In this paper the layout design of a power transistor for motor drive IC chip has been present and how to reduce the parasitical parameter of layout is described in detail .
通过分析传统大功率 管版图设计的特点,结合分析 双极 型工艺条件下 晶体管寄生 参量产生的原因,设计了一个适用于汽车环境下工作的驱动电机 功率驱动芯片中大 功率 输出 管的版图。
For accurate SPICE circuit simulation it is important to obtain applicable transistor parameters . There are three major methods for modeling parameter extraction i.
采用SPICE进行电路模拟时,获取适用的 晶体管模型 参数是非常重要的,它将直接影响电路模拟的精度。
In this paper the integral circuit of basic bipolar transistor differential amplifier is analyzed by means of small-signal hybrid parameter equivalent circuit . The analysis is different from those presented in refereces ( 1 ~ 5 ) .
本文利用h 参数微变等效电路法对双极型 晶体管差动放大器的整体电路进行了分析,这种分析不同于文献(1~5)中的分析。
On transistor switch parameter auto - Test Set
晶体管开关 参数自动测试系统
This paper draws high frepuency small signal models from the structural features of the transistor and discusses its Y parameter equivalent circuit and finds the quantitative relations between the parameters of various circuit models .
由 晶体管的结构特点,引出其高频小信号模型,并进一步分析 晶体管的丫 参数等效电路,导出不同电路模型中电路参数之间的数量关系。
Analyze the frequency shift of the oscillator which caused by the circuit elements or the transistor parameters and the relationship between the parameter and the frequency drift .
分析石英振荡器因电路元件或 晶体管参量变化所引起的频率变化,就 参量 变化与频率漂移彼此之间的关系作了计算。
The factors of MOS transistor in the saturation region are analyzed the mismatch models are optimized and the model parameter extraction is done by least squares curve fitting method .
通过分析MOS 管在饱和区失配因素,优化MOS管失配模型,提出用最小二乘曲线拟合法进行相关模型 参数提取。
Using the internal relations among the transistor small signal parameter models such as H 、π and Y We may sum up the general express form and characteristic of the common emitter amplifier gain under different parameter models .
利用 晶体管不同 参数模型间的内在联系,归纳出在模型参数下的共射放大电路增益的一般表达形式及其特点。
Inquire Into Problem of Power Change Caused by Transistor Parameter ts in Electronic Ballast
晶体管 参数ts引起的电子镇流器功率变化问题探讨
We compare the microwave transistor and traveling wave tube and choose them based on the amplification parameter .
分析并比较了微波 晶体管和行波管的优缺点,根据放大 系统 指标对放大管进行选择。
A novel technique is described for characteristics estimation in transistor AC model parameter extraction .
介绍了一种用于 晶体管交流模型 参数提取中特性估值的新方法。
The article introduces the development process of the complex transistor of high impedance including the design of structure parameter artwork layout and the development result .
本文介绍了高阻抗复合 管的研制过程,包括结构 多数的设计,工艺设计,以及研制结果。
The ohmic base resistance of bipolar transistor introduced in EM_2 Model is a very important parameter .
在双极型 晶体管EM2模型参数中引入的基极电阻r'b是重要的也是较难 测量 的 参数之一。
And through simulative experiments by PSPICE the analysis of the test results for short faults open faults and transistor parameter errors in CMOS and BiCMOS circuits are given .
并通过仿真实验,分析了动态电流检测方法对CMOS与BiCMOS电路中短路故障、开路故障、 晶体管 参数错误的测试情况。
The Research on Transistor h Parameter in Slightly-Altering Equivalent
晶体管h 参数微变等效电路的研究
According to the RF power requirements The oscillator and the power amplifier use the identical transistor in common in the self-excited RF power source and the one-quarter wavelength microstrip transmission line is used for impedance match its optimum parameter is calculated .
根据 自激式射频电源的要求,设计了振荡与功放一体化的 电路,还采用四分之一波长微带传输线进行输出电路匹配,并通过计算获得了最优的四分之一波长微带传输线的 参数。
美[trænˈzɪstɚ pəˈræmɪtɚ]英[trænˈsistə pəˈræmitə]