


  • This paper is trying to do some counterproposal studies pointing to main outstanding issues of transpacific market but due to limited information it is not able to solve all current problems and needs more theoretical analysis to this particular market in the future .

    本文试图对该 航线的主要问题提出可行的对策和方案,但由于在信息 搜集等方面的限制,本文不可能对所有问题得出有效的结论,还有待进一步的分析和研究。

  • We are after all both a transatlantic and a transpacific power .

    我们毕竟既是一个跨大西洋 大国也是一个 太平洋 大国

  • Especially according to current competition status of transpacific market it raises many outstanding issues and discusses the counterproposals in chapter four .

    特别是根据 太平洋 航线市场的竞争形势,提出了所面临的主要问题,并在本文第四章中进行了详细的对策研究。

  • Transpacific nonstop flights from China mainly originate from Beijing or Shanghai . There is also limited service from the southern city of Guangzhou .

    中国飞往 北美 太平洋直达航班主要从北京或上海出发。南方城市广州与 北美 也有 数量不多的 直达航班。

  • Once after returning on a transpacific flight from a Christmas vacation I planned to stay in Tokyo for two days .

    我曾经在一次过完圣诞节假期从 太平洋 彼岸回来之后,又计划到东京去待了两天。

  • This paper is based on characteristics of transpacific shipping analyzes its market features and makes forecasting on container volumes of coming years by using three methods which includes time-serious regression and gray theory .

    本文针对 太平洋 航线的特点,分析了其市场形态和特征,利用时间序列,回归曲线和灰色理论,结合该航线供求关系,预测了该 航线未来几年的集装箱运量。

  • Mesozoic volcanism in the eastern part of Northeast China and Transpacific plate

    中国东北地区的转型中国东北东部中生代火山活动与 太平洋板块

  • The result of that is much closer regulatory oversight on the transpacific carriers that is probably necessary .

    这种对 太平洋承运人的管理监督是有必要的。

  • For Washington it would restore symmetry to foreign policy at a time of the much-ballyhooed pivot to Asia a rebalancing incidentally that is unlikely to result in a big transpacific trade breakthrough in the near future .

    对于美国政府而言,在其大肆鼓吹“把重心转向亚洲”战略之际,此举将使美国外交政策恢复对称性顺便说一下,转向亚洲的再平衡不大可能 推动 太平洋贸易在近期内出现重大突破。

  • China Railway owns 10 per cent of Bukit Asam Transpacific Railway .

    中国中铁拥有巴克塔山 太平洋铁路公司10%的股权。

  • The territorial spat between Japan and China has helped divert more China-originating transpacific traffic through South Korea according to analysts .

    据分析人士说,日本与中国间的领土纠纷促使更多从中国前往北美的旅客转而经由韩国进行 中转

  • On the economic front were seeking to further regional economic integration through the TransPacific Partnership .

    在经济方面,我们正通过 太平洋伙伴关系,寻求深化地区经济一体化。

  • This latest project is part of a surge in new transpacific cable construction projects driven primarily by increasing demand in Asia .

    有关 公司 宣布的这个最新的 光导 纤维电缆建设工程,是跨越 太平洋 之间的电缆建设热潮的一部分。 股热潮主要是亚洲地区不断增长的需求推动的。

  • Passengers are lured by attractive prices and a dearth of transpacific nonstop flights from China .

    既是 因为乘客们受到了有吸引力的机票价格的诱惑, 也是 因为从中国到 北美 直达航班 数量不足。