


  • The major transnormal items include pH values tri-nitrogen and the ions Mn ~ ( 2 + ) .


  • Based on the relying object of the semantic meaning the paper pays great attention to the mechanism of graft and communication of the transnormal collocation of attribute and headword .

    本文以此对象为基点,着力探讨定中 超常搭配的嫁接沟通机制。

  • The deformation behavior and ductility of short / transnormal short columns are poor due to the shear failure thereby decreasing the antiseismic performance of the concrete structure .

    由于钢筋混凝土短柱和 超短柱在水平地震荷载作用下的破坏模式为剪切破坏,因此柱子的变形能力和延性很差,从而导致框架结构的整体抗震性能下降。

  • Bearing capacity skeleton curve stiffness decay deformation capacity and energy dissipation are analyzed and the antiseismic performance of short / transnormal short columns are also compared . ( 2 ) The results of experiment and analyze are compared .

    根据试验结果对构件的承载力、骨架曲线、刚度退化、变形能力、能量耗散进行了分析,对比了 各种构件 形式的抗震性能 优劣

  • High speed development in China exact more talents with much knowledge and technical skills so transnormal development of graduate education is objectively required by economic growth in China .

    中国的高速发展急需更多的高知识高科技的人才,因此 常规发展研究生教育是我国经济社会发展的客观要求。

  • Nowadays continuous growth of the fund industry has played a positive role in the healthy development of Chinese capital market and has realized original intention of the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission that is called transnormal development of institutional investors .

    基金行业的不断成长,对中国资本市场的健康发展起到了积极的作用,实现了中国证券监督管理委员会 常规发展机构投资者的初衷。

  • The transnormal development of domestic life insurance industry in recent years together with the continual downward adjustments of banking interest and the constraints of investment tunnels lead to the emergence of the solvency risk of the industry .

    而最近几年中国寿险业的 常规发展,加上连续的银行利率下调和投资渠道的限制,使寿险业的偿付能力风险 日益凸显。

  • The Mechanism of Graft and Communication of the Transnormal Collocation of Attribute and Headword

    定中 超常搭配的嫁接沟通机制

  • The Experiments on the Machinability of A New Type Material Used for the Roll-Sleeve in the Transnormal Roll Casting of Aluminum Alloys

    新型铝合金 常铸轧辊套材料的切削加工性能实验研究

  • Transnormal roll casting process ing of aluminum alloys

    铝合金的 超常铸轧制备

  • The cryogenic liquefaction is applied to separate CO_2 from the air for the sake of preventing the transnormal CO_2 composition of airproof air in the airtight working environment .

    为了防止封闭型工作环境空气中CO2的含量 超标,应用低温液化的方法来分离空气中CO2。

  • Beijing Literature The Conventional Island On the Transnormal Application and Functional Meaning of Punctuations

    文学作品中标点 符号 常规运用及其功能意义

  • The shortage of education resource caused by the transnormal development of higher education and the absence of teaching quality assurance system are reducing the education quality .

    高等教育 大众化的 常规发展,引发教育资源不足,又缺乏与之 配套的保证教育质量机制,从而引发教育质量相对下降。

  • There is not enough evidence to prove that funds managers have transnormal selectivity and timing ability .

    没有足够的证据表明 开放 基金经理具有优异的 选股和择时能力。

  • In recent years with the transnormal development of freeway construction the vegetation reconstruction and recovery of disturbed soil have become an urgent problem in roadside ecological environmental protection .

    随着近年来高速公路建设的 步伐 常规 加快,扰动土壤的植被重建恢复已经成为路域生态环境保护中一个亟待解决的问题。

  • In the high education the teachers lead students to track stretch in this tunnel of high intelligence quotient thinking activity and it can make students find out a transnormal 、 span method of creationary career .

    在大学教育中,教师带领学生在这种高智商思维活动的隧道中行 一段 ,将会使学生探寻出一 常规、跨越式的创新兴业之道。

  • By means of cross-border mergers and acquisitions Chinese enterprises can effectively integrate global market information technology and resources and expand the enterprises scale . It is the effective means of rapid expansion winning transnormal development and a shortcut of Chinese enterprises to internationalize .

    跨国并购可以使中国企业有效整合全球的市场、信息、技术及资源,扩大企业的规模,是一种快速扩张、赢得 常规发展的有效手段,是中国企业走向国际化的一条捷径。

  • Trading faithfully witness the transnormal development history of Tailong .

    贸易诚实,见证了“泰隆”的 常规发展历史;

  • Analysis on the Causes of Transnormal Ethyne in the Transformer Oil

    变压器油乙炔含量 超标原因分析

  • Curative Effect Observation on Curing Chronic Bacterial Dysentery with Transnormal Dosages of Berberine Associated with TMP

    剂量黄连素 苄胺 嘧啶治疗慢性菌痢

  • Results as follows : Cotton with monopodial branches did have transnormal compensation effects on the yield .

    棉花留叶枝对产量有 补偿效应。

  • Research on Stress Analysis and Reinforcement Design of Spherical Shell with Transnormal Flush Nozzle

    球壳 超标 孔平齐接管应力分析与补强设计研究