transport phenomenon

[trænsˈpɔrt fɪˈnɑməˌnɑn][trænsˈpɔ:t fiˈnɔminən]


  • Moreover the studies showed that the optimum transport enhancement could be obtained at medium Reynolds Number in the transitional flow regime the mechanism of resonant enhancement can be used to explain this phenomenon .

    研究还指出,在中等雷诺数下的过渡流流域内可以获得最佳的 传递强化效果,在脉动流场下会发生共振强化 现象

  • Transport Mechanism of Underground Gas and Explain to Phenomenon of Blue-water at Qingshui well in Gansu

    地下气体 运移机理及清水流量井水变蓝 现象的解释

  • Thirdly the transport phenomenon of Brownian particle induced by noise in a periodic system is investigated when the coupling and multiplicative noise are included in the system . The current and the optimized efficiency are investigated when the forced ratchet is driven by the coupled noise .

    最后,在含有耦合的乘性噪声的周期性系统中,分析了由噪声诱导的布朗粒子的 现象,对耦合噪声驱动下受力棘轮的流和效率的最优化问题进行了讨论。

  • In Zhejiang the mid-90s the road freight transport capacity tension overload phenomenon occurred repeatedly violated set the road freight into the high incidence of various types of accidents a serious impediment to social and economic development across the province .

    在浙江,90年代中期,道路货运 运力紧张,超载违载 现象屡屡发生,道路货运进入各类事故的高发期,严重阻碍了全省社会经济的发展。

  • Fluid controls the transport of mass and energy in the Earth system and the process of fluid-rock interactions is a very common phenomenon in the lithosphere .

    流体控制着地球系统中质量和能量的 传输。流体岩石反应过程在岩石圈中是十分普遍的 现象

  • Zinc oxide is a kind of wide band-gap semiconductor which has excellent physical and chemical properties . As a gapless semiconductor graphene exhibits ultrahigh carrier mobility and fascinating transport phenomenon .

    氧化锌(ZnO)是一种宽带隙的多功能半导体材料,具有优良的物理和化学性质。石墨烯作为一种零带隙的半导体材料,具有极高的载流子迁移率和特殊的 特性

  • Flutter characteristics of the basic transport wing numerically approach to the existing experimental values and relevant LCO phenomenon is caused by the large-amplitude shock-wave motion .

    运输机基本机翼的颤振结果接近于试验值,相应LCO 现象是由大幅激波运动所引起的。

  • Boltzmann transport equation ( BTE ) is the most basic equation that describes the phenomenon of electron transport .

    波耳兹曼 传输方程( BTE)是描述电子输运的基本方程。

  • Meanwhile people have been trying to manipulate the electronic band structure and transport properties in graphene nanoribbons by doping defect adsorption gating edge modification strain etc. in order to explore novel physical phenomenon and properties with application potential .

    同时,物理学家们也一直试图通过掺杂、缺陷、吸附、门电压、边界修饰、应变等对纳米带的电子结构和 性质进行调节,以便寻找新型的物理 现象或具有应用前景的物理性质。

  • Beginning from the velocity of flow flowing in the Integrated oxidation ditch this text probes into solid particle suspension and transport phenomenon of the mixture of the Integrated oxidation ditch .

    本文从主体流道中的流速着手,重点探讨了氧化沟中的固体颗粒悬浮功和氧气在混合液中的 传质 现象

  • The transport that gas into fracture network system from coal gas surface and primary pores t is diffusion process . when mining coal seam that containing gas In conditions of coal seam discharging pressure Existing the phenomenon that local gas produced gas gathered up float .

    瓦斯气体从煤块表面和原生孔隙进入裂隙网络系统的 是扩散过程,含瓦斯煤层开采时,在煤层卸压条件下,存在局部瓦斯聚集产生瓦斯升浮 现象

  • The physics and the mechanism for the transport phenomenon are also introduced .

    同时也讨论了和本论文研究工作密切相关的 现象的物理机制。

  • For example as for the food refrigeration transport there often comes forth the phenomenon of half refrigerated and half rotted .

    例如对于冷藏保鲜食品的 运输,常常出现冻一半烂一半的 现象

  • Many educators psychologists found that transport is a universal phenomenon in the study .

    许多教育学家、心理学家经过研究后发现,学习 迁移是学习中一种普遍 现象,凡是有学习的地方几乎就有 迁移的发生。

  • Under the promotion of industrialization and post-industrialization and support of transport and information the development of group cities has become a global phenomenon .

    在工业化、后工业化的催动及 交通、信息条件的支撑下,城镇群体化发展已经成为全球化的 现象

  • Nowadays motor vehicle has become an indispensable means of transport . The increase of vehicle brings people convenience and at the same time traffic jam phenomenon is also serious which has hindered the economic development and social progress in our country .

    现在汽车已经成为人们出行的重要 代步 工具,车辆的增加给人们带来方便。同时交通堵塞 现象严重,严重阻碍了我国的经济增长和社会发展。

  • Finally after comparing with kinds of developing modes this paper put forward the developing mode of traffic structure of passenger transport in big cities in our country to the phenomenon of population growing rapidly and land convergence .

    最后, 针对我国大城市人口急剧增长、城市用地进一步集约等特点,参照已有的 客运结构发展模式,探讨了适合我国大城市的客运结构发展模式。

  • Based on our equation the transport phenomenon are discussed .

    在此基础上给出了 运方程,并讨论了 现象的若干特征。