界定。

  • Even the typical model laws like Unified Electronic Transaction Code of the United States and Model Electronic Commerce Law by the United Nations International Trade Law Committee have not provided the definition of EC contracts .

    较为典型的美国《统一电子 交易 和联合国国际贸易法委员会制定的《电子商务示范法》也没有对电子商务合同进行定义。

  • This is a normal occurrence for a transaction and your code should catch and process such exceptions .

    这对 事务来说是正常的现象,您的 代码应该捕获和处理这样的异常。

  • Understanding how the application is performing on each tier and for each class of transaction or where latency exists in the code is crucial .

    了解应用程序在各个层次上的性能以及如何处理每类 事务或存在延迟的 地方,这是至关重要的一个方面。

  • For application where plain JCR code is required the JCR module allows the transparent use of a transaction driven session with code that uses the JCR API directly .

    对于要求普通JCR代码的应用程序,JCR模块允许用直接使用JCRAPI的 代码,透明地使用 事务驱动会话。

  • It is through a transaction commit that the SQL code is generated and the database affected by the desired action ( that is insert update delete ) .

    这通过一个 事务提交完成,其中会生成SQL 代码,数据库会执行需要的操作(即插入、更新、删除)。

  • Next to the domestic and world contrastive method of non-monetary assets transaction code and relevant concepts for comparative analysis find our fair value of non-monetary assets related concepts exist problems and the insufficiency and aiming at these problems puts forward some suggestions .

    其次采用国内外对比的方法对非货币性资产 交换 准则以及相关概念进行比较分析,从中找出我国非货币性资产交换公允价值相关概念存在的问题和不足,并针对这些问题提出改进建议。

  • Note that the transaction module was not used in the code fragment above ; we imported it because the examples below will be using it .

    请注意,上面的 代码片段没有使用“ transaction”模块;我们导入它是因为下面的示例将使用到它。

  • The ABAP function module DDUT_TEXTTABLE_GET tells you the corresponding text table for each check table ( run it using the SE37 transaction code in SAP ) .

    ABAP功能模块DDUTTEXTTABLEGET告诉您每个检查表的相应文本表(在SAP上使用SE37 交易 代码来运行它)。

  • If you choose the latter approach transaction demarcation code will be external to the DAO class .

    如果选择后一种方式,那么 事务界定 代码就是在DAO类外面。

  • We discussed how template inheritance can be used to add behaviors ( like starting and committing a global transaction ) transparently to the servlet code .

    我们讨论了如何使用模板继承来向servlet 代码透明的添加行为(比如启动和提交全局 事务)。

  • You only need to specify the transaction attributes ( no rollback code or rollback directives !) .

    您只需要指定 事务属性(没有回滚 代码或回滚指令!)