Existing motor operating mechanism have complicated deceleration system and parts is more transmission mechanism complex and moving procedure is uncontrolled .
现有的电机操动机构大都需要一整套机械减速构成,零部件多, 传动机构复杂,可靠性低,且运动 过程不可控。
The function of PCU the important network element in EDGE radio access network in user data transmission procedure is described .
对无线接入网中数据 传输的重要网络元素 &PCU的功能进行了详细的描述,阐述了无线接入网中无线 数据 传输的原理。
Under the in-depth analysis of the Cipher Resource Injection research and security needs a Cipher Resource Injection model based on Bluetooth is built . Then security storage procedure and security transmission procedure are designed .
通过深入分析密码资源注入研究现状和安全需求,建立了基于蓝牙的密码资源注入模型,并对模型中安全存储和安全 传输 过程作了深入研究。
In order to minimize the fluctuation of gear transmission error a procedure for deciding tooth profile modification curves was developed for involute spur gears .
以理论渐开线直齿轮修形减振为目的,分析减小齿轮 传动误差波动, 啮合齿对齿廓综合修形参数应满足的几何条件;
The component structure of the data transmission system data flow procedure communication approach and analysis of the results of the operation of the system are described .
本文通过对该系统的概要介绍,说明了台站数据 传输网的组成结构、数据信息 流程、通信方式以及系统运行结果分析。
As this kind of microstrip hairpin filter does not require cross coupling between the non-adjacent resonators of the filter to obtain transmission zero the design procedure of the filter is simple .
由于这种类型的微带滤波器实现 传输零点不需要通过滤波器非相邻谐振器间的交叉耦合来获得,因此,设计 过程非常简单。
The key techniques are : the interrupt control in the initialization course of CAN controller software the data transmission procedure control by hardware flow control .
关键技术包括:在CAN控制器软件初始化过程中对系统中断的控制;采用硬件流控制实现数据 传输 过程的控制。
A new more exact and practical calculating formula is given for the wind-deviation of the transmission line and the procedure can be realized in computer .
针对 送电线路设计 过程中,边导线风偏后对地距离的 检查及 处理的不足之处,建立较为精确且实用的计算公式,并实现微机自动 处理。
Different from the Intserv or Diffserv model the adaptive QoS management framework adopts the concepts of multimedia priority session and adaptive QoS control ling . The QoS priority processing algorithm is based on multimedia priority session and the transmission procedure adopts an adaptive QoS control algorithm .
与Intserv或Diffserv模型不同的是,该QoS管理框架引入优先级节和自适应概念,QoS优先权处理采用基于多媒体优先级节的 算法,在 传输控制上采用了自适应QoS控制算法。
Also the time and capacity of collecting first-level data in an unbalanced transmission procedure are analyzed quantitatively with a valuable conclusion on the application of this protocol formed .
对非平衡 传输中采集一级数据 进行了定量的时间和容量分析,得出了具有应用价值的结论。
The Optimum Transmission Procedure of Information Exchange
信息交换的优化 传递 过程
Based on analysis of the average time in a successful transmission and a collision procedure the saturation throughput of IEEE 802.11 DCF network in hybrid mode is expressed as a function of RTS threshold .
通过分析一次成功 发送和一次碰撞持续的平均时间,找到网络饱和吞吐率与 RTS门限的关系。
The scheme includes whole system design chips selection hardware circuit realization collection nodes control programs data transmission and handling procedure upper computer application software and distortion image restoration program .
主要包括系统整体方案的设计,芯片的选型,硬件电路的实现以及对采集节点控制程序、数据 传输和处理 程序、上位机应用软件和失真图像的修复程序的编写。
The facsimile transmission procedure is researched particularly . The five phases-call establishment pre-message procedure in-message procedure post-message procedure call release-of the receiver are realized .
深入探讨了传真 传输 规程,实现了接收端呼叫建立、报文前处理、报文传输、报文后处理、呼叫释放五个阶段。
Based on the information processing and transmission procedure of the multi-robot system the control and collaboration among robots need be improved .
通过研究多机器人通信系统对信息的处理与 传输,多机器人的相互控制与协作才能得以改善。
GMPLS is the promising technique for the next generation transmission network . This paper introduced the procedure of the network failure disposal and analyzed and compared the different techniques for services restoration in the GMPLS network .
对 GMPLS网络中的故障处理的 过程进行了介绍,并对不同业务恢复方法的性能差异进行了分析和对比。
With the model reasonable method on video encode protocols transmission and procedure realization are proposed and an integrated platform of real-time video transmission system is built .
结合该模型,在视频编码、协议 调用 和 程序实现及流量控制等方面提出了合理的优化方法,并搭建了一个完整的实时视频传输系统平台。
Several critical technologic problems of simulation system of phased array radar are discussed in this paper Firstly transmission and processing procedure of signal in the phased array radar system are analyzed and the simulation systemic modular structure of phased array radar is founded .
本文研究了相控阵雷达的基本原理和基本构成及信号在相控阵雷达系统中的 传输、处理 过程,分析了相控阵雷达系统仿真的总体流程。
The welding process of the butt welding machine used to weld bicycle joints employs a cam transmission mechanism . Its procedure is decided by the contour of the cam .
自行车接头对焊机焊接过程的进行采用凸轮机构控制,焊接 过程由凸轮的 外廓形状所决定。
The packet transmission time overhead of RTS access mode and basic access mode by analyze the MAC frames transmission procedure in IEEE 802.11 DCF were achieved .
通过分析IEEE802.11DCF的分组 发送 过程,获得了RTS和基本方式下分组传输的时间开销。
The construction of exact moment-matching models for distributed RLC transmission lines involves a tedious and complicated procedure using previous methods .
本文给出了获得RLC 传输线精确矩模型的一个简单方法,避免了以往方法复杂的 推导。
This article summarizes the purpose of PACS implementation for digital hospital and the advantages of PACS transmission procedure images processing and cost .
本文概述了数字化医院建设PACS的根本目的,以及PACS 传输 流程、影像处理和成本方面的优势。
During transmitting and storing information of digital image in order to decrease the time of transmission and the space of storage image compression procedure must to be done .
在图像的传输和存储 过程中,为减少 传输时间与存储空间,必须进行图像压缩。
While calculating the curve of the transmission line under static load this procedure can adjust the initial condition automatically according to the designing tension to make the result of calculation satisfy the actual request .
在 导线静 悬垂计算中,可根据设计张力自动调整初始条件,使得计算结果满足实际要求。
We can conclude that the government can specify information transmission and report procedure of disciplining the budget strategy implement process and results of the listed companies to achieve the purpose of increasing strategic information transmission power of enterprise budget .
通过我们对财权预算管理系统的研究,得出在我国可以由政府规范一个约束上市公司预算战略执行过程与结果的信息 传导、报告 程序的结论,以达到增加企业预算战略信息传导动力的目的。
美[trænsˈmɪʃən prəˈsidʒɚ]英[trænzˈmiʃən prəˈsi:dʒə]
[计] 传输程序