transistor amplifier

[trænˈzɪstɚ ˈæmpləˌfaɪɚ][trænˈsistə ˈæmpləˌfaɪə]


  • Transistor amplifier circuit has oscillation preventing diode connected to connecting wire of2 transistors to prevent inductance due to wire length .

    晶体管 放大电路拥有一个防震二极管以防止由电线长度引起的自感应现象,此防震二极管连接在2个晶体管金属丝接头上。

  • This paper presents a new circuit model for designing a microwave transistor amplifier and gives a general optimum programing .

    提出了一种新的设计微波 晶体管 放大器的电路模型,给出了通用优化设计程序。

  • An Analysis of the Negative Feedback of Transistor Differential Amplifier Circuits

    晶体管差动 放大电路负反馈分析

  • How can I become used to the ball as a beginner ? Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier ?

    作为新手,我怎样才能熟悉球性?你熟悉这种 晶体管 放大器的性能吗?

  • The thinking and methods of designing a transistor amplifier with LC resonance network are presented .

    本文介绍了一种具有LC谐振网络的 晶体管 放大器的设计思路及方法。

  • Increasing the head-room of a transistor power amplifier is a way to improve the tone quality .

    提高 晶体管 功放动态余量,是改善其音质的良好途径。

  • Teaching Study of the Influence in High Frequency Characteristic of the Transistor Interelectrode Capacitance to Amplifier Circuit

    三极 极间电容对 放大电路高频特性影响的教学探讨

  • The analysis of transistor amplifier ′ s characteristic in potential instability with bi-conjugate match

    潜在不稳定条件下实现双共轭匹配的 晶体管 放大器特性分析

  • The Study on A Single Transistor Voltage Amplifier for Teaching Experiment

    单管电压 放大实验 电路的研究

  • In this paper the integral circuit of basic bipolar transistor differential amplifier is analyzed by means of small-signal hybrid parameter equivalent circuit . The analysis is different from those presented in refereces ( 1 ~ 5 ) .

    本文利用h参数微变等效电路法对双极型 晶体管差动 放大器的整体电路进行了分析,这种分析不同于文献(1~5)中的分析。

  • Development of A Broadband Microwave Power Transistor Amplifier for the Solar Radio Fast Recording System

    用于太阳射电快速记录系统中的微带功率 晶体管 放大器的研制

  • On the Noise Calculation of Bias Circuit of Transistor Amplifier

    晶体管 放大器偏置电路的噪声计算

  • High input impedance transistor amplifier for acceleration measurement

    高输入阻抗 晶体管加速度遥测 放大器

  • The Configuration of Single Transistor Amplifier and the Common Circuit

    单管 放大 电路的组态及通用电路

  • In this paper the designing principle and the technical characters of a broadband microwave power transistor amplifier for the solar radio fast recording system at Yunnan observatory are described . The circuit schemes and the initial results measured for the amplifier are included .

    本文介绍了云南天文台微带功率 晶体管 放大器在太阳射电快速记录系统中的设计原理和技术性能,并给出了放大器的线路图和最初的测量结果。

  • Computer Optimal Design of Low Noise Transistor Amplifier

    低噪声 晶体管 放大器的计算机优化设计

  • Detailed modeling procedures were shown in modeling a 6 GHz field effect transistor ( FET ) amplifier circuit .

    通过对一个工作频率为6GHz的场效应 (FET) 放大电路的建模过程的描述验证了该方法的可行性。

  • This paper mainly introduces the circuit design 、 circuit simulation 、 layout design 、 circuit test and debug of X band GaAs HEMT transistor low noise amplifier .

    本论文主要介绍的是 基于GaAs HEMT的X波段的低噪声 放大器的电路设计、电路仿真、版图设计以及电路的测试、调试。

  • Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier ?

    你熟习这种 晶体管 缩小 功用吗?

  • The transistor is an amplifier .

    晶体管是一个 放大器

  • CAD of microwave transistor amplifier

    微波 晶体管 放大器CAD

  • In this paper the design of a low noise microwave transistor amplifier at10cm-band is described .

    本文叙述一种10厘米波段低噪声微波 晶体管 放大器的设计。

  • Design of Microwave Power Transistor Amplifier 's Match Circuit

    微波功率 晶体管 放大器匹配电路的设计

  • The Effect of Static Operating Point For Basic Transistor Amplifier on Input Signals

    单管 放大器静态工作点对输入信号的影响

  • Evaluating the noise performances of three configurations of transistor amplifier accurately is the crux of optimization design of circuit configurations for low & noise amplifier . New results about En-In noise analysis of three configurations of transistor are presented in this paper .

    准确评价 晶体管三种组态的噪声性能是低噪声 放大器电路组态优化设计的关键.本文在晶体管三种组态En&In人噪声分析等方面给出了若干新结果。

  • Recent years HARRIS and MAR in USA PHILIPS in HOLLAND THOMSON in FRANCE and TOSHIBA NEC in Japan have been doing efforts in researching and exploiting of new material and new kinds of transistor amplifier and have offered varieties of schemes .

    近年来,美国的HARRIS和MAR、荷兰的PHILIPS、法国的THOMSON、日本的TOSHIBA和NEC等公司都在不断地致力于新材料和新型 晶体管 放大 器件的研制开发,并提供各种应用解决方案。

  • The high-speed digital frequency mixer made of medium-scale integrated circuits and the design of a high power transistor amplifier are also presented .

    介绍了高速中规模集成数字频率合成器、 晶体管 高频大功率 放大器的设计。

  • A microprocessor 8031 application system is used to control the stepper motors . For enhancing the properties and reliability of the system we select RIF 530 a field effect transistor for the power amplifier of the motor .

    用8031单片机应用系统控制步进电机的运转,在功率 放大器中选用IRF530场效应 以提高系统的性能和可靠性。

  • The Analysis of Three configuration for Transistor Amplifier

    单管 放大器三种组态的 原理分析

  • Microwave field effect transistor amplifier

    微波场效应 晶体管 放大器