Finally the scheduling analysis is performed based on automotive automatic control system . Compared with IEC / ISA the scheduling algorithm not only meets the requirements of real-time transmission of signal but also enhances the utilization rate of network resource .
最后以汽车自动控制系统为背景进行了调度分析,与IEC/ISA相比既满足了 信号的实时 传输,又提高了网络资源的利用率。
Objective To investigate the transmission signal of the experimental pulpitis pain .
【目的】了解实验性牙髓炎疼痛 信号在中枢的 传导特点。
Video transmission and signal control for lift monitor system .
适用于监控系统的视频 传输及 信号控制。
Under the circumstance that the influence of atmosphere on laser pulse is ignored the models of return signals and target response function are concluded which indicates that return signals can be look as the convolution of transmission signal and target response function .
在忽略大气对激光脉冲的影响下,推导出接收信号和目标响应函数的理论模型,表明了接收信号可以看作是 发射 信号与目标响应函数的卷积。
The target signal is produced by modulating and deferring radar transmission signal received .
采用将所接收的雷达 发射 信号加上调制延时的方法生成目标信号。
In former research the effects of electric contact on signal transmission have relations with a lot of factors such as contact impedance and the frequency of transmission signal .
以前的研究表明,接触故障对信号传输的影响与很多因素有关,如接触阻抗和 信号 传输频率。
In a communication system after noisy channel transmission signal distortion will inevitably appear as a consequence of communication channel noise interference and fading characteristic when information signal reaching the receiver side .
由于通信信道固有的噪声衰落特性,信号在经过有噪信道 传输后,到达接收端的过程不可避免地会受到干扰而出现 信号失真。
In Chapter Two the needed theory foundation is expatiated which includes CCD theory the selection of the camera parameters and the transmission wire cable the constitutions of the transmission signal and the condensation of the transmit signal etc.
第二章重点阐述课题所需的理论基础,其主要内容包括CCD原理、摄像机参数选择、传输线缆的选择、 传输 信号的构成和传输信号的压缩等。
During RTK measurement the radio plays an important role in transmission of signal .
在RTK测量中,电台起着 传送 信号的重要作用。
Via comparing typical transmission signal 's waveform they provide a reference for judgment of CAN bus in good or failing status in vehicle body system .
比较分析典型 传输 信号波形图,为车身舒适系统CAN总线的正常与故障运行状态下的判断提供参考。
Information processing & Start-stop transmission signal quality at DTE / DCE interfaces
GB/T14397-1993信息处理DTE/DCE接口处起止式 传输 的 信号质量
A Study on Non damage Measurement Technology for the Luminous Transmission of Signal Lens
信号透镜光 透射比无损测量技术的研究
These data including the work condition of far terminal 's equipments and the transmission of signal channels inspected real time should be transferred to control center .
对于远端设备的工作情况, 传输 信道 的 传输情况都要进行实时的检测,并且这些数据都要传递给控制中心。
The carrier transmission of signal was realized by pulse carrier remote control technology ;
利用脉冲载波遥控技术完成 信号的载波 传输;
In view of the definition of luminous transmission and the existing problems with the measuring method we put forward the non damage measurement technology for luminous transmission of signal lens .
文中针对其定义及测试方法存在的 弊病,提出了无损测量技术方案。
At the transmitter in order to utilize the resources resulting from Doppler spread the duration of transmission signal is increased and then time selectivity can be increased . In this case time diversity can be obtained .
在发射端,为了利用多普勒扩展带来的资源,增长 发射 信号 的 传输时间,增加 信号的时间选择性,可以获得时间分集增益。
Study on effects of grain boundaries in the copper wires on transmission signal
在铜导线中晶界对 信号 传输影响的研究
EMC grounding design of the shielding layer of cables can reduce radiation of electric magnetic and transmission signal noise interference .
对通信电缆屏蔽层进行周密、精心的接地设计,对于减少通信电缆的电磁辐射,降低对 传输 信号噪声干扰,有着十分重要的意义。
The base-band bipolar optical code division multiple access ( OCDMA ) system is introduced with transform of unipolar-bipolar and bipolar-unipolar transmission of signal with bipolar codes is realized through unipolar medium .
基带双极性光码分多址(OCDMA)系统,采用码的极性转换思想,实现在考虑 信道非理想下的单极性信道中 传输双极性码。
The receiver did not detect a transmission signal from the wireless mouse .
接收器未检测到来自无线鼠标的 传输 信号。
The ratio of the transmission signal and second-harmonic signal can be used for eliminating optical interference .
利用二次谐波与光纤光栅 透射 光强的比值来消除光路干扰。
Then the acoustic properties were discussed by analyzing the mechanism of minimizing flow noise while maximizing transmission of signal .
其次通过分析聚氨酯(PU)的 透 声和降噪机理,讨论了PU的声学性能;
Due to additive relative motion between ground jamming emitters and SAR the spurious phase modulation of transmission signal is produced .
地面干扰发射机和SAR之间的附加相对运动,产生了 传输 发射 信号的寄生相位调制。
Design of Carrier-free Ultra Wide-band Radar Transmission Signal Waveform
无载波超宽带雷达 发射 信号的波形设计
Discusses the modern test method for the transmission signal in the signal transmission system with phase-consecutive frequency shift keying ( FSK ) encoded mode and describes the relative signal characteristic extraction method with mathematics and presents the characteristic function for the communication signal characteristic extraction method .
对使用了相位连续的频移键控编码方式(FSK)的信号传输系统中的几种 传输 信号现代检测方法进行了探讨,并对其所对应的信号特征的提取方法进行了数学描述;
Discusses the design for an input signal interface for the machine tool transmission error which consists of the advanced process circuit for processing input output transmission error signal and the automatic collecting circuit for gathering transmission error signals .
设计了一种传动误差信号输入输出前置处理电路和 传动误差 信号的数据自动采集电路。这两种电路构成了机床传动误差补偿的输入接口,可适用于机床误差补偿输入信号的采集与处理。
And then on the basis of spectral analysis to the transmission signal to obtain the relationship between slot depth and the absorption frequency .
对 透射 波 的 信号进行了处理,得出裂纹深度和吸收频率的对应关系。
Analysis and Technological Improvement of Automatic Transmission Testing Signal for Distance Carrier Wave Machine
远方载波机自动 送测试 信号的分析及技术改造
美[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈsɪɡnəl]英[trænzˈmiʃən ˈsiɡnəl]
[计] 传输信号