transfer order

[trænsˈfɚ ˈɔrdɚ][trænsˈfə: ˈɔ:də]


  • The droplet of the push-pull short-circuit CO2 welding transfer in order the energe distribute conformably and the weld shape is good whatever welding in small or big current .

    推拉送丝短路过渡过程熔滴 过渡规律,能量分布均匀一致,不论在小电流还是大电流时焊缝成形均平整美观。

  • And the rural collective construction land transfer in order needs long term and orderly gradual practice in future .

    当然,本研究对农村集体建设用地流转问题的探讨,仅仅只是 今后 流转制度改革提供了一种思路,农村集体建设用地流转的规范 有序开展,还需要长期的、循序渐进的实践。

  • English teachers should direct students to grasp the principles of transfer promote positive transfer and decrease negative transfer in order to improve the English teaching quality .

    英语教师应该引导学生自觉地把握迁移规律,积极促进正迁移,尽量抑制负 迁移从而切实提高学生的英语水平,全面提高教学质量。

  • Users must have the ability to disconnect while working on their wire transfer order because they pay Internet charges by the minute .

    用户应该拥有当处理 电汇 订单时可以断开的能力,因为他们按分钟支付Internet费用。

  • Because of the natural environment economic development public services such as greater differences existing only through the establishment of a fair and reasonable system of transfer payments in order for the whole community provide roughly equal services to the public .

    由于各地的自然环境、经济发展程度、公共服务水平等存在较大差异,只有通过建立一套公平合理的 转移支付制度, 才能为全社会提供大致相等的公共服务。

  • The second chapter introduces several rural labor force transfer theories in order to instruct the transfer surplus labor force in our country .

    第二章介绍了关于劳动力 转移的理论 用于指导我国的农村剩余劳动力转移。

  • By having lots of transfers outstanding on the MFC the MFC can determine what the best transfer order will be .

    通过在MFC上启动许多传输,MFC可以决定最佳的 传输 次序

  • To cancel or to stop a payment ( money transfer ) order this is only possible if the money receiver has not yet received the funds .

    只有在收款人没有收到款项的前提下,用户 才能取消或终止支付( 汇款)。

  • How improve the current process of the fine-line PCB image transfer in order to produce next generation fine-line PCB products is a challenge faced by many manufactures .

    如何改进细导线印制板图像 转移工艺, 以便生产出高品质的PCB产品,PCB生产者面对的一个难题。通过多次实践操作与试验以及理论分析,主要解决了三个技术问题;

  • Investigation of Transfer Function Order Dentification in Step Input

    跃输入时 传递函数的 项判断探讨

  • In the practice of CAD dialogue is also being used greatly . This paper carries out researches on the DCL dialogue about its design method transfer order and dialog handling so as to make use of dialogue better in the fields of design .

    在CAD的实践中也碰到了大量对话框的使用,现就DCL对话框的设计方法、 调用 顺序、控件处理等进行了探讨性研究,以便能在设计领域中更好地使用它。

  • These systems may use one or more funds transfer systems in order to satisfy the payment obligations that are generated .

    这些系统可能使用一个或多个资金 转帐系统 偿清生成的支付债务。

  • On Utilizing Farmer Training to Guide the Rural Labor to Transfer in Perfect Order

    以农民培训引导农村劳动力 有序 转移的措施研究

  • In the studying we analyse the different forms of transfer organization in order to meeting passenger demand and improving the efficiency of transfer system . It has reference value for rail transit design of transfer stations .

    分析了在 满足客流需求和提高换乘效率的基础上不同 换乘布局组织形式,可供轨道交通换乘车站设计参考。

  • Drawing lessons from the successful experience of international rural surplus labor 's transfer in order to raising the problem that how to transfer the western rural labor we must begin with the actual circumstance of western area ;

    从西部的实际出发,借鉴发达国家农村剩余劳动力 转移的成功经验, 提出西部农村劳动力转移要发展农业产业化,促进农村劳动力在农业内部吸纳和农村内部转移;

  • This article beginning with the analysis of the history of rural surplus labor transfer process in order to make people understand that migrant workers starting an undertaking in their hometown based on the transfer of rural surplus labor .

    本文开篇所分析的农村剩余劳动力 转移的历史进程,是 为了让大家认识到农民工返乡创业与农村剩余劳动力转移是前后承接的。

  • Use two forms to manage data : related database and XML document . Choose XML document to exchange and transfer data in order to share system resources and transfer data between different systems .

    综合采用了关系型数据库和XML文档两种组织形式来组织管理数据,而在数据交换、数据 传输中则大量采用XML文档格式, 今后系统资源的共享及不同系统间传输数据提供了可能;

  • English teachers should pay attention to use transfer rules in order to turn the negative transfer into positive transfer and to bring out our students a great advance in English learning .

    在英语教学过程中,教师应注意正确运用 迁移规律 把汉语的负迁移转化成正迁移,以 有效地促进学生英语知识的习得和运用。

  • Come to reach corporation tax being defeated applying preceding research theory to plan and prepare for the ABC company has worked out the transfer pricing in order that tax is minimized and profit is max.

    最后运用前面的研究理论为ABC公司制订了利用 转移定价 进行税收筹划来达到公司税负最小化、利润最大化的目的。

  • Create a delivery as the prerequisite for the transfer order .

    创建一个交货作为 转储 订单的先决条件。

  • If you need the receipt of your fund please state so clearly in the comment section of the bank transfer order .

    如果您的捐款需要收据,请清楚地注明在银行 转账 上。

  • The technology of digital image sharing mainly studies how to decompose a secret image into several mean-ingless or disordered images or camouflage it into several significant and meaningful images to store or transfer in order to enhance the security of the image information .

    数字图像分存技术主要研究如何把一幅秘密的数字图像分解成几幅无意义或者杂乱无章的图像或者伪装到几幅有意义的图像中进行存储或 传输以便增加图像信息的安全性能。

  • Water requirements of coated-type fabric with a compact heat exchanger flat heat transfer surface in order to smear the entire heat transfer surface water distribution and as much as possible reduce the applicator size and resistance .

    涂抹式布水要求换热器具有紧凑、平整的 热表面 以便对整个换热表面进行涂抹布水,并尽可能的减小涂抹器的尺寸和阻力。

  • How to effectively resolve the current government behavior misplaced Offside and Absence and other practical difficulties in the rural land transfer order the key specifications .

    如何有效地解决当前政府行为错位、越位、缺位等现实困境是农村土地 流转 有序、规范进行的关键。

  • And the central and western regions should improve their own conditions to undertake industrial transfer in order that they can embed global value chains and realize industrial upgrading .

    同时中西部地区应不断完善自身条件,以承接东部地区的产业 转移 嵌入全球价值链。

  • With the in-depth researches on the vertical heat exchanger it becomes greatly necessary to set up a more precise heat transfer model in order to further analyze the process of the heat exchange and to find efficient ways to promote the efficiency of the heat exchanger .

    随着对土壤源热泵埋地换热器研究的不断深入,要求建立更精确的 传热模型, 从而更准确地分析传热过程,找出提高埋地换热器换热效率的有效途径。

  • Non-Fick Effect of Transient Diffusion Mass Transfer with First Order Homogeneous Chemical Reaction

    存在均相化学反应的瞬态扩散 传质问题中的非 Fick效应

  • Gives the coupled equations of convection heat transfer and radiation heat transfer for indoor surfaces . Applies the method of surface heat transfer analysis to calculating the convective heat transfer coefficient in order to solute the wall temperature .

    建立了室内表面对流辐射耦合换热方程,着重讨论了采用表面换热分析法求解表面 传热系数 求解壁温的方法。