transfer office

[trænsˈfɚ ˈɔfɪs][trænsˈfə: ˈɔfis]

[经] 转运处, 转让事务所, 过户办事处

  • Where the project is completed and all the transfer formalities have been met the preparation office shall be disbanded by the resolution of the Board of Directors .

    第三十九条筹建处在工程建设完成并 办理完毕 移交手续后,经董事会批准撤销。

  • In an electron government affairs system the broad band security data transfer inner network is based on Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) OA database and files flowing database actualize office affairs and work flow by group software system ( Notes ) .

    电子政务系统采用虚拟专用网(VPN)建立宽带安全数据 传输内网,用群件系统Notes开发OA数据库和文件流转数据库,实现 办公、工作流程。

  • I asked the switchboard operator to transfer any calls for me to your office .

    我让接线员 我的电话都转到你的 办公室去。

  • She 's asked us to transfer her daughter to our office .

    她请我们来 她女儿转到我们 办公室

  • On the base of process definition the form and process instance are combined to drive the form transfer . Finally the implementation of the office automation system with customization of processes and forms is introduced and a representative reimbursement process is used for system verification .

    最后给出了可定制流程和表单的 办公自动化系统的具体实现,并以一个典型的 报销流程为例,进行了系统验证。

  • The formation of contracts for the transfer of building property rights the sale ( purchase ) of building property in advance the mortgage of building property and the lease of buildings shall be notarized by the Shenzhen Municipal Notarial Office .

    房产权 转移、房产预售(预购)、房产抵押和房屋租赁合同的订立,应经深圳市公证 公证。

  • The Technology Transfer Office ( TTO ) is a high performance team that guides breakthrough NUI Galway research to business reality as well as manage the NUI Galway Business Innovation Center .

    爱尔兰国立高威大学技术 转移 办公室拥有一个高效率的团队,领导大学研究进入商业轨道,并管理大学商业创新中心。

  • You should reconfirm your reservations at the domestic transfer booking office .

    您应该去国内 中转 售票 确认一下。

  • In traditional office model due to the lack of information transfer and workflow division the office cannot achieve information sharing between departments .

    在传统办公模式中,由于缺少信息 传递和工作流程划分,各 办公部门间无法实现信息共享,难以实现各部门间的协作办公。

  • The payment shall be made by telegraphic transfer to the Bank of china head office beijing china for our account within five business days after the contract signature date .

    货款必须在合同签署日后的第5个营业日内,用 电汇方式汇入我方在中国银行,中国北京 总行的帐户。

  • Directors supervisors and the manager of a company shall report to that company all the shares that he holds in the company and may not transfer them during his term of office .

    公司董事,监事,经理应当向公司申报所持有的本公司的股份,并在 任职期间内不得 转让

  • With only five days left until Inauguration Day Mr. Bush reflected on the peaceful transfer of power that will occur when Barack Obama takes the oath of office and becomes the first African American president of the United States .

    现在距新总统宣誓就职还有5天,布什谈到,当奥巴马宣誓 就任为美国第一位黑人总统时,人们将看到权力的和平 交接

  • Development of forest resources transfer office system

    森林资源 流转 办公系统的研建

  • In order to realize the foul removing / preventing on line and enhance heat transfer we have invented the Miniature Hydraulic Turbine in the Heat Exchanger Tube granted by the Patent Office of China .

    本技术已获得国家发明专利。我们发明了换热管内微型液轮机用以实现换热设备在线除垢、防垢并强化 传热,己获中国 专利

  • The input processing and transfer of documents are all very different from everyday office printing .

    从文件输入,解释, 传送,都与普通的 办公室打印不同。

  • If registration capital transfer competed and the office is ok In the ordinary course of event we could get this rights after WFOE company set up immediately .

    只要资金 到位,房子没有问题,一般我们都可在成立公司之后,马上就获得一般纳税人资格。

  • The staff who transfer or on duty for other employee shall be trained according to the position requirement Training record shall submitted to general office for recorder . The underpinning knowledge and skills may be assessed on or off-the-job .

    员工 转岗或顶岗时,由各部门应根据岗位需要进行上岗前的各种知识培训,培训记录交 总经办备案。

  • Office Management Information System enable enterprises to fully and effectively transfer the use of information complete various office operations increase productivity improve work quality reduce resource overhead .

    办公管理信息系统的应用可以使企业充分有效地 传递、利用信息,完成各类 办公业务,提高办公效率,改善办公质量,减少资源开销。

  • Payment can be made by Bank Transfer Bank Draft or in cash at your nearest Oxford office .

    你可以通过银行 转账,汇款或者交现金到离你最近的牛津的 办公室

  • Learning transfer plays a vital role in the OA ( Office Automation ) curriculum .

    学习 迁移办公自动化课程教学中非常重要。

  • Generally speaking the transfer of US Postal Office to the largest state-owned enterprise has been proved a great success but there exist some problems at the same time .

    美国 邮政政企 转换,从总体看是成功的,效果非常显著,同时也存在一些问题。

  • The Reporter saw fewer citizens going through transfer procedures in the registration office of Luyang District Housing Bureau .

    记者在 庐阳房产分局登记大厅发现现在前来登记 过户的市民少了很多。

  • I take the No.522 bus to the zoo and then I transfer to the No.192 bus to get to Li Yang 's office .

    我先乘坐522公共汽车来到动物园,然后我 乘192公共汽车到达李阳的 办公室

  • Data transfer in Microsoft 's Office Business Applications and Database

    Office 办公系统与数据库间数据的 传递

  • How do you transfer your number to another extension if you leave your office for a long period ?

    如果你要长时间离开 办公室,如何 你的号码转到另一分机上呢!

  • In this paper a method of flow-control management ( FCM ) is presented . It has been used to deal with issuing signing transfer of the daily office documents processing .

    详细介绍了一种流程管理FCM( Flow-ControlManagement)的方法,并使用该方法对公文在网络卜的发布、审批、 转发等进行处理。

  • And it realize document ' mangement transfer and examination & approve that change traditional office model and improve work efficiency .

    通过电子化实现文档的管理、 传递和审批,改变传统手工 办公模式,提高办公效率。

  • In the traditional office model as the lack of important aspects of information transfer and workflow office can not be achieved between the various sectors of information sharing and information integration it is difficult to achieve efficient collaboration between various sectors .

    在传统的办公模式中,由于缺少重要的信息 传递和工作流程环节, 办公的各个部门之间无法实现信息共享和信息集成,从而难以实现各个部门之间的高效协作。