trade regulations


  • It provides the principal contractual obligations determining how governments frame and implement domestic trade legislation and regulations .

    它规定了政府决策机构如何设立和实施国内 贸易立法与 法规的主要契约性义务。

  • As uppermost trade technology measure in current international trade technical regulations were one of indispensable legal documents in the WTO legal framework .

    技术 法规是当前国际 贸易中最主要的贸易技术措施,是WTO法律体系中不可或缺的法律文件之一。

  • Being one of the early WTO members the country 's foreign trade regulations are largely based on GATT / WTO agreements however there are some limitations in these regulations . Moreover there are few researchers in this area .

    泰国因加入WTO比较早,其对外 贸易 管理 主要根据GATT/WTO协定逐渐 制定和修改而形成,故泰国 对外 贸易管理的法律、 法规相当有限,从事该领域的研究者较少。

  • The movie rate is one kind of movie culture management and the resource distribution way is applied by the numerous countries and the areas and has evolved one kind of movie product trade regulations and the international convention .

    电影分级作为一种电影文化管理及其资源分配方式在全球范围内被众多国家和地区广泛应用,并演变成一种电影产品 贸易 规则和国际惯例。

  • Chapter 3 : Foreign-related commodity trade regulations and laws .

    第三章晚清外商在华商品 贸易法律 制度

  • Endogenous Limits of Earnings Management-Empirical Study on Accounting Flexibility It provides the principal contractual obligations determining how governments frame and implement domestic trade legislation and regulations .

    盈余管理的内在制约&基于会计弹性的实证研究它规定了政府决策机构如何设立和实施国内 贸易立法与 法规的主要契约性义务。

  • But Asian economies are growing ever closer in trade and regulations .

    但亚洲经济体在 贸易 监管方面越来越接近。

  • Imposing protectionist barriers on foreign trade or domestic regulations on production decreases the general availability of goods and makes them more expensive .

    对外国 贸易实行保护主义 壁垒,或是对国内进行生产 控制,都会使物品供应减少,并且使它们更贵。

  • For a quite long period the world trade in agriculture products has disassociated from the multilateral trade system of WTO ( former GATT ) and has been out of the bounds of trade rules and regulations .

    世界农产品贸易长期以来一直游离于世界贸易组织(原关税与贸易总协定)多边贸易体制的管理之外,不受多边 贸易纪律和 规则的约束。

  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) which was replaced by World Trade Organization ( WTO ) set up on January 1 1995 was established in 1947 and the agreement itself was mainly the common principles in cargo trade regulations .

    世界贸易组织的前身是关贸总协定(GATT)。关贸总协定最早于1947年签订,主要是对缔约方在货物 贸易方面 规定的共同准则。

  • Market Failure and Reconstruction of Trade Regulations : A Primary Analysis Based on the Theory of Regulation Economics

    市场失灵与 贸易 规制重建&基于规制经济学理论的初步分析

  • In the textile trade environmental regulations health and safety standards and certification and green signs to form green barriers .

    在纺织品 贸易中,由环保 法规、安全卫生标准和绿色标志认证而形成绿色壁垒。

  • The first part focuses on the history and evolution of Thai foreign trade regulation the characteristics of regulations in different historic periods and the law system of Thai foreign trade regulations .

    第1部分探讨了泰国对外贸易管理法的历史发展,揭示了不同历史阶段的特点,剖析了 当代泰国对外 贸易 的法律模式。

  • But we can promote the orderly development of the economy and overcome the market failure by applying the trade regulations and making up the deficiencies of the market mechanism by the government 's controlling power on the common interests in the process of the circulation of goods .

    在商品流通过程中,通过 贸易 规制,借助政府对公共利益调控力量来弥补市场机制的缺失,可以促进经济有序发展,从而克服市场失灵。

  • There are immediate concerns such as China 's demand that Europe give up some the trade regulations that keep it protected from Chinese undercutting .

    这件事有几个关注点,例如中国要求欧盟取消为保护当地市场而采取的反倾销 贸易 规则

  • At present China 's existing laws on trade name transfer regulations still need to be improved and disputes are likely to happen in the process of trade name transferring .

    目前,我国现行法律对 商号转让的 规定尚有不足,在商号转移过程中很容易发生纠纷。

  • Pay Attention to Understanding and Studying of World Trade Organization Regulations

    重视对 世贸组织 规则的了解和研究

  • On the Implementation of the Technical Trade Measures under EU 's International Trade Regulations

    技术性贸易措施在欧盟 外贸 管制 中的运用

  • It includes chapter 6.All the legal trade disputes in the U.S. are the outcomes of implementation of foreign trade laws . But their objectives are not only rectifying the violation of inappropriate actions that violating trade regulations and procedures . There are deep political and economic motives beyond them .

    美国所有对外贸易法律争端均是其对外 贸易法运用及实施的结果,但是其目标却并不仅仅是纠正别国对正当法律 规定和程序的违反,而是具有深刻的政治与经济动机。

  • This article sums up the current development situation and legislation inevitability of our country electronic trade at present and then expounds the meaning and function of the first electronic trade law in China that is Guangdong Province Electronic Trade Regulations and the meaning of sign electronically law .

    文章概述了目前我国电子交易的立法现状,对我国第一部电子交易的地方性法规《广东省电子 交易 条例 以及第一部全国性信息化法律《电子签名法》的意义和作用进行了论述。

  • Major aims of this thesis are to discuss and study in detail the foreign goods trade regulations in Thailand and to give suggestions on how to improve Chinese Foreign Trade Regulations .

    本文的主要目的是在探讨泰国对外货物 贸易主要 管理 法律 制度的同时,研究中国对外货物贸易管理法的完善。

  • In2004 trade regulations ensured that most rights to television shows are retained by those who make them not those who broadcast them .

    在2004年得时候, 商贸 跳跃确保了电视节目的大部分权利都被掌控在制作人的手里,而并不是这些播出的人。

  • Bureau of Trade Regulations and Consumer Protection

    贸易 条例和消费保护司

  • Based on the bio-security system of international law this paper focus on the most important of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the World Trade Organization trade regulations related of genetically modified and makes the theory and practice analysis .

    本文在以生物安全保护国际法体系分析的基础上,对最为重要的《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》和世界贸易组织的涉及转基因 贸易 相关 法规,作了理论和实践结合的分析。

  • World leaders would work together to remove the roadblocks to economic progress including corruption trade restrictions and regulations that discourage hiring and firing .

    各国领导人决心共同扫除经济发展的障碍,包括腐败、 贸易限制措施,以及阻碍劳动力市场发展的 监管 规定

  • Getting Close to World Trade Organization and Adapting to International Trade Regulations

    走近世贸组织适应国际 贸易 规则&对世贸组织技术性贸易 壁垒的观察与 思考

  • And in 2006 the US Federal Trade Commission issued regulations stating that word-of-mouth marketers must disclose their relationships .

    在2006年,美国联邦 贸易委员会(usfederal tradecommission)颁布 条例,规定口碑营销者必须披露他们与相关公司的关系。

  • This paper does not agree with some scholars . I think it is not necessary to formulate unified border trade regulations by the State Council .

    本文并不赞同有些学者的观点,认为没有必要由国务院制定统一的边境 贸易 管理 条例

  • However there are much to be done in order to transform the international economic trade regulations and these principles such as national treatment fair competition legal transparency and legal unity into China 's economic legislation ;

    但是,对与国际 经贸 规则 接轨、国民待遇、公平竞争、法律透明度及法制统一等理念还要进一步深化到经济立法中去。