track data

[træk ˈdetə][træk ˈdeitə]


  • The track data of aircraft or missile target can be predicted by means of the GM ( 1 ) sequence prediction in grey system theory .

    应用灰色系统理论的GM(1,1)数列预测方法,对空中的飞机、导弹目标 航迹数据进行预测;

  • The track database based on XML stores and displays track data by data management and operational advantages of XML document .

    基于XML的轨道数据库是使用XML文档的数据管理、处理优势来来表达以及存储 轨道 数据

  • Multi-sensor Fusion Processing System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Track Data

    基于多传感器的无人机 航迹 实时 数据融合处理系统

  • The basic theory of data fusion and date mining is comprehensively expounded and real-time requirements of multi-target track data fusion as well as offline demodulation timely information on characteristics of data mining is deeply studied .

    本文全面地阐述了数据融合和数据挖掘的基本理论,并深入研究了具有实时性要求的多目标 航迹 数据融合,以及离线适时解调信息特征的数据挖掘。

  • With the rapid development of High Speed Rail large amounts of complex track data require a lot from the database .

    随着高铁的快速发展,如何存储管理大量复杂的 轨道 数据对传统的数据库提出了苛刻的要求。

  • High precision GPS track data could be used to create digital map but it turns out too expensive and time-consuming .

    在生成 数字地图的过程中,可以采用高精度的GPS 定位 信息生成精确的数字地图,但是这种方法的造价和人工投入都很大。

  • In addition we especially study the smooth processing problem in the visualization of track data . 5 .

    另外还重点研究了 轨迹 数据可视化中的平滑处理问题。

  • This paper concentrates on the research of tracking Linux operating system on simulation platform . Analysis the result of track data and discussed the tracking embedded software on simulation platform .

    本文主要研究仿真平台上对Linux操作系统跟踪技术,对 跟踪结果进行 数据分析,并对仿真平台上嵌入式软件的跟踪调试进行探讨。

  • Finally the producing of the track data is simulated .

    模拟了 轨迹 数据的产生。

  • Flight Track Data Creation and Inertial Component Simulation the Strap-down INS

    捷联惯性导航系统飞行 轨迹 数据生成与惯性器件建模

  • I might use an interactive tool such as vmstat and then a capturing tool such as nmon to help me track data historically .

    我可能使用交互式工具(如vmstat),然后使用捕获工具(如nmon)来帮助我 跟踪 数据历史记录。

  • Study the application of area of interest and multicast technique in the track data distribution point out the limitation of the minimum area theory in the traditional area of interest and put forward own new theory based real battle .

    研究了兴趣区域和组播技术在 轨迹 数据分发中的应用,指出了传统兴趣区域中最小区域确定理论的缺陷,并结合实际作战提出了自己的新理论。

  • First they scrape the memory of in-store payment systems for credit and debit card track data which can include an account number expiration dates and personal identification numbers or PINs .

    首先,它们从店内支付系统的内存中获取信用卡和借记卡的 踪迹 数据,这些 数据可能包括账户号、有效期,以及个人识别码(简称PIN)。

  • To solve the problem of false association in the presence of multiple targets historical track data are utilized and a limited memory association model with ISODATA algorithm is built .

    构建了基于ISODATA算法的有限记忆关联模型,利用有限步的历史 航迹 状态 数据,有效地解决了目标密集环境下的误关联问题。

  • Based on NC track data of tool surface an automatic quadrilateral mesh generation method is proposed .

    基于模具型腔表面的数控 轨迹 ,提出了一种适用于薄板冲压成形计算机仿真的全自动四边形网格生成方法。

  • Inverse of apatite fission track data for thermal history information and its limitation

    磷灰石裂变 径迹 数据的热史反演及其局限性

  • Based on the hardware interface of SD / MMC included in preliminary terminal and File system the next version terminal can record the travel track data .

    设有 SD/MMC卡接口,终端的后续版本将实现基于μC/OS-II和文件系统的车辆 黑匣子 功能

  • The gage deflection is due to the momentum transfer . Transform of Sensor Track Data Using Unscented Transformation

    压力计的偏转是由于动量交换的原因。基于UT变换的传感器 航迹 数据无偏转换

  • This paper presents a method for reducing the satellite photoelectric track data choosing the best one in multi lines .

    介绍了云南天文台卫星 目视观测组新使用的一种卫星光电 资料的平滑处理方法&多直线选优法。

  • Introduce the related contents of COP point out the importance of the technique research about the track data processing and application definitude the significance and content of this paper .

    介绍了通用作战态势图的相关内容,指出了 轨迹 数据处理及应用技术研究的重要性,明确了本文的研究意义和研究内容。

  • The Technology of Track Data Processing and Application in COP

    通用作战态势 轨迹 数据处理及应用技术

  • New Quality Metrics of Track Data Source

    一种新的 航迹 数据源质量评价指标

  • Wellbore track data and inertial components outputs are needed when continuous wellbore survey algorithms are simulated .

    为了对连续测斜算法的可行性进行仿真,需要井眼 轨迹 数据和惯性器件输出参数。

  • The system can gain accurate timely sensor data and calculate the shake Track Data of the gravity center of the human body with the help of internal procedures in the microcontroller then pass them through the serial port to the processing software .

    利用该系统,实现了准确,实时的采集传感器数据,并用单片机内部程序计算出人体重心的动摇 轨迹 坐标,通过串口发至上位机处理软件。

  • The core of the system is based on a fairly simple set of rules to track data based on Tags and Labels .

    系统的核心建基于一组相当简单的数据 跟踪规则,用标签(TagsandLabels)来 跟踪 数据

  • By modelling of thermal histories from apatite fission track data the thermal histories of samples can be reconstructed .

    利用裂变 径迹 参数,可进行热史模拟,以重建样品的热历史。

  • Multisensor can be classified for tracking target in real time by using the idea of fuzzy decision distance in distributed fusion algorithm based on the Kalman Filter so as to achieve the optimization track data for target tracking in nonlinear system .

    在基于卡尔曼滤波器的分布式融合算法中,利用模糊技术中的决策距离思想,对实时跟踪目标的多传感器进行动态分组,以获得在非线性系统中目标跟踪的最佳融合 数据 精度

  • Transform of Sensor Track Data Using Unscented Transformation The Humble Opinion on the Usage of Transpositional Thinking in the Emotional English Teaching

    基于UT变换的传感器 航迹 数据无偏转换浅析情感英语教学中换位思考的运用

  • The model was calibrated and verified with measured data investigated flood track data and physical model test results .

    模型采用实测资料、调查洪 数据以及永定河滞洪水库物理模型试验成果进行了调试与验证。