



  • The trance state is caused by deep physical and mental relaxation .


  • He was often in a trance in class .


  • She 's been in a trance all day I think she 's in love .

    她整天 发愣&我看她是 陷入情网了。

  • She went into a hypnotic trance .

    她进入了 催眠 状态

  • She paid no attention to whatever others had said but sat there in a trance .

    她全不理会大家的话,只是坐在那里 发呆

  • The heavy feeling comes over me as I enter trance .

    当我进入 恍惚 状态,我感到全身

  • At some point after entering the trance state you will feel a mild paralysis come over you .

    在进入 恍惚状态之后的某个时刻,你会感到全身的一种轻度的麻痹。

  • She used to go into a trance and talk to the spirits .

    她过去常常进入 催眠 状态,与神灵交谈。

  • His broad warm smile and air of confidence held me in a trance .

    他那坦率、温暖的笑容和自信的模样让我不 发怔

  • Like a man in a trance Blake found his way back to his rooms

    布莱克 神思恍惚地回到了自己的房间。

  • Zhu De pine discovered that this man is in trance therefore loves with him talks .

    朱德松发现这名男子 神情恍惚,于是又热心与他交谈起来。

  • With this Ibrahim departed and soon after awoke from his trance .

    于是易卜拉欣就离开了,不一会儿便从 深度 恍惚中醒过来。

  • It affects every aspect of projection from the relaxation exercise to the trance state and actual projection .

    它影响投射的每个方面,从放松练习到 恍惚状态和实际投射。

  • In a kind of spiritual trance she yielded she gave away and all was dark .

    在某种精神的 迷睡 之中,她屈服了,她让步了。周围一片漆黑。

  • His mother 's voice in the corridor roused him from an angry trance .

    穿过过道时,他母亲的声音将他从愤怒的 失魂落魄中唤醒。

  • Once your level of brain wave activity reaches Alpha you will enter a trance .

    一旦你的脑波活动层次达到阿尔法时你就会进入 恍惚 状态

  • Any sharp noises while in trance feel like a physical blow to the Solar Plexus .

    恍惚 状态中,任何响亮的声音都像对太阳神经丛的一击。

  • He said nothing but sat there as if in a trance .

    他话也不说,坐在那里 发愣

  • They went into a trance to communicate with the spirit world .

    他们进入 出神 状态与灵界交流。

  • She would go into a trance and wail her incantations to the spirits .

    她会神志 恍惚,哀声向幽灵念咒语。

  • He sat staring out of the window as if in a trance dazed and unaware .

    他坐着凝视着窗外,好像处于 恍惚 状态中,茫然的,没有意识。

  • She said nothing but sat there staring blankly . ; She said nothing but sat there as if in a trance .

    她话也不说,坐在那里 发呆

  • He acts as if he 's in a trance & he must have a lot on his mind .

    他的行动似乎很 恍惚他心里肯定有很多事。

  • The old man was in a trance thinking of his past life .

    这位老人回想着自己过去的生活, 神情恍惚

  • Her psychiatrist put her into a deep hypnotic trance .

    她的心理医生使她进入深度 催眠 状态

  • He goes in this trance when he photographs something .

    他一 拿起 相机就什么都 不顾了。

  • Do the relaxation exercises and energy raising until you feel the heavy condition as you enter a light trance .

    进行放松练习和能量提升,直到你感到身体 沉,这时你进入了轻度 恍惚 状态

  • He didn 't answer when I spoke & he seemed to be in a trance .

    我跟他讲话时他没有回答&他似乎在 发呆

  • Installed too full with no air when the gray particles can no longer missing this time into a colorful kaleidoscope spinning trance his eyes .

    装的太满了,没有一点空当,灰色的颗粒再也不见了,此时变成了多彩的万花筒,旋转着, 恍惚了眼睛。