transfer factors

[医] 转移因子

  • Research on heat transfer factors affecting grain size and composition of molten mullite

    影响熔融莫来石晶粒大小及组成的 传热 因素

  • Numerical Study of the Drying Process of Porous Medium-the Influence of Various Internal Transfer Factors to the Drying Process

    多孔介质干燥过程数值分析&内部 迁移 特性对干燥过程的影响

  • Well Aware of Environmental Protection Mission in New Period Transfer Positive Factors of Whole Society for Strive Reducing Environmental Pollution

    充分认识新时期环保工作任务 调动全社会积极 因素努力减少环境污染

  • It is suggested that besides negative L1 transfer factors such as intralingual transfer training transfer are worth examining in future study .

    另外,本文也指出除母语负 迁移外,其他 因素如语内迁移、训练迁移等也是不容忽视的,值得进一步研究。

  • The western development is the course of the factors ' westward advance its first precondition is to transfer the factors out off the industrial cluster .

    西部大开发就是要素西进的过程,其前提是 要素首先必须 迁移出产业集群。

  • Since 1982 thirty-two cases of carcinoma of the stomach have been treated with anti-gastric adenocarcinoma immune RNA ( IRNA ) and transfer factors ( TF ) after surgery . There were 28 male and 4 female patients . The age ranged from 32 to 75 years old .

    本文应用特异的抗胃腺癌免疫核糖核酸(IRNA)和脾脏 转移 因子(TF),对32例胃癌术后的病人进行免疫治疗及临床观察,综合判断证实有一定疗效。

  • Finally the critical knowledge transfer factors conducive to the promotion of a knowledge-based team innovation performance and key network connection strength characteristics were analyzed and summarized .

    四是对有利于知识型团队创新绩效提升的关键隐性知识 转移 因素和关键网络联结强度特征进行分析并归纳本研究结论,针对现存问题提出一些实践建议。

  • Basic research on physicochemical properties of three transfer factors

    三种 转移 因子的部分理化性质比较

  • Analysis of dynamic game of Training Transfer environmental Factors

    培训 迁移环境 因素的动态博弈分析

  • The transfer factors of I ba sr y and Zr from soil to leafy vegetables

    Ba、Sr、Y和Zr从土壤至蔬菜的 转移 系数

  • Receiver-based diagnosis of TCP bulk transfer rate limiting factors

    基于接收方的TCP批量数据 发送限制 因素诊断

  • According as the analysis results on the assumption model to be positive after the intelligence work in knowledge transfer factors affecting the model .

    依据分析结果对假设模型进行修正,得到实证后的情报工作中知识 转移的影响 因素模型。

  • A study on cellular immunity in mycoplasmal suipneumonia & observation on the effect of the transfer factors and the states of cellular immunity in the infected pigs

    猪霉形体肺炎细胞免疫的研究&病猪 转移 因子的作用和病猪细胞免疫动态的观察

  • A majority of researches related to transfer factors opened up great prospects for clinical applications as efficient and bio-secure immunotherapy to prevent and cure diseases .

    转移因子和重组 转移 因子是一种具有免疫增强活性的新型高效安全的生物药品,在临床上用于疾病的防治,具有广阔的应用前景。

  • Observation and analysis of transfer factors of different species on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

    不同种属 转移 因子的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析

  • The rate of turning to negativity ( 63.2 % ) in STF group was significantly higher than that in NSTF group ( 26.3 % ) . NK cell activity was enhanced in the infection group with two transfer factors therapy .

    免疫治疗观察,STF的转阴率为63.2%,明显高于NSTF的26.3%,两种 转移 因子均能使NK细胞活性增高。

  • The main causal factors for pragmatic fossilization include pragmatic transfer and input factors .

    造成语用石化的主要原因是语用 迁移和输入 因素

  • The finite-element method ( FEM ) is used to model a cantilever beam with surface bonded actuators and analyze the deformation transfer factors between the actuator and the substrate .

    首先采用有限元法建立了双面粘贴 元件的悬臂梁驱动装置的理论模型,并通过实验验证了理论分析的可行性。

  • The relative deviations between the correlation and 70 % of experimental heat transfer factors were limited in ± 10 % and for friction factors the relative deviations were within 5 % ~ 15 % .

    70%的 传热 因子试验值与关联式值的相对偏差在±10%以内;摩擦因子试验值与关联式值的相对偏差在5%~15%,可用于该型翅片的选型和前期设计。

  • In the analysis of industrial transfer and international sericultural industry transfer driven factors combined with the characteristics of sericulture industry constructs the analysis framework of sericulture industry transfer driving factors .

    在分析工业产业转移和国际蚕桑产业 转移 基础上,结合我国蚕桑产业特点,构建了一个理论分析框架,用于分析蚕桑产业转移的驱动 因素

  • The nature of interracial heat transfer and factors influencing it have been studied by means of temperature air gap mea - surements and numerical computation .

    通过温度、界面气隙的测试和数值计算的方法研究了界面热 交换的特征和影响 因素

  • The determination of convection heat exchange factors constitutes a major element in the heat transfer performance test of heat exchangers . A multitude of methods can be used to determine the convection heat transfer factors with their respective application scope and conditions .

    在换热器的传热性能试验中,对流换热系数的测定是重要的一个组成部分,对流 系数的测定方法有很多种,但都有各自的应用范围和条件。

  • Effect of mass transfer factors and operation parameters on removal and recovery cyanide has been studied .

    研究了 传质的影响 因素及操作参数对除氰和回收氰化钠的影响。

  • Canine Spleen-Transfer Factor ( CS-TF ) is a kind of specific lymphocytic factor extracted from canine spleen . It 's physicochemical properties are similar to those of other transfer factors ( TF ) .

    犬脾转移因子(CS-TF)是从犬脾脏中提取的一种特定的淋巴细胞因子,其理化特性与其他 转移 因子(TF)的相似。

  • Chicken spleen transfer factors ( TF ) matching with avtive NDV and IBDV vaccine was inoculated into chickling .

    鸡脾 转移 因子(TF)与鸡新城疫活疫苗和法氏囊活疫苗配合使用,免疫雏鸡。

  • It 's an important way to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff members and a way to transfer negative factors to positive factors .

    是调动广大后勤职工积极性, 消极 因素为积极因素的重要途径。

  • The Mass Transfer Factors in Droplet Cluster of Multicomponent System

    多组分体系液滴群的 传质 因数

  • The points of the paper are on the basis of the discussion of the conception historical background classification of language transfer and factors affecting language transfer the writer puts forward teaching principles and strategies according to the actual situation in FLT .

    本选题的重点在于对语言 迁移理论的概念、产生的历史背景、分类以及影响语言迁移的 因素进行研究的基础上,结合中学外语教学的实际情况,提出促进语言正向迁移的教学原则与教学策略。

  • The representative transfer factor for a given crop-Cd ( or Pb ) system should be evaluated based on the regression equations between the transfer factors and the corresponding soil Cd and Pb and at a given soil Cd or Pb concentration .

    一种作物对土壤Cd或Pb的代表性转移系数应该根据 转移 系数与土壤Cd或Pb之间的回归方程,在特定的土壤含量点上估算,而不应简单地用平均数或中位值表示。

  • Conceptual factors refer to the conflict of Chinese and English conceptual systems which are embodied as conceptual transfer factors of thinking mode and factors of culture .

    概念因素是指汉语和英语概念系统的冲突,主要表现为概念 迁移、思维模式 因素和文化因素。