



  • Methods As a physical factor the radioactive transuranic nucleoid 238 Pu was used to induce the osteosarcoma in rats ;

    方法用放射性 核素238钚作为物理致癌因子在大鼠体内诱发骨肉瘤;

  • A radioactive transuranic metallic element ; discovered by bombarding uranium with helium atoms .

    一种放射性的 金属元素,在用氦原子轰击铀时发现。

  • The boundary limit of the periodic system is discussed from both time and space respect in this paper - Transuranic element is unstable .

    本文从时空两个方面讨论了元素周期系的 界限

  • Efficiency calibration of transuranic nuclide in lung counter


  • The transuranic elements especially the minor actinides ( MA ) in spent fuel represent potential environmental radiotoxicity hazard in the long term .

    核电站乏燃料中超 核素,特别是其中的少数锕系核素(Minor Actinides,简称MA),对环境具有潜在长期放射性危害性。

  • This paper reports quality control ( QC ) for the measurement of soil samples containing 237 Np and 241 Am as radiotracers in migration test of transuranic nuclides .

    本文报道了 核素迁移试验中含放射性示踪剂237Np和241Am土壤样品分析测量的质量控制工作。

  • A radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding curium with carbon ions ; 7 isotopes are known .

    一种放射性 元素,用碳离子轰击锔而合成,已知有种同位素。

  • Calibration of in vivo measurement system for transuranic elements and results comparison using LLNL and JAERI phantoms

    用两种人体胸腔模型对 元素活体测量系统刻度的结果及其比较

  • A radioactive transuranic metallic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons .

    一种放射性 元素,用中子轰击钚时产生。

  • A radioactive transuranic element ; discovered by bombarding curium with alpha particles .

    一种放射性 元素,在用α粒子轰击锔时发现。