So a kind of transmission technology based packet service is needed in telecom management which can provide the reliable service as same as circuit service .
因此迫切需要一种新的面向 分组业务的电信运营级 传送技术,为数据业务提供与电路业务同样的可用、高效与可管理的服务。
In addition we adopt multiple data communication and storage ways like wireless transmission and General Packet Radio Service ( GPRS ) to enhance the network interlinkage function and make it more convenient to constitute the ITS with other facilities .
系统还采用了无线 传输、 GPRS通信等多种数据通讯与存储方式,增强了网络互连功能,便于与其他装置一起共同构建智能交通系统。
The author analyzes the network performance such as node transmission probability and packet collision probability with the aid of queue theory and Markov chain .
作者利用了排队论和Markov链等数学工具,分析了网络中节点的 发送概率、 分组冲突概率等相关性能参数。
Simulation experiments show that level ranking algorithm is better than SAR protocol and SPEED protocol in transmission delay packet loss rate network lifetime and network scalability .
仿真实验表明,LRA在 传输时延、 丢包率、网络生存周期和网络可扩展性等方面均优于SAR协议和SPEED协议。
For the discrete NCS in multiple-packet transmission packet loss and arbitrary short time-varying delay the universal model of the discrete system is established .
针对含有多包 传输、 数据 包丢失以及时变网络短时延的离散网络化控制系H∞统,建立具有普遍意义的离散系统模型。
There are special QoS questions that streaming media transmission suffers high packet loss ratio and low throughput because of the high bit error ratio and mobility in wireless environment .
在无线环境下流媒体 传输存在 丢包率高、吞吐量受误码率和移动性的影响等特殊的QoS问题。
Thirdly in video communication system transmission errors and packet losses are inevitable due to channels noise and network congestion .
最后,在视频通信系统中,由于传输信道中噪声或网络中拥塞影响, 传输差错和 数据 包丢失是不可避免的。
On the basis of the support of telecom-related MPLS to QoS the techniques for the service quality control encompassing transmission schedule and packet deletion are employed in the design in order to meet the demands of kinds of services by QoS in a limited bandwidth of line .
为了保证在有限的线路带宽上满足不同业务的QoS,设计方案结合电信MPLS对QoS的支持,采用了服务质量控制技术,如 传输调度、 分组丢弃等。
One is data services require reliable transmission packet loss rate as low as possible ; one is real-time services on the transmission very sensitive to delay and jitter .
一类是数据业务,要求 传输可靠, 分组丢失率尽可能低;一类是实时业务,对传输的延迟和抖动非常敏感。
Realization of Information Transmission and Packet Switching Based on DSP in ISDN of Coal Mine Underground
煤矿井下ISDN中信息 传输及 包交换的DSP实现
Finally through exhaustive tests we accomplish all the predetermined functions such as the network synchronization voice transmission data packet transmission automatic routing and prove the robustness and feasibility of the protocol .
最后通过详细的测试,完成了网络同步、话音 传输、 报文传输、自动路由等全部预定功能,验证了协议的稳定性与可行性。
Challenges and Solutions of Video Streams Transmission Over Packet Networks
分组网络上的视频流 传输面临的挑战及对策
In order to discuss the transmission of packet voice signals over ATM networks and design networks which meet the strict delay constraints required for acceptable voice reconstruction models which accurately reflect the statistical properties of packet voice systems are needed .
为了研究在ATM网上的语音传输,也为了设计和 评估有着严格时延要求的可以 传输语音的网,构建能精确地反映语音系统统计特性的模型是完全必要的。
A Method of Multi-Radio Transmission Diversity with Packet Level Forward Error Correction
采用 分组纠错编码的多接入 传输分集方法
The simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves improvement on transmission delay and packet success rate for safety information transmission and has a certain value for the safety information transmission in multi-channel vehicular communication networks .
仿真结果表明,该方案使得安全信息 传输的时效性和 可靠性等指标上得到了改善,对车联网安全信息多信道传输技术的发展有一定的价值。
The twenty-three ( 23 ) bits residing in the scrambler shift register prior to the transmission of a packet .
传输 包之前驻留在编码器移位寄存器中的23比特。
Study and Implementation of Variable Rate Transmission in High Speed Packet Radio Network
高速 分组无线网中可变速率 传输的研究与实现
Semi-reliable transmission enables packet forward or discarding by intermediate nodes according to residual energy and data priority .
并采用给予优先级的图像 传输方案,根据节点剩余能量和数据优先级来决定 转发或丢弃。
Because of the bandwidth limitation generally only the compressed video data can be transmitted . The compressed data is very sensitive to the transmission errors and packet loss which may severely impair the reconstructed image .
由于信道带宽的限制,视频通信传输的往往是压缩编码以后的数据,而压缩数据对误码和 分组丢失非常敏感,少数的 误码或 分组丢失就会造成恢复图像质量严重下降。
The model and relative controller of the generalized network control system are designed for the data packet dropout in single packet transmission and multiple packet transmission when time-delay is longer and shorter than the sampling period T.
针对广义网络控制系统的延时和数据包丢失问题,在诱导延时时间小于和大于采样周期T、单包 传输和多 包传输数据包丢失情况下,建立广义网络控制系统的模型并进行相关控制器设计。
Performance analysis of Bluetooth packet transmission and adaptive packet selection strategy
蓝牙分组 传输性能分析与自适应 分组选择策略
An adaptive transmission based dynamic packet reservation multiple access protocol
自适应动态 分组预约多址协议
This article classified the message and designed transmission data packet telegram message protocol .
本文将之归类,设计了客户端与服务器 传输数据 包时使用的电文协议。
And it also analyzes the basic principles of the CAN bus and introduces the packet transmission packet filtering packet validation coding and so on in detail .
对CAN总线的基本原理进行了分析,并对报文 传送、 报文滤波、报文校验、编码等做了详细的介绍。
As to different types of network transmission delay and packet loss it obtains the stability conditions for CNS . 3 .
针对网络 传输 时延、 信息丢失等不同情况,分析和得到控制网络系统的稳定性条件。
This paper achieves the relationships between packet transmission time overhead and packet length of RTS and basic methods through analyzing the time overhead of single successful packet transmission and single packet collision of IEEE 802.11 DCF .
文章通过分析IEEE802.11DCF 分组 发送成功和碰撞的持续时间,获得了RTS和基本方式下分组传输时间开销与分组长度的关系。
This paper focuses on low bit rate wireless applications like video conferencing and visual telephone and proposes a new scheme & pseudo reservation scheme for the integration of video voice and data transmission based on Packet Reservation Multiple Access wireless networks .
针对视频会议和可视电话等低比特率的应用特性,提出了一种基于 PRMA无线网络的视频、语音和数据集成 传输的新方案&假预约方案。
With regards to the characteristics of uncertain transmission delay and packet dropout of networked control system ( NCS ) a distributed model is proposed in this paper .
针对网络化控制系统(NCS)具有不确定性的 传输迟延与 数据丢包特性,设计了一个分布式的网络化控制系统模型。
美[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈpækɪt]英[trænzˈmiʃən ˈpækit]