transaction center


  • In September 2003 the Zhuhai property right transaction center is determined by the Guangdong Provincial government for Guangdong one of three region property right transaction organizations .

    2003年9月,珠海市产权 交易 中心被广东省政府确定为广东省三个区域产权交易机构之一。

  • This aspect research has started in inland in recent years in the electricity generation market the long-term contract is the together choice when both of the company and transaction center pursue the benefit and dodge the risk .

    国内已开始这方面的研究,近年来在发电市场中,长期合约是发电公司与 交易 中心双方追求效益、规避风险的共同选择。

  • From debating of transaction costs to forming the contract theory of new institutional economics on the base of transaction costs analysis is the center of this article .

    从交易成本的争议入手过渡到新制度经济学建立在 交易成本分析基础之上的企业的契约理论的形成是本文的 核心

  • The third part elaborated the Zhuhai property right transaction center informationization demand analysis .

    第三部分阐述了珠海市产权 交易 中心的信息化需求分析。

  • In order to win competition advantage enterprises must convert their marketing focus from transaction to relationship and regard customer as the real center .

    为获得竞争优势,企业的营销理念必须真正转到以顾客为 中心上来,重视建立和 维护 顾客之间的关系。

  • The transaction function of bank counters is weakening turning into sales center for financial products .

    银行网点的 交易功能不断弱化,而变成金融产品的销售 中心

  • To learn more about the web services transaction support see the Information Center .

    要进一步了解web服务 事务支持,请参阅信息 中心

  • Enters the arena unceasingly along with the Zhuhai public resource marketability disposition project and the Yuexi regionalizing state-owned property right market unceasing development the Zhuhai property right transaction center service unceasing development the service type increases unceasingly service quantity also year by year increases progressively .

    随着珠海市公共资源市场化配置项目不断进场及粤西区域化国有产权市场的不断拓展,珠海市产权 交易 中心业务的不断发展,业务种类不断增加,业务数量也逐年递增。

  • The system based on three-tier architecture adopts XML technique for data transfers and transaction between management system and other call centers and implements many management function such as business transaction call center 's network and operation supervision .

    该系统采用3层体系结构,并采用XML技术进行数据传输及处理,实现了各呼叫中心之间的业务 协调 处理、呼叫 中心的网络监管、运营监管等功能。

  • To build Shanghai international shipping center into a synthesis of transaction center information center logistical center it needs shipping industrial cluster to promote .

    上海国际航运中心要建设成为集航运 交易 市场、航运信息中心和物流中心于一体的综合体系,必须依靠航运产业集群的推动;

  • The software design of the video surveillance server is based on modular theory which can be divided into three modules : transaction center database module and local display module .

    采用模块化的设计思想将视频监控服务器分为3个模块: 事务 中心模块、数据库模块和本地视频显示模块。

  • Says from the structure The Location-aware system may divide into following five parts : system control center transaction processing center communication environment orientation system and location system .

    从结构上来讲,定位感知系统可以分为以下五个部分:系统控制中心、 事务处理 中心、通信环境、定位系统和位置系统。

  • It 's a multi-agent security audit system . These different agents implement audit tasks on different layers . Data classification and transaction association analysis are implemented in audit center .

    它是一种多代理的安全审计系统,这些代理分别专注于不同层面的安全审计,然后在审计 中心实现了数据分类与 关联分析。

  • In power generation market long-term contract is one of the common and important choices of power generation company and transaction center to pursue benefits and evade risks .

    发电市场中,长期合约是发电公司与 交易 中心双方追求效益、规避风险的共同选择。

  • ( Refer to the Failed Transaction ( ATS and RIS ) Files topic in the IDS Information Center for more details . )

    (参阅IDS信息 中心中的失败的 事务(ATS和RIS)文件主题了解更多细节。)

  • The database replication products do nothing to synchronize your WebSphere transaction logs and will leave you with a disaster data center with inconsistent state .

    数据库复制产品并不进行任何工作来同步WebSphere 事务日志,将会导致灾难数据 中心处于不一致状态。

  • The database module stores the whole data of the system and provides reading and writing access interface to the transaction center .

    数据库模块存储整个监控系统的数据,并提供读写访问接口给 事务 中心

  • This paper proposes the architecture of testing system for robustness-testing BGP . The architecture fits the testing method of remote transaction with center controller and the testing technology of invasion fault injector based on execution .

    为此提出了一种适用于BGP健壮性测试的方法&具有 中心控制的远程 横断测试方法,然后利用基于执行的软硬件结合入侵式错误注入技术,提出了健壮性测试系统的体系结构。

  • This scenario includes data such as customer transaction data preferences purchasing history demographic information survey data customer call center notes and recordings and so on .

    这个场景包括各种数据,比如客户 交易数据、偏好、购买历史、人口信息、问卷调查数据和客户呼叫 中心记录等。

  • During the Northern and Southern Song Dynasty with the transaction of the center of economy from North to South the national conflict happened frequently in Southwest China .

    两宋时期,在经济 重心 南移的大背景下,西南地区的民族冲突频繁发生。

  • System is logically divided into the new terminal platform subsystems communication subsystems front the core transaction processing center bulk handling systems and other subsystems .

    系统在逻辑上划分为新终端平台子系统、通讯前置子系统、核心 交易处理 中心、批量处理系统和其它子系统。

  • Transaction scheduling system is affair schedule center and the aim of transaction scheduling is to ensure real-time credibility of data in the real-time database and the reliability of run for DCS .

    调度系统是事务调度 中心,事务调度目的在于保证实时数据库中数据的实时有效性,从而保证DCS系统可靠的运行。

  • Document centralized system is a international transaction accounting system of national commercial banks based on the thoughts from the document center .

    单证中心系统是根据银行业务大 集中思想进行设计的新型国有商业银行国际 结算系统。

  • A new information resource conformity system structure is proposed based on the analysis of the former information Resource Conformity method according to adding to the pre-processor between transaction system and data center .

    在分析原有信息资源整合方式的基础上,通过在 业务系统与数据 中心间增加前置机,对以往的数据 中心模式进行改进,提出一种更适应政府需求的信息资源整合系统架构。

  • Methods of GIS statistical and econometric were employed with the actual transaction data of land price in Kunming from 2001-2005 . The results indicate that land price decreases from city center to outskirt along with obvious spatial variability .

    研究方法:采用昆明市2001&2005年的实际 交易地价数据,运用GIS空间分析和计量经济学模型。研究结果:随距 市中心距离增加,地价呈逐步衰减的趋势,但有明显的空间变异性和方位差异。

  • Registration is confirmed only after the credit card transaction approved by the card center .

    1信用卡 付款须在信用卡 中心批核后,登记方可作实。

  • ' She told me she came here to avoid possible loss in the property transaction and I could say nothing ' the paper said citing an official at the center .

    报纸援引登记 中心的一位工作人员的话说,这名孕妇告诉我她来办离婚是为了避免在房产 交易中受到损失,我不知道说什么才好。

  • Since it is very inconvenient for customer to settle each transaction in each business subsystem we proposed settlement center which provided customers a one-stop settlement service to solve this problem .

    为了避免每 物流服务都需要单独 结算给客户带来的不便,我们引入了结算 中心来解决此问题,为客户提供一站式的结算服务。