transmitting efficiency


  • In this paper Java-based dynamic record set building double buffering and multi-thread transmitting and drawing technologies are integrated to reduce the resource occupation of the clients and increase the transmitting and displaying efficiency of large spatial database .

    将基于Java的空间数据动态结果集构造、双缓冲技术和多线程传输与绘制技术进行集成,应用于空间数据库GUI管理工具中,减少了客户端资源占用,提高了空间数据 传输与显示的 效率

  • Concerning about the actual application this project is a compromising method to enhance the transmitting efficiency with the sacrifice of decreasing the degree of crypto - graph under the condition that the security is assured in actual application .

    考虑到实际应用情况,此方案采用的是在实用中保证安全性的前提下,降低保密性能以提高 传输 效率的折中方案。

  • In the optical fiber transmitting system attenuation of fiber affects transmitting efficiency directly the lower attenuation is very important because it affects the sensitivity frequently .

    从分析中得出,在光纤传输系统中,光纤的衰减直接影响光纤的 传输 效率,低衰减特性非常重要,因为它常常会影响测量灵敏度;

  • It replaces manual meter-reading and a series of follow-up work on electric energy metering automatic data collection transmitting and processing to overcome traditional low efficiency and risks of manual meter reading patterns and promotes the modern development process of enterprise energy management .

    它代替人工抄表及一连串后续工作,对电能计量数据自动采集、 传输和处理,克服了传统人工抄表模式的低 效率和危险性,促进了企业电能管理现代化的发展进程。

  • Compared with conventional FH communications AFH has higher complicity of anti-interference and transmitting efficiency .

    与常规的盲跳频通信相比,自适应跳频具有更好的抗干扰能力和 通信 效率

  • The relationships between sensing time and data transmitting time sensing time and system spectrum efficiency are investigated .

    接着分析了频谱感知时间与数据 传输时间以及频谱感知时间与系统频谱 效率的关系。

  • However although a mechanism for money market indirectly transmitting monetary policy is preliminarily established in our country money market is not sufficiently developed due to various reasons and backwardness of money market has become a key factor restraining monetary policy transmitting efficiency in our country .

    然而,我国虽然已经初步建立了货币市场间接传导货币政策的机制,但由于多方面的原因,货币市场并没有得到充分发展,货币市场的落后已经成为制约我国货币政策 传导 效率的重要因素。

  • The transmitting efficiency is different in the different condition . The detection of aphid acquiring CTV under serology and molecular biology .

    在不同条件下,橘蚜 传播柑桔衰退病毒的 效率有很大差异。橘蚜携带CTV的检测。

  • Making test of acoustical performance for the transducer : resonance frequency is 1.16 kHz in water bandwidth is 680 Hz mechanical quality factor is 1.71 unit electric current transmitting response reach to 186.1 dB electromechanical efficiency is 13.1 % .

    对换能器的声学性能作了测试:水中诸报频率为1.16kHz,带宽为680Hz,机械品质因数Qm为1.71,单位电流 发射响应在谐振频率处达到186.1dB,电声 效率为13.1%。

  • Multi - frequency transmitting technology is one of the most important measures to improve efficiency for active electromagnetic method .

    多频 发射技术是主动源电磁法提高工作 效率的重要手段之一。

  • The establishment of medical image archives keeping and transmitting system in our hospital has further improved hospital work efficiency reduced the cost and gained very good economic and social benefits .

    我院医学影像存档与 传输系统的建成,进一步提高了医院工作 效率,减少了成本支出,取得了良好的经济和社会效益。

  • The major research results are as the following : 1 . The Robinson M.P basic theories of transmitting line model has been introduced to calculate the shielding efficiency of rectangle with holes .

    上述方面本文已取得了主要创新点及研究成果如下:1.介绍了Robinson,M.P等人有孔矩形腔 传输线模型的基本理论及计算有孔矩形腔体屏蔽 效能的计算公式。

  • The array inputs and the training sequences ( midamble ) used for reference signal are used time after time in the algorithm . Therefore good convergence can be achieved in case of short training sequence and the transmitting efficiency in the communication systems can be improved .

    通过在自适应算法中把阵列输入信号和作为参考信号的训练序列重复使用,可以在短训练序列情况下实现较好的收敛,提高通信系统的 传输 效率

  • Basing on old consistency measuring skill the system applies optical-fiber as transmitting device with fluorescent technique to realize high efficiency on-line measuring of alga concentration .

    本系统在利用原有的浓度检测技术前提下,应用光纤作为 传输 传感元件并结合荧光技术,可以实现海藻浓度高 精度的在线测量。

  • By using this feature modeling synchronized distributed design process can be achieved and 3 D graph transmitting rate and design efficiency will be increased largely .

    用这种层次特征建模表达方式,可以使得设计过程同步,图形 传输效率和设计 效率得以提高。

  • The key to SHM lies in technically the optimized layout of advanced transducers as well as the transmitting and processing of information with high efficiency and theoretically the development of theory on structural damage identification and state evaluation .

    健康监测的关键所在,技术上而言,主要是先进传感器的优化布设和信息的 高效 传输及处理;理论上而言,主要是结构损伤识别理论和状态评估理论的发展。

  • The development and the exploitation of managing and controlling system of radio transmitting machine helps to improve the job efficiency reduce the work intensity and reduce broadcasting accidents .

    广播 发射机运行管理及监控系统的研制与开发,能够有效地提高广播发射机的工作 效率,减轻工作强度,降低停播率。

  • The transmitting efficiency is more than 50 % for 24 hours ' acquisition while just 12 % for 4 hours ' by 10 aphids .

    通过对不同获毒时间的研究发现,10头蚜虫获毒时间24h, 传播 效率超过50%;获毒时间4h, 率仅为12%。

  • Traditional adaptive equalizer needs to transmitting training sequence so influencing communication efficiency .

    传统的自适应均衡器需要 发送训练序列,影响通信 效率

  • This technique can reduce the amount of transmitting policy data and enhance the distributing efficiency .

    实践 证明,该系统能够有效减小策略 传输数据量,缩短策略 请求 排队 时延,提高策略分发 效率

  • The eigenmode of a hollow waveguide with two curved surfaces was analyzed with Helmholtz equation and the transmitting efficiency of the hollow waveguide was analyzed with a ray optics approach .

    通过亥姆霍兹方程研究了双弯曲截面柔性波导的本征模式;运用光学方法计算了波导的 传输 效率

  • He resistance reducing coating on inside wall of gas pipeline can not only decrease inside corrosion but also lower the roughness of inside pipe wall reduce the transmitting resistance and increase the efficiency of gas pipeline .

    在输气管道内壁涂敷减阻涂层不仅可以减少内腐蚀,而且可以降低管道内壁粗糙度,起到减少 输送阻力,提高输气 效率的作用。

  • Because sunlight is transmitted in the hollow core transmitting efficiency is increased from 30 % ~ 677 % to 70 % ~ 83 % and can transmit the infrared light .

    由于光是在空芯内传播,光导的 效率提高了20%~23%,而且可以传输红外光。

  • Rapid Calculating on Transmitting Ratio and Engagement Efficiency of Planetary Involute Gear

    渐开线齿轮行星传动的 传动比和 效率计算

  • It can greatly improve the transmitting efficiency by leaving out the ATM and SDH layers of the network architecture .

    由于这种结构省去了传统的ATM和SDH两个中间层,使 传输 效率有很大提高。

  • By leaving out ATM and SDH layers and decreasing the complexity of network architecture IP over WDM can greatly improve transmitting efficiency .

    这种结构省掉了传统的ATM和SDH两个中间层,降低了网络实现的复杂度,使网络 传输 效率有很大的提高。

  • The relation between parameters and transmitting torque or efficiency were studied and the way how to improve the transmitting capacity of CVT and transmission efficiency were also investigated .

    研究了CVT参数与 传递转矩、传递 效率的关系,并找到了提高CVT承载能力和传动效率的途径。

  • The key idea of this project is to balance the transmitting efficiency and the transmitting cryptograph .

    这种方案的核心思想是在 传输 效率和传输保密性上取得更加实用性的平衡。

  • Experiments proved that the matching circuits designed were able to increase the output power of the transmitting circuit by 60 % which effectively boosted the whole efficiency of an EMAT detecting system and provided a basis for application of the electromagnetic acoustic technique .

    实验表明:所设计的匹配电路能够使 发射电路输出功率增加60%,有效提高了检测系统的整体 效率,为电磁超声技术的工程应用奠定了基础。