transfer check

[trænsˈfɚ tʃɛk][trænsˈfə: tʃek]


  • After dinner transfer to hotel for check in .

    晚餐后, 往下 酒店休息。

  • The image transfer was not completed . Please check that your device is connected properly .

    无法完成该图像 转换。请 检查设备是否连接完好。

  • Check fund transfer of bank bills issued by principal bank ; promptly check accounts with principal bank ;

    对被代理行签发银行汇票的资金 存情况进行检查,并及时与被代理行进行账务 核对

  • Open-channel water diversion system in the water transfer project is an extremely complicated system which is made up of a long distance main canal and several check gates and diversion sluices and so on .

    水工程中明渠输水系统是指由一条长输水干渠和若干 节制闸、分水闸等构成的非常复杂的输水系统。

  • It is defined as the Funds Transfer after the customer ( including the bank ) forwarding payment order to the computer network system supplied by the bank through electronic currency ( including bank cards digital currency internet currency and electronic check ) .

    它是指客户(包括银行本身)运用电子货币(包括银行卡、数字货币、网络货币、电子 支票等)向银行提供的计算机网络系统发出支付命令,所进行的资金 划拨

  • A settlement may transfer the funds by using the check promissory notes and credit vouchers from the special funds account .

    结算会员可以用专用资金账户开出的 支票、本票和贷记凭证 金。

  • Region partition was introduced in the transfer algorithm . After the check of relevant data consistency and the comparison of regions dynamic adjustment could be done .

    在该算法中引入区域划分法,在 迁移之前进行相关数据一致性 检查和影响区域比较,通过该算法实现流程实例动态调整,以适应新的变种。

  • Wait a minute please . I 'll transfer your call to the Information . You should check the room number first .

    请等一等,我替您将电话 转到询问台,您先把他的房间号码 出来。

  • Scripting for Transfer failed . Check log files .

    编写 传输脚本失败, 检查日志文件。

  • The policy of hi-tech transfer restriction to Soviet Union and China can check the development of hi-tech in Soviet Union and China and also guarantee the security of the country which is in accord with the national interest .

    美国采取对苏联和中国的高新技术 转让限制政策,一方面 遏制了苏联和中国高科技的发展,一方面保障了本国的安全,符合美国的国家利益。

  • Select a query and click Tune to transfer the query to IBM Data Studio to format the query analyze the access plan or check whether statistics are current and optimal .

    选择一个查询并单击Tune可将其 转化为IBMDataStudio,来格式化查询、分析访问计划、或者 检查统计是否存在且最优。

  • By time domain step response experimental modeling method and frequency domain response experimental modeling method approximate coarse transfer function is constructed check analysis is carried out in Matlab environment .

    采用时域阶跃响应及频域响应两种实验建模的方法,建立了系统的近似 传递函数,用Matlab仿真的方法进行了 验证分析。

  • Temperature : When the temperature reaches transfer the temperature control liquid crystal displays has been to the desired temperature such as not warming up check ① contactor is bad ;

    温度:当所 温度到达时,温控器液晶会显示已到所需温度,如不升温,则 检查①接触器是否坏了;

  • By analyze the project feature the new operation location feature and the Transfer requirement to sum up how to improve the project and the check point need special attention during the transfer process .

    从项目自身的特点出发,结合新运营地点的特点和 转移这一项目要求,分析如何对项目进行优化,在项目优化的过程中需要特别注意的一些 控制点。

  • One moment please I will transfer your call to the reception to check for you .

    请稍等,我帮您把电话 转到前台 查询 一下

  • Study on Arbitrary Carry Numeration System Data Transfer and Check Method

    任意进制的数据 传送校验方法的研究

  • Time : When the transfer time to reach the hot plate does not rise shall check whether the contact valve is burned burned or timetable .

    时间:当 烫印时间到达而发热板未升起,则须 检查电磁阀触点是否烧坏或时间表是否烧坏。

  • In the My Tasks widget check the task again then click Select action and Transfer .

    在MyTasks小部件中,再次 选中该任务,然后单击Selectaction和 Transfer

  • The applications allow users to transfer money trade stocks pay bills and check balances anywhere in the world .

    该应用软件使用户不论在世界任何地方都能 转账、交易股票、付账及 查询账户余额。

  • If you open a demand account with our bank you may transfer funds by issuing a check .

    你如果在我行开立支票帐户,就可以用 支票 钱。

  • Telephone banking allows customers to perform electronic funds transfer transactions ( also known as EFT ) check balances and pay bills ?

    电话银行使客户能够进行电子 转账(也称为“EFT”)、 查询余额和支付账单。

  • Methods Establish the system of belong to administration regular spot check over records of diagnosis and report hospitalized cases registration and observe situation of failed to report definite diagnosis succeeded transfer diagnosis and remaining patients through investigation and check on epidemic situation cards .

    方法建立归口管理制度,定期抽查综合医院诊断记录、入院登记、报告记录,通过对疫情报告卡片追访 核实,掌握漏报、确诊、 诊到位及截留病人情况。

  • The transfer of money by bank check is very common today .

    用银行 支票 钱现在很普遍。

  • The research into influence of heat transfer model on the key check parameters for coking furnace

    传热模型对焦化炉关键 校核参数影响的研究

  • Transfer the capital should check capital by accounting institutes .

    打入资金,必须 会计事务所做验资 报告

  • If you need a transfer please put the liquid items you have bought onboard into this transparent plastic bag keep it sealed and have the boarding pass ready when going through the security check .

    如果您需要 转机,在飞机上购买的液体免税品请放在这个透明的塑料袋内,保持封口。同时通过安检时,需要出示这段航程的登机牌,以被 查验

  • Transfer sorting out and check of payments to the approval documents ;

    付款审批单据的 传递,整理, 核对