trade discrimination

[treid dɪˌskrɪməˈneʃən][treid dɪˌskrimiˈneiʃən]


  • The Trade - Wage Preference in Women 's Employment and Sexual Discrimination

    女性就业的 行业&工资倾向与性别 歧视

  • Therefore government procurement is essentially separated from world trade based on the actual situation in the country the members may give foreign suppliers discrimination in different degrees .

    因此,政府采购基本上是游离于世界 贸易之外,各成员国可依据本国的实际情况,可以给予国外供应商不同程度的 歧视

  • We should seek common ground and reserve differences promote mutual understanding smooth out trade discrimination fight against trade sanction develop technical exchanges and cooperations .

    我们应该求同存异,增进相互之间的理解,消除 贸易 歧视,反对贸易制裁,加强技术交流与合作。

  • To limit the import from China and protect its domestic industry and to take the trade discrimination policy to China .

    同时限制从中国进口,保护国内产业;包括继续对华实施 歧视贸易政策。

  • Probe into evaluation of trade discrimination rate of occupational injury insurance

    工伤保险 行业 差别费率确定方法探讨

  • The analysis shows that free trade abusing of anti-dumping law and of discrimination the domestic political arguments and the sale in low price are sources of anti-dumping .

    先分析了自由 贸易、滥用反倾销和 歧视做法、国内政治斗争以及低价销售等是产生反倾销的根源。

  • We should actively push forward the establishment of an open and fair multilateral trade mechanism without discrimination and further improve the international financial system ;

    我们应该积极推动建立健全开放、公平、非 歧视的多边 贸易体制,进一步完善国际金融体制;

  • But trying to block those products from the Chinese market would quickly expose Beijing to a US legal challenge under World Trade Organisation rules which forbid open discrimination against foreign suppliers of civilian equipment .

    但是,试图将UTC的民用产品挡在中国市场以外,中国可能很快就会遭遇美方根据 世贸(WTO)规则发起的法律挑战。世贸规则禁止公然 歧视外国民用设备供应商。

  • One ofBritain 's biggest trade unions Unite does want clergy to have exactly the same employment rights including freedom from discrimination as other workers .

    英国最大的 工会之一,Unite,就是希望教士能够享受和其他工作者一样的就业权,能够一样的不被 歧视

  • The tenet of WTO is to advocate and boost international trade liberalization and to provide its member with equal fair and non - discrimination trading opportunity .

    WTO的宗旨是倡导并致力于国际 贸易自由化,为成员方提供平等、公平、非 歧视性的贸易机会。

  • Without the legal shelter of fundamental WTO rules of non-discrimination in world trade China would surely have been singled out for widespread discrimination by other trading countries during the past dozen years of its economic rise .

    WTO制定了在国际 贸易中禁止歧视的根本规则,如果没有这样的法律保护,中国在过去10年的经济崛起中肯定会受到其他贸易国普遍的 歧视 对待

  • Entering into WTO makes china win the fairly competitive circumstance decrease the trade friction and discrimination ;

    加入WTO,是中国赢得了公平竞争的国际环境,减少了 贸易 歧视和摩擦;

  • Although GPA non-discrimination principle requires competition of international trade liberalization and forbids the discrimination of foreign products and suppliers however excessive pursuit of trade liberalization will lead to unfair in essence .

    虽然GPA非歧视原则要求国际 贸易自由化竞争,不得对国外产品或供应商进行 歧视,但过分追求贸易自由化,将导致本质上的不公平。

  • The principle of the national treatment as an important aspect of the principle of the non-discrimination under the free trade condition all are equal and exist no discrimination .

    国民待遇原则作为不歧视原则的一个重要方面,在自由 贸易条件下,国民内部一律平等,不能 差别有所 歧视