traffic away

[ˈtræfɪk əˈwe][ˈtræfik əˈwei]


  • The snowstorm caused traffic to fall away sharply .

    暴风雪使 车辆 行人 大大减少。

  • After a15-minute delay and throwing $ 60 traffic fine away you arrive at school .

    你付了60元道 罚款,终于抵达学校,并已迟到15分钟。

  • For other traffic participants far away from the traffic scene the influence of the event can be negligible .

    而对于其它离事件发生地较 区域的 交通参与者,事件的影响程度则可以忽略不计。

  • All vehicles found parked illegally within the precinct of the special traffic arrangements specified above will be towed away without prior warning .

    在实施上述特别 交通措施的地区内违例停泊车辆,将予拖 ,毋须事先警告。

  • First that clause is too concise and the regulation induces a kind of stiff administrative act that enforces prohibiting driving all the life towards all those causing traffic casualties and fleeing away with different circumstances which lacks of legal flexibility and rationality .

    首先,该规定法律条文简单,其立法指示形成一种羁束性行政行为规定,在针对不同情节的 交通肇事 逃逸行为人的处理上一律实行终生禁驾,缺乏法律理解上的弹性和执法合理性。

  • At this point you also have the opportunity to tell the joining cluster member that it should either start handling traffic right away or wait for you to configure it to do so later .

    此时,您还有机会告诉正在加入集群的成员,让他们 立即开始处理 流量,或者等待您稍后为其进行相应的配置。

  • This helps mobile operators lure voice traffic away from fixed-line operators a process known as fixed-mobile substitution .

    这有助于移动运营商从固网运营商 那里吸引 话务,这个过程叫“固话的移动替代”。

  • He apologizes but he 's stuck in traffic he 's just a few blocks away .

    他很抱歉, 交通不好,他还有几个 街区

  • Traffic to life a fault will toll in human life or health to take away the happiness and warmth of the family .

    交通 事故与生命息息相关,一个过失就会夺去人的生命或者健康, 夺走家庭的幸福和温暖。

  • As the strong wind causes the standing vehicle slipping traffic accidents may happen . In order to prevent wagon running away more hand brakes are needed to be screwed down by hand . Thus labor intensity is overwhelmed .

    为防止车辆 逸,需要人工拧紧数量较多的手制动机,工人劳动强度很大。

  • Road Traffic Security Law of China for the first time regulates that prohibit those who caused traffic accidents but fled away to regain driving license all the life .

    《道路交通安全法》首次在我国作出了对 交通肇事 逃逸者终生禁驾的规定。最终将该趋势反映在冲突法的立法当中。

  • • the North Pole will become the optimal route for ice-breaking ships traveling to and from Europe as the ice thins which could pull traffic away from the NSR .

    •随着冰层变薄,北极将成为往返欧洲的破冰船的最优航线,可能会吸引一些北海 航线 船只

  • There were traffic jams and police clearing people away .

    交通堵塞,警察在 驱散人群。

  • Several years have passed since the traffic accident and he still can 't shake away the guilty feeling .

    那次 交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是 摆脱不了负疚感。

  • Shaodong has a very convenient traffic less than1km away from shangrui highway railway 320 national road 107 national road 1814 provincial highway run through the park .

    交通便利,城区 上瑞高速公路仅1公里。铁路320国道107国道1814省道贯穿而过。

  • The Council opted for a bypass to carry heavy traffic away from the town centre .

    市政委员会选择了修建一条旁路的办法,来 减少市中心的 交通 拥挤

  • Police are trying to divert traffic away from the trouble spot .

    警方试图指挥 车辆行人 绕开出事地点。

  • But in the information society how to deliver all-sided and real-time public traffic informations to passengers so as to attract more citizens to stay away by bus has been a desiderate-to-solve problem .

    但是在信息化社会里,如何把全面、实时的 公交信息以更简洁快速的方式送到乘客手里,以吸引更多的市民 乘坐公交出行,已经成为一个亟待解决的问题了。

  • When animals cross a road and impede the traffic the driver may continuously honk to drive them away .

    行车中遇牲畜通过道路影响 通行时,可采取连续鸣喇叭的方式进行 驱赶

  • That company is building out its own network and transferring more of its traffic management to it and away from Akamai and other providers .

    Netflix正在建立自己的网络,将把大部分 流量管理工作从 阿卡迈和其它网络服务商那里抽出来,交给自家网络运营。

  • Its main role is to control through laws and use of traffic signals so that vehicles in an orderly manner away from conflict zones it is a compulsory means to solve traffic jam .

    它的主要作用在于通过有规律的控制和运用 交通信号使得车辆有秩序地 驶离冲突区域,是解决交通拥挤的一种强制性手段。

  • Due to some objective factors such as remote area sparsely populated inconvenient traffic and forced moving away because of building the reservoir etc the education of Huanren has lagged behind other areas in many years .

    由于受地域偏僻、居住分散、 交通不便、水库移民等诸多客观因素的制约,多年 来桓仁县的教育一直处于相对落后的状态。

  • The information collection of traffic flow adopt the mean of unicast vehicles node receives the information and directly save the message and then process the information and obtain the vehicles density and the average speed on the current reverse road when the vehicles are drove away road .

    车辆 交通流信息的采集采用单播方式,车辆节点接收到信息后直接将消息进行保存,之后在即将 驶出道路时,基于这些信息计算出当前反向道路上的车辆密度和车辆平均速度。

  • The300-foot-long section of double decker bridge is angled in a way that can route traffic away from where the new bridge is going .

    双层桥的300英尺长的部分是斜的方式,可以从那里 离开 交通路线的新桥梁的发展方向。

  • Its wide roads which can take fourteen lanes of traffic have been kept away from living areas .

    它的宽阔马路有十四条 车道,而且 远离生活区。

  • Being a technology type enterprise with thirty years developed Jiangsu Traffic Academy of Sciences ( JTAS ) faces with a problem to get away from the traffic department and go into the market completely .

    江苏某 交通科学研究院作为一个具有三十年发展历史的科技型企业,从交通部门 脱离而完全走向市场的过程中,更加需要用战略管理的理论和方法研究发展战略。