Shorten the transition time as far as possible to reduce the rate of loss .
尽量缩短 过渡 时间来减少速度的损失。
The time constant reflects directly the transition time of circuit transient .
时间常数直接反映了 暂态 过程的持续 时间。
The shortest path problem with two additional constraints in transition time and number of edges is NP Complete .
带 时间和边数约束的双约束最短路问题是NP完备的。
Based on large range parameters in the simulation we study the influence of time delay and coupling strength for the transition time .
基于大参数范围的模拟,我们研究了时间延迟和耦合强度对于 转变 时间的影响。
The results simulated by MATLAB prove that the designed system has short transition time and high tracking accuracy .
MATLAB仿真的结果表明,此方法设计的系统 过渡 时间短、跟踪精度高。
At the same time his novel also had the value of the history and reflected his transition time comprehensively .
同时,他的小说也具有史的价值,全面反映了他所处的那个 过渡 时代。
This paper presents a stochastic mathematical model representing the parallel repairable system with two non-identical unit . Repair times of the failed system are arbitrarily distributed while all other transition time distributions are negative exponential .
本文讨论了一个由两个不同部件并联可修复系统的随机数学模型,故障系统的修复 时间 是 任意分布的。
Practical running indicates that the temperature control system of electric heater designed using this system control technology is steady and reliable with high control precision and short transition time .
实际运行表明,应用本系统控制技术而设计的即热式电热水器温度控制系统工作稳定可靠,控制精度高, 过渡 过程 时间短。
A research on dry-wet transition time in Northwest China
我国西北地区干湿 转换 时间的研究
High-level to low-level transition time
高电平到低电平 转换 时间
Analysis of the Transition Time of Step-function Signals in the Dynamic Calibration of Systems
系统动态校准中输入阶跃信号 过渡 时间参数分析
Analog computations of the stable and dynamic working conditions stable coefficient non-even degree stable governing rate transient governing rate and transition time was carried out . It is shown that this method can be used for studying the governing performance for tank engine .
对该坦克发动机调速系统的稳态与动态工况和调速器稳定系数、不均匀度、稳定调速率、瞬时调速率、 过渡 时间等参数进行了模拟计算,显示这种方法可以用于坦克发动机调速性能的研究。
Studies on psychological behavior mechanism of labor relation in the transition time ;
转型 时期劳工冲突的心理行为机制;
As the thickness increases the transition time increases .
随着厚度增加, 转变所 需 时间增加。
The transition time has to be studied .
这就要求把握 制度 变迁方式的 转换 时机。
However industrial applications of auto-balancing technology are limited by its long transition time and transient vibration enhancement .
但该技术的工业化应用受到移动控制 过渡 时间长且可能令系统瞬时振动增强的限制,实例罕见。
The C-shaped back keel releases energy to make the gravity centre of a human body rapidly transferred in the transition time from touchdown to weight-bearing period .
由着地期向承重 期 过渡 时C形后龙骨释放能量使其人体重心迅速转移。
The hydroxycarboxylic acid high temperature retarder has more significant negative impact on SGS transition time .
缓凝剂对对静胶凝强度 过渡 时间也存在一定负面影响,其中以羟基羧酸类强螯合作用高温缓凝剂影响最显著。
Orin and Daben assured us that because this was a very important transition time for the earth many high guides were present and wanted very much to assist us .
欧林和 达本使我们确信,因为这对地球来说是一个非常重要的 转变,许多高层的向导会莅临并非常想帮助我们。
The transition time of phase change is random in same condition .
实验观察到第一类 结霜 的 转变 时间具有随机性,并对此现象进行了分析。
However the instantaneous bandwidth of signals is restricted for general phased array because of its transition time and aperture effect .
但是,基于移相器的普通相控阵天线在进行宽带宽角扫描时,由于 渡 越 时间和孔径效应的影响,使信号的瞬时带宽受限。
The higher the water-cement ratio is the longer the SGS transition time will be .
水灰比越高,静胶凝强度 过渡 时间越长。
With a fast signal transition time semi-global interconnections can be modeled as distributed RC circuits .
当信号 翻转 时间比较快时半全局互连可以建模成分布式RC互连。
What 's more by revising log-ging techniques and interpretations workers can spot bursts during injection profile logging more easily and improve the accuracy of transition time on asymmetric chart .
在此基础上,通过改变测井工艺以及改进解释方法,还可以较好地识别出注入剖面测井中的“反吐”现象和提高在非对称谱中 渡 越 时间的求解精度。
Using the transition time the friction can be well compensated and the experimental results show that the system performance can be improved effectively using the proposed model at low velocity and countermove .
实验结果表明,所提出的摩擦补偿模型有效 地改善了系统极低速和速度反向运动区域的控制性能。
The state assignment is single transition time ( STT ) and with this method a relatively simple set of next state equations can be obtained .
它的状态分配是一 次 转换的(即STT),并能得到简单的次状态方程组。
We apply both two methods in the design of SRAM decoder and achieve a satisfying result . A good floor plan in layout can efficiently reduce the area energy and transition time of a circuit .
SRAM的译码使用这两种技术,取得了很好的效果。良好的版图布局能够有效降低电路的面积、功耗和 延时。
Businesses may be more inclined to cut you a deal during shoulder season ( that transition time between off-season and peak season ) or off-season when there are fewer visitors and they know you have plenty of options .
平季( 介于 淡季与旺季之间)或淡季时,游客减少,你有多种选择机会,他们可能更愿意给你特价。
Without changing hardware or adding more system load the new method achieves both better stability and shorter transition time by simply altering the software of the adjusters .
新算法在没有 改动硬件的条件下,仅通过简单的修改调节器软件的算法,就可以使系统在鲁棒性和 快速性两方面都有较大的提高。
The simulation results show that when the transmission lines are connected with dynamic components the transition time of terminal voltage and current will be longer .
仿真结果表明:当传输线端接动态元件的时候,终端感应电压和电流的 过渡 过程 时间将会变长。
美[trænˈzɪʃən taɪm]英[trænˈziʃən taim]