transfer price

[trænsˈfɚ praɪs][trænsˈfə: prais]


  • What transfer price should control transfers between the two divisions ?

    控制两部门内部转移的 转移 价格是多少呢?

  • Comparison of The Principle of Protection of Reliability And The Principle of Good Faith of Administrative Law ; After analysis on the merit and demerit of the two guidelines the article introduces the specific method of adjusting the transfer price .

    行政法信赖保护与诚实信用两原则比较研究本章对这两种指导原则的优缺点进行分析后,介绍了调整 转移 定价的具体方法。

  • Method and Case Study on Transfer Price Appraisal from Cultivated Land to Constructive Land

    耕地 为建设用地 价格评估&以河南省南阳市为例

  • If the transfer price is higher than the local guiding price or market trading price by30 % generally it may be deemed as an obviously unreasonable high price .

    转让 价格高于当地指导价或者市场交易价百分之三十的,一般可以视为明显不合理的高价。

  • The $ 25 per unit intermediate market price therefore serves as an acceptable transfer price between the two divisions .

    因此每单位25美元的中间市场价格就成为两部门可接受的 内部 转移 价格

  • If Division Y in our example has idle capacity then the appropriate transfer price is less clear .

    如果例中Y部门有闲置生产能力,则适当的 转移 价格便比较模糊。

  • Sales price in the formula is the actual transfer price of the enterprises of the same product within the country .

    公式中的“销售价格”为同类产品生产企业国内实际 调拨 价格

  • Under this circumstance the transfer price will be computed .

    在这种情况下可以这样计算 转移 价格

  • In practice the three most common transfer price employed is cost-based transfer price market price-based transfer price and negotiated price .

    在实际工作中,常用的方法有三种:成本基础的内部 转让 价格,市价基础内部转让价格和协议价格。

  • Further undistributed profits cannot be deducted from the transfer price for tax purposes .

    此外,未分配的利润不能从税务目的 转让 价格中扣除。

  • A transfer price is the price set for goods or services transferred among profit or investment centers .

    内部 转移 价格就是指在企业内部各利润中心或投资中心之间互相转移产品或服务时所制定的价格。

  • In the following section we consider each of these approaches to the transfer price problem .

    下面我们分别讨论每种 内部 转让 价格

  • If RMB occurs fluctuations in exchange or ABB manufacture transfer price changed cniab reserve right of adjust price .

    若人民币汇率发生变化或abb原生产 厂家方面 价格调整时,本公司保留对此价格表更改的权利。

  • There are following situations where a negotiated transfer price below the intermediate market price can be justified .

    在下列情况下,以低于中间市场价格的协议 转移是适当的。

  • The transfer price that determines the amount of the charge for technical services creates tax risk which I will discuss further in a later post .

    技术服务费的 转移 定价存在税务风险,我将在另一篇博文中讨论这一事项。

  • Market price-based transfer price

    市价基础的内部 转让 价格

  • Arm 's length price : Price Between corporations under fully competitive conditions ( the opposite of transfer price ) .

    公平价格:公司之间在充分竞争的条件下形成的价格(相对于 转帐 价格而言)。

  • Thus the transfer price quoted by Division Y should not be less than $ 22 per fitting .

    因此,Y部门制定的 转移 价格应低于22美元。

  • Transfer price in competitive market

    竟争市场中的 转让 价格

  • Such as : Why should the internal transfer price the internal transfer price of the development of methods and internal transfer of billing methods and other issues .

    诸如:为何要有内部 转移 价格、内部转移价格制定方法以及内部转移结算方式等问题。

  • The lower limit for a transfer price would be the $ 8 variable costs as discussed earlier .

    此时, 转移 价格最低限为变动成本8美元,如前面论述一样。

  • Foreign investors shall pay the transfer price in freely convertible currencies .

    外商应当以自由兑换货币支付 转让 价款

  • So long as Division A receives a transfer price of $ 25 per unit from Division B it will be willing to sell all of its output internally .

    只要B部门每单位的 转移 价格能达到$25,A部门则愿意在内部销售它所有的产品。

  • To provide an example of how a transfer price would be set in these situations .

    举例说明在上述情况下如何制定 内部 转移 价格

  • Transfer price of transnational corporation

    跨国公司内部 调拨 价格

  • After analysis on the merit and demerit of the two guidelines the article introduces the specific method of adjusting the transfer price .

    本章对这两种指导原则的优缺点进行分析后,介绍了调整 转移 定价的具体方法。

  • Thus as a result of using cost as a transfer price profits for the company as a whole may be adversely affected and the manager may never know about it .

    因而,采用成本作为 内部 转移 价格的结果是经理人不知道该项决策已使公司总利润受到负面的影响。

  • According to statistics there are25 transactions the new three board listed on the stock exchange rate was7 % the transfer price is generally higher than the net assets .

    据统计,有25个交易中,“新三板”股票上市的汇率为7%, 转让 价格普遍高于净资产。

  • An Empirical Research on the Negotiating Transfer Price of the State-owned Stocks in Chinese Listed Companies

    上市公司国有股协议 转让 价格影响因素研究

  • In the event of invested enterprises have non-allocated profit or various funds after tax profit drawing the invested enterprises shall not deduct aforesaid income sum from share transfer price .

    同时如果被投资企业有尚未分配的利润或税后提存的各项基金等,上述留存收益金额不能从股权 转让 中扣除。