train ferry

[tren ˈfɛri][trein ˈferi]


  • In accordance with the specialities of the train ferry the paper explores in detail the longitudinal section design of its trestle bridge .

    本文针对 铁路 轮渡的特点,对其栈桥的纵断面设计作了详细的探讨。

  • The Idea and Evaluation of General Design for Train Ferry on Qiongzhou Straits and Review

    琼州海峡 铁路 轮渡系统总体设计理念及评析

  • The electric propulsion for train ferry is the first of its kind in china .

    烟大 铁路 轮渡 项目是我国 沿海 铁路 通道的重要组成部分。

  • The modern train ferry is a comprehensive ship .

    现代 海上 火车 渡船是一种综合性船舶。

  • The air volume ventilation layout noise fire fighting of cargo hold for Yanda Train Ferry are studied and the high & low CO_2 system is compared in this article .

    介绍了烟大 铁路 轮渡 渡船货舱区域的通风风量、风管布置、噪音、消防配置的设计,并对高低压二氧化碳系统进行了比较。

  • Hydraulic System Design of Movable Vehicle and Passenger Approach Bridges in Qiongzhou Strait train ferry Port Engineering

    琼州海峡 铁路 轮渡港口工程中汽车和旅客活动栈桥液压系统设计

  • Exploration on longitudinal - Section Design of trestle bridge for railway train ferry

    铁路 轮渡纵断面设计探讨

  • The development of the train ferry engineering in our railways is rather slow and there are no relative systematical stipulations in the Design Code .

    铁路 轮渡工程在我国发展比较缓慢,在设计规范中还没有有关的系统的规定。

  • Train Ferry for the Qiongzhou Channel

    琼州海峡 火车 渡船

  • More attentions should be given to train ferry in making criteria research key problems cultivate ( essential ) technical personals and form complete technology so that train ferry would be one of the components of railway technologies .

    应给以 铁路 轮渡足够的重视,制定相应规范,研究关键问题,培养必要人才,形成成套技术,使之成为我国铁路技术体系的组成部分。

  • Structural design of the Yantai-Dalian train ferry

    烟大 铁路 轮渡 渡船的船体结构设计

  • Research purposes : According to the files from the process of pre-study design building and operation for train ferry on Qiongzhou Straits this paper summarizes the thinking of system design for train ferry at that time and explores the regular patterns of it from system viewpoint .

    研究目的:根据琼州海峡 铁路 轮渡系统前期研究、设计、建设和运行中有关资料,从系统角度回顾及归纳当时的总体设计思路,探索海上铁路轮渡系统总体设计理念中的有关规律。

  • A train bus ferry etc timetable

    火车、公共汽车、 渡轮等的时刻表

  • We got back to London by train and ferry .

    我们坐 火车 渡轮返回伦敦。

  • Design of hull structure of train ferry for Qiongzhou Strait

    琼州海峡 火车 渡船船体结构简介

  • The train is timed to connect with the ferry .

    火车时刻编排得可与 渡船 运行时刻衔接。

  • This train connects with the cross-channel ferry at dover .

    火车在多佛尔和跨海 渡船相接。

  • The Electric Propulsion System of the Yantai-Dalian Train Ferry

    烟大 铁路 轮渡渡船电力推进系统

  • The anti-rolling tank is one of stabilizing equipments and it fits for ships working at zero speed or low speed such as passenger and train ferry roll-off vessel research and exploration vessel and so on in particular .

    减摇水舱是船舶减横摇装置之一,它适用于经常工作在零航速或低航速的船舶减摇,如 轮渡、滚装船和科学考察船等。

  • Needless to say navigation safety of marine train ferry represents the main focus of the development .

    海上 火车渡轮的航行安全是海上 火车 轮渡 工程的关键问题。

  • The characteristics of fishtailing oscillation of a train ferry moored to a single point in wind and current have been investigated by model test and the eigenvalue analysis of stationary equilibrium state .

    本文用模型试验和静平衡状态的特征值分析调查了单点系泊的船体在风和潮流作用下的 鱼尾状摆动的特性。

  • Study on Navigation Safety of Marine Train Ferry

    海上 火车 渡轮航行安全的研究

  • Modification design of powerplant and ballast system on the train ferry Jiang Su

    江苏号 火车 渡轮动力装置与平衡系统改建设计

  • Research methods : It is a very complicated system inside and outside to the system of train ferry on Qiongzhou Straits .

    研究方法:海上 铁路 轮渡是外部边界和内部组成都比较复杂的系统。

  • Power - Train Matching and Optimization of Electric Vehicles The Electric Propulsion System of the Yantai-Dalian Train Ferry

    电动汽车传动系统的匹配及优化烟大 铁路 轮渡渡船电力推进系统

  • Through the analysis and study for of above two propulsions in terms of reliability redundancy maneuverability advanced performance and economy the third generation of diesel electric propulsion ( i.e. so called pod propulsion ) is to be selected and constructed for the Train Ferry .

    通过对两种推进方式在可靠性、冗余性、机动性、先进性以及经济性方面进行分析与比较后,选用第三代,即 吊舱式柴油机电力推进装置。

  • Calculation of the force exerted on and the deflection of the newly invented flexible railway for train ferry

    火车 渡轮柔性轨道受力变形计算

  • Yantai-Dalian Train Ferry Project is a systematic project integrated with railway ports ferries trestle bridges and marine safety supervision .

    烟大 铁路 轮渡项目是一个集铁路、港口、渡船、栈桥、海上安监于一体的系统工程。