



  • He drove that tram a long time .


  • You can get to the beach easily from the centre of town by tram .

    你从市中心 电车到海滩会很方便。

  • The AC drive control system of the tram supplied by super capacitor in Beijing Qianmen is presented .

    介绍了北京前门超级电容 电车交流传动控制系统。

  • Excuse me which tram goes to the city centre ?

    打扰,请问哪 电车到市中心。

  • The lorry swerved and ran into the tram .

    卡车突然转弯,与 电车相撞?

  • Get off at the second stop and then change to the tram going north .

    到第2站下车,然后换乘往北的 电车

  • The Conductor system was introduced in the early days of tram service .

    早期的 电车服务采用售票员制度。

  • The project will also upgrade existing tram lines bus stops and bicycle paths .

    该项目还将改造现有的 电车线和自行车道。

  • You may only get on or off a tram at a designated tram stop .

    乘客只可在指定的电车站上落 电车

  • You can take a No.26 tram right here and then get off at Park Street .

    您可以直接从这儿乘26路 电车,然后到花园街下车。

  • We could go there by tram .

    我们可以 电车

  • And he looks like his head has been under a tram for two years .

    而且他的头看起来好像被一 电车 了二年。

  • If you go to Melbourne you can travel by tram .

    如果你要去墨尔本,你可以做 电车

  • You should take Tram no.52 .

    你应该坐52路 电车

  • Looking down the street he could see the tram coming .

    他顺街望去,看见 电车 了过来。

  • You must not talk to or distract the tram driver or touch the controls .

    不可与 电车司机谈话或妨碍他驾驶,也不 触摸 上的控制器。

  • You see the tram stop ?

    你看到 电车站了吗?

  • ` tram ' and ` tramcar ' are British terms .

    ' 电车'和'电车'是英国的术语。

  • I go to school by tram .


  • Then we transferred from a bus to a tram .

    然后我们从公共汽车 电车

  • Ten nights in a row I watched that tram .

    我观察了那个 缆车十个晚上。

  • How will you be coming by taxi or by tram ?

    你怎样来这里?坐出租车还是 电车

  • You could see sparks coming off the tram line .

    你可以看到电火花从 电车 轨道上冒出来。

  • As we walked down Murray road from the peak tram I saw the ICAC logo proudly displayed .

    从山顶 车站沿美利道往下走,我看到廉政公署的标志傲然展示。

  • In 1882 London 's first electric tram cars went into service

    1882年,伦敦第一 电车投入使用。

  • In North America there are many cities with tram networks including San Francisco Pittsburgh and Toronto .

    在北美,包括旧金山、匹兹堡和多伦多在内的很多城市也都 电车网络。

  • If he did not catch the last tram he had to walk and that made him very late .

    他如果没赶上最后 一趟 电车就得走着回家,那样的话,到家 就会很晚了。

  • The tram stopped suddenly which caused me to come late .
