


  • Coach railway or tramway self-propelled

    铁道或 电车 轨道客车,自动推进式

  • Mounting of base metal for vehicle coachwork frame ( and parts thereof ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

    座架,贱金属制,用于车辆车身机架(及零件),铁道或 电车 轨道机车或车辆用

  • This piano is wanting in touch . traction wirerope for aerial tramway

    这架钢琴声音不好。架空 索道 牵引钢丝绳

  • There is also a tramway serving as a local distributor on the northern shore of the Hong Kong Island and a funicular tramway running between Central ( Garden Road ) and the Peak .

    另外,还有作为区域性运输系统而行走于港岛北岸的 电车,以及连接港岛中区花园道和山顶的缆车。

  • Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons not self-propelled .

    铁道及 电车 的非机动 篷及无篷货车。

  • Coach railway or tramway powered from an external source of electricity

    铁道或 电车 轨道客车,外部电源驱动

  • The first in the city tramway was designed and constructed .

    设计和建造了这座城市的 首条 电车 轨道

  • 1860 The first tramway in Britain opened .

    1860年,英国开通了第一 电车 轨道

  • Grease box ( incl bodies and guides therefor ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stock

    润滑油箱(包括身和导向装置),铁道或 电车 轨道机车或车辆

  • Discussion for auto parts EPC integration software frame ( and parts thereof ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

    浅议汽车零配件电子目录EPC集成软件机架(及零件),铁道或 电车 轨道机车或车辆用

  • Not self-propelled tramway car for freight

    非自动推进 电车 轨道货车

  • Lever brake for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

    制动器分离杆,铁道或 电车 轨道机车或车辆和

  • In a moment he had cleared the wire fence of the railway station stepped across the tramway and arrived on the cement pavement of the street outside .

    一会儿,已经出了车站的铁栅栏,跨过了 电车 轨道,来到水门汀的人行道上。

  • Brake ( and parts thereof ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stock w_755

    制动器(及制动器零件)铁道或 电车 轨道机车或车辆 w_773

  • Door for railway or tramway rooling-stock

    铁道或 轨电车车辆车门

  • Intelligent Wire Rope Flaw Detector EMT Rock Washing Plant at Golden Rooster Application Tramway

    EMT智能钢丝绳探伤仪在金鸡岩洗选厂 货运 索道中的应用

  • Gantry signaling mechanical ( incl. electromechanical ) railway or tramway traffic-controlling

    机械(包括电动机械)跨轨信号困,用于铁道或 轨电 轨道交通管理

  • UNESCO listed Bordeaux as a world heritage site in2007 and officials have renovated classic landmarks beautified the riverfront and built a new tramway in the center of town .

    2007年,联合国科教文组织将波尔多列为世界文化遗产,官方重新修建了地标性建筑,美化了河岸,并在市中心修了一条新的 电车 轨道

  • The center tramway portion depresses below the roadway elevation .

    中间 电车 落低到车行道以下。

  • Disc signaling electrically-powered for controlling railway or tramway traffic

    电动信号盘,铁路或 轨道交通管理用

  • Coupling gear ( hook screw-or chain-type ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

    车钩(螺旋钩或链钩)铁道或 车道机车或车辆用机械式可调螺矩螺旋桨

  • This Chapter does not cover railway or tramway rolling-stock designed solely for running on rails .

    本章不包括仅可在钢轨上运行的铁道及 电车 车辆。

  • Their first descent into the abyss started with an800 metre ride through tunnels and caverns on the old Miners Tramway a train hauled by a battery-electric locomotive .

    两人先是乘坐老式矿场电吊车穿过了800米的地道和 岩洞抵达洞穴。

  • Cable-driven ingot buggy traction wirerope for aerial tramway


  • The tramway would have been a marginal proposition if it had cost nothing to build .

    即便建造成本为零, 电车 收入也是微不足道的。

  • Paris of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock .

    铁道及 电车 机车或其他车辆的零件。

  • Glasgow with over one million inhabitants has only about 100 miles of tramway .

    人口超过一百万的格拉斯哥只有大约一百英里 电车 线路

  • Coach railway or tramway special purpose ( excl. maintenance and service coaches ) not self-propelled

    铁道或 电车 轨道专用车(不包括修车和服务车),非自动推进

  • Yellow box junctions can also be found at railway level crossings or tramway crossings .

    也可在铁路平交道口或 缆车过路处黄色方格路口。