tracking computer

[ˈtrækɪŋ kəmˈpjutɚ][ˈtrækiŋ kəmˈpju:tə]


  • Currently pedestrian tracking based on computer vision has already well developed and it is applied in many fields effectively .

    当前,基于 计算机视觉的行人 目标 跟踪已经发展得比较成熟,在很多场合也得到了有效的应用。

  • Object tracking is hot topic of computer vision has a profound theory value and broad application prospect .

    目标 跟踪一直是 计算机视觉的研究热点,具有深刻的理论价值和广泛的应用前景。

  • Study on the programme for the construction of the food tracking computer system

    建设食品安全 追溯 信息化系统的技术方案研究

  • We can improve it by tracking more accurately when the computer is on .

    我们通过对开机状态的 计算机进行更精确的 跟踪可以对此加以改进。

  • Design of seam tracking control system based on computer vision

    基于 计算机视觉焊缝 跟踪控制系统设计的研究

  • The effect of tracking precision in electro-optic radar with lost measuring data in tracking process is studied by computer simulation in this paper .

    本文用 计算机仿真的方法研究了光电雷达中激光测距机发生数据漏测时对 跟踪精度的影响。

  • During design period of steel making plant of Tianjin Pipe Corporation a set of quality tracking sys-tem of computer was designed for continuous casting billets . The system could supervise the quality status of the billets on line and instruct the production and inspection of product .

    天津钢管公司炼钢厂在设计期间,为连铸设备设计了一套连铸坯 计算机质量 跟踪系统,该系统能够在线监控连铸坯的质量状况,用于指导生产和检验。

  • The result showed that CUDA could speed up calculation and be well used in real-time target tracking on upper computer .

    结果表明,CUDA的应用使 上位 目标 跟踪的实时性得到了很大提升,可以将其应用于其它众多领域。

  • Hand Tracking Method Based on Computer Vision

    基于 计算机视觉技术的手形手位 跟踪方法

  • Application of gaze tracking in human computer interaction

    视线 跟踪 技术及其在 人机交互中的应用

  • Video tracking integrates technologies of computer vision pattern recognition artificial intelligence and so on . It is important for military and civilian .

    视频 目标 跟踪融合了 计算机视觉,模式识别,人工智能等多学科的技术,在社会的各个领域都有十分重要的意义。

  • The visual tracking technique of computer vision is a potential solution to solve this problem with its low computational cost and easy-satisfied calculation requirements .

    视觉领域的 目标 跟踪技术是一个能解决这类问题的方法,其计算成本较低,所需的计算条件也容易满足。

  • It is suitable for vest bag-made with photo-electricity tracking length set by computer .

    本机适用于背心袋的制作,具有光电 跟踪电脑定长等特点。

  • Head continuous with body ; Optimum Antenna Polarizations for Target Discrimination in Clutter DESIGN OF MILL BAR TRACKING SUBSYSTEM IN COMPUTER CONTROLLING FOR SEMI-ENDLESS ROLLING PROCESS

    半无头工艺 计算机控制系统 跟踪子系统的设计

  • With the continuous development of image sensor technology in recent years Image matching has become a research focus in many areas such as image and scene understanding target recollection and tracking computer vision and other crucial areas .

    图像匹配技术是近年来随着图像传感器技术的不断发展和完善而成为了图像和场景理解、目标识别和 跟踪计算机视觉以及要干领域中的研究热点。

  • There are five tracking modes in the 778 precise tracking system . They are : manual video infrared laser tracking and computer guiding .

    778跟踪系统具有手动、电视、红外、激光 跟踪计算机引导五种跟踪手段。

  • The proposed traditional approaches to speaker localization and tracking problem include face tracking based on computer vision and sound source localization based on microphone array .

    通常,基于 计算机视觉的人脸或 人体 跟踪方法与基于 计算机听觉的声源定位方法都可作为解决说话人定位与跟踪问题的基本手段。

  • The boundary of the area of interest is located by using chain code method and precise boundary tracking method with a computer vision system .

    首先用 计算机图象处理系统将材料截面图形数字化,并采用链码方法和精确边界 方法确定图形边界。

  • Automatic digital tracking analyzer computer

    自动 跟踪分析数字 计算机

  • A form for tracking business assets such as computer equipment .

    用于 跟踪诸如 计算机设备等各种公司资产的表单。

  • The thesis focuses on the image segmentation and object tracking in computer vision .

    论文对图像分割和目标 跟踪这两个 计算机视觉中的基本 任务进行了研究。

  • To satisfy natural interaction in VR system semi-virtual reality cockpit is put forward . In addition two finger-tracking techniques are provided . One is the ring type video measure base on camera calibration ; the other is finger tracking based on computer vision .

    为实现自然的人机交互方式,提出半虚拟现实座舱方案,设计了基于摄像机标定原理的戒指式视频测量手指 定位技术和基于 计算机视觉的虚拟现实手指 定位技术两种技术方案。

  • Based on the feed-back current automatic frequency tracking controlled witha single chip computer has been implemented for an ultrasonic generator .

    根据反馈电流,由 单片机 控制实现超声发生器的频率自动 跟踪.试验分析了压电陶瓷换能器超声振动系统的频率与电流和振幅的关系。

  • There are many interference factors in videos including complicated background environment target posture change target frequent occlusions and cross illumination and climate change etc. All these make target tracking a difficulty in computer vision research field .

    视频中存在复杂的背景环境、目标姿态变化、目标相互遮挡和交错、光照和气候变化等众多干扰因素,这些均使目标 跟踪成为 计算机视觉研究领域的难题。

  • Moving targets detection and tracking related to computer image processing video image processing pattern recognition artificial intelligence and other areas is widely applied in many aspects such as military industrial life and so on .

    运动目标检测与 跟踪涉及到 计算机图像处理、视频图像处理、模式识别、以及人工智能等诸多领域,广泛地应用于军事、工业、生活等各个方面。

  • The architecture of fish group detecting and tracking based on computer vision has been designed and vision processing model and fish group tracking model initially constructed .

    同时设计了基于 视觉感知的鱼群目标 跟踪系统体系结构,初步开发了鱼群目标的视频采集模块和跟踪模块。

  • The tracking by computer on athlete at training and competition and obtaining the position information of time and order of each player is the key technique of studying their physical fitness technical and tactical character assisting coach to do scientific training .

    使用 计算机 跟踪球场中的运动员,得到每名运动员的时序位置信息,是研究其体能和技、战术特点,辅助教练员进行科学训练的关键技术。

  • Now the gimbal servo system of opto-electronic tracking measure system adopts computer control method at large which not only helps to accomplish named new control arithmetic algorithm but also make system identification conveniently .

    当前,光电 跟踪测量的跟踪转台伺服系统普遍采用的 计算机控制技术,这不但为实现各种新型控制算法提供了可能,而且为模型辨识提供了便利条件。

  • In this paper we have studied the simulation of decentralized target tracking algorithm on a parallel computer .

    本文研究在并行仿真 计算机上对目标 跟踪的分散化算法进行数字仿真。

  • Based on the analyses of torpedo electromagnetic field the principle of passive positioning of electromagnetic fuse and the non linear least square algorithm for passive tracking are discussed . Computer simulation is carried out .

    基于对鱼雷电磁引信辐射场分布特性的分析,探讨了电磁引信被动定位的原理和非线性最小二乘被动 跟踪算法,并进行了 计算机仿真。