transport by sea

[trænsˈpɔrt baɪ si][trænsˈpɔ:t bai si:]

[经] 海运

  • On the transport of goods by sea insurance interests of the research have a certain significance .

    海上货物 运输的保险利益的法律研究有一定意义。

  • A credit calls for a transport document stating two options i.e. transport by sea or by air .

    信用证要求运输单据,规定了两种选择,即 海洋 运输或航空 运输

  • Article 28 Whether transport is by land sea or air care should be taken that the shipment follow the most direct route possible .

    第28条安全管制之核物料不论系 公路铁路海洋或空中运送,均应采用直达运送。

  • There may be something in what you say . I think we can arrange to transport this lot by sea .

    您说的也许有道理,我想我们可以安排 海运此货。

  • However that costs about four times more than transport by sea .

    但所需费用将是 海运的4倍左右。

  • On the Present Situation of the Combined Transport of International Containers by Sea and by Rail

    国际集装箱 联运现状剖析

  • The presented transport document is a combined transport document ( CTD ) showing the entire transport as performed by means of two journeys the first part by sea and remaining part by air .

    提交的联合运输单据(CTD)表明 运输的全程 两段构成,第一段运输通过 海运,余下的路程则通过空运。

  • Study on the Application Scope of Transport Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea

    海上货物 运输法的适用范围研究

  • All transport operations whether by sea rail or road are closely monitored at all times .

    所有的 交通活动,无论是 通过 海路、铁路还是公路,都时刻受到密切监视。

  • All Risks means WPA plus additional risks or extraneous risks risks not incidental to transport by sea .

    一切险就是水渍险加上附加险,附加险即不是 由于 海上 运输本身的 特性所带来的风险。

  • The total sediment transport modeling theory developed by Dou Guoren is applied to the sea bay model and good results are obtained .

    文中首次将 窦国仁模型相似理论应用于 海湾潮流泥沙模型并取得了成功。

  • Since there is no direct vessel we have to arrange multimodal combined transport by rail and sea .

    由于没有直达船只,我们只好安排 海陆 联运

  • Transport by sea is the most important mode of transportation in the world today .


  • The English understood by marine risks only risks incident to transport by sea .

    英国人对 海洋 运输 货物险只理解为海洋中的意外风险。

  • The provisions relative to transport by sea and on inland waterways shall be determined by a special conference dealing with employment at sea and on inland waterways .

    有关 海洋及内河 运输的规定, 应由处理海洋及内河工作的特别大会决定。

  • I 'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for transport by sea .

    我担心这种纸箱,用于 远洋 运输,不够结实。

  • The cost of air - cargo transportation is too high so I suggest the steel we ordered is transport by sea .

    空运费用太高了,所以我建议我们订购的钢材走 水路 运输

  • On the Unification of Transport Law of Goods by Sea

    海上货物 运输法统一化略论

  • According to the statistics more than 75 % international goods is completed transport by sea .

    根据统计,国际货物总运量的75%以上 通过 海上 运输完成,而我国进出口货物总运量有80%至90%是 通过 海上 运输方式进行的。

  • Vessel is the very important transport tool by sea .

    船舶是重要的 海上 交通工具。

  • The transport means by sea land and air are convenient to more than one hundred countries and regions .

    湛江 、陆、空 交通便利,己与100多个国家和地区通航。

  • Those against the administration of safety guarantee for open maritime traffic ; those against the administration of safety supervision of transport of dangerous goods by sea ;

    违反海上通航安全保障管理秩序;违反 海上危险货物 载运安全监督管理秩序;

  • Packing should be suitable for transport by sea .

    包装要适合 海运

  • As one of main passenger transport 's means in national economy carriage of passenger by sea is important but concerning it 's state of safety we are worried .

    海上旅客运输作为国民经济中主要的 客运方式之一,其地位是不容忽视的。但,其安全状况却不容乐观。

  • International Instruments for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea and in Ports

    海上和港口危险品 运输国际性文件