traffic density

[ˈtræfɪk ˈdɛnsɪti][ˈtræfik ˈdensiti]


  • Then traffic density is selected as the control variable in place of traffic occupancy .

    然后, 交通 密度代替交通占有率被选为控制变量。

  • First for the port research a careful analysis for navigation environment of Lanshan port was conducted including the nature environment water traffic density navigation aids and anchoring area .

    本文在码头的通航安全研究中,对岚山港区的通航环境进行了细致的分析,包括港区的自然条件和船舶 流量以及助航措施和锚地的状况。

  • With the constantly increasing maritime traffic density together with the development of large-scale and high speed ship the requirements of ship control system become higher and higher .

    随着航运 交通 密度不断加大,以及船舶逐渐向大型化和高速化发展,对船舶控制系统的要求越来越高。

  • Through collecting vehicle speed traffic density traffic flow axle load an so on expressway traffic survey provides information support for prophase plan construction anaphase maintenance management public trip and emergency treatment .

    开展高速公路网交通量调查工作,采集车速、 交通 密度、交通流量、轴载等信息,为高速公路前期规划、建设、后期养护、管理、以及公众出行和应急处理提供信息支撑。

  • A robust prediction estimation method for highway traffic density

    高速公路 交通 密度鲁棒预测估计方法

  • The definition of traffic density map and model of dynamic urban traffic network are put forward . The path optimization model of O-D pair in dynamic traffic network is also given . The model was optimized dynamically by adopting traditional Dijkstra algorithm .

    提出了 交通 密度图的定义和城市动态交通网络的模型,同时还给出了动态交通网络中OD对的路径优化模型,采用传统的Dijkstra算法进行动态优化来获得出行车辆的最佳路径。

  • Communication range increases the traffic density increases and improved the proportion of vehicles with communication capabilities will increase the success rate of information transmission .

    通信范围的增大、 车流 密度的增大和具有通信能力车辆比例的提高都会增加信息传递的成功概率。

  • The safe speed shall be determined on the basis of such main factors as visibility traffic density the maneuverability of the vessel wind wave current routing and surroundings .

    船舶安全航速应当根据能见度、 通航 密度、船舶操纵性能和风、浪、水流、航路状况以及周围环境等主要因素决定。

  • In this paper using the theory of traffic control and hydromechanics the author improves the model of describing the change of traffic density . This paper provides better mathematic model to the further study of traffic control theory .

    本文利用交通控制理论和流体力学理论,改进了描述 交通 密度变化的模型,这为今后进一步研究交通控制理论提供了较好的数学模型。

  • On analysis of traditional traffic flow model the transient maximum traffic density in a link is mined and through the simulation experiment the relationship among velocity density speed vs. density and traffic flow wave phenomenon were studied on the overflow condition sections .

    在分析路段瞬态最大 交通 密度的基础上,挖掘传统模型中的交通溢流区域,并通过仿真实验的手段,探讨了溢流情况下路段的速度、密度、速度-密度关系以及交通流波动现象。

  • If the traffic density increases much above that the flow pattern begins to become unstable .

    如果 车辆 密度大幅高于上述数字,则车流模式开始出现不稳定现象。

  • Traffic density has fallen a little but only to 2005 levels .

    交通 密度略有下降,但仍相当于2005年的水平。

  • Introduced a new way to count the peak parking demand which relations the road traffic density form a new way to studied the urban parking demand .

    新引进了道路 交通 密度与高峰停车需求之间的关系,对城市停车需求研究形成了新的思路。

  • Traffic density both mean and peak .

    通信 密度手段和峰顶。

  • With the increase of length traffic density of highway tunnels the potential threat of fire has also increased .

    随着公路隧道长度、 交通 密度的增加,发生火灾的潜在威胁也在增大。

  • Through research on project evaluation targets system saturation degree average speed traffic density and average travel delay of works sections are defined to be evaluation targets .

    通过方案评价指标体系的研究,确定了施工路段饱和度、施工路段平均车速、施工路段 交通 密度以及施工路段平均行程延误四个指标作为评价指标;

  • The thought was proposed to establish the knowledge base of the chaos controller by using data mining technology . The fuzzy T-S ramp controller was designed . The traffic density upstream traffic volume and maximal Lyapunov exponents are the input variables of the controller .

    提出通过数据挖掘技术建立 交通 混沌控制器知识库的思想,设计了以 密度、上游流量和最大李亚普诺夫指数作为输入的T-S模糊混沌控制器。

  • Secondly we focus on the wireless network optimization of low traffic density areas with emphasis on cover and parameters .

    接下来重点对低 话务 密度区域内的无线网络优化进行分析,从覆盖、参数等两个角度结合自身特点进行总结。

  • Because of long lengthways distance continually increased in train speed traffic density and passenger capacity grow day by day a significant amount of thermal energy may be transferred to the tunnel environment .

    由于纵向距离很大,列车速度的不断提高以及 行车 密度和客运量的与日俱增,高速列车能耗及附属设备产生的大量热量将释放到隧道环境中。

  • Do not approved for a practice let-down reason traffic density .

    不同意做模拟(练习)穿云,因 飞行 秩序

  • With the increasing of tunnel length traffic density and vehicle speed the operating safety problem of highway tunnel seems more and more serious .

    随着公路隧道的长大化发展、 车流 密度的增长和行车速度的提高,公路隧道的许多运营安全问题大量出现。

  • In traffic system the traffic flows the travel time and traffic density are three behavior variables .

    在交通运输系统中,交通量、行程时间和 交通 密度 交通系统中的三种行为变量。

  • However with the highway tunnel increasing mileage operating speed and increasing traffic density types of tunnel number of incidents and a corresponding increase in the frequency of .

    但是随着公路隧道公里数的不断增加,行车速度和 行车 密度日益加大,各类隧道事故发生的数量和频率也相应增加。

  • Among all kinds of rail transit system the running speed of the vehicle is accelerating traffic density is increasing and capacity of vehicle weight is also constantly adding .

    各种轨道交通系统中,车辆运行速度在不断加快, 车流 密度日益增加,车辆载重也不断加大。

  • Static population distribution has resulted in uneven traffic density which is closely linked with driving distance whilst dynamic distribution of population has led to fluctuations in traffic volume .

    静态人口分布导致了各地 交通密度不均,而 交通 密度又与 运输行驶距离紧密相连;动态人口分布导致了交通运输量的波动。

  • Make one more holding due to traffic density .

    盘旋一次,因活动 频繁

  • In addition with the rapid development of our country transport construction a substantial increase in traffic volume traffic density and traffic load increases and the overloading of the damage caused by the bridge and then increased their natural aging .

    此外随着我国交通建设的迅速发展,交通运输量大幅度增加, 行车 密度及车辆载重越来越大,以及超载而造成桥梁结构的损伤继而加剧其自然老化。

  • This method can effectively eliminate traffic jams and make vehicles travel more efficiently and safely . ( 4 ) Iterative learning method is applied to address the traffic density control problem in a macroscopic level freeway environment with ramp metering .

    这种方法能有效地消除交通阻塞,使车辆更加高效安全地运行。(4)用迭代学习匝道调节方法去处理宏观环境的高速公路 交通 密度控制问题。

  • Freight traffic density has increased by an average 1.3 per cent a year ; passenger density by about 2.4 per cent a year .

    货运 密度年均增长1.3%,客运密度每年大约增长2.4%。