transmission level

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈlɛvəl][trænzˈmiʃən ˈlevl]


  • In order to improve container transmission management level world lead container RFID system is devel - oped and succeeded in home trade container transmission .

    为了提高集装箱 运输的管理 水平,研究开发了具有世界领先技术水平的集装箱电子标签系统,并率先在内贸集装箱运输中应用示范,取得了阶段性成果。

  • With the rapid development of power industry the transmission line voltage level becomes rising and transmission tower becomes larger-scale than before .

    随着电力行业的高速发展, 输电线路电压 等级不断升高,输电铁塔的规模越来越大,高强角钢的应用越来越广泛。

  • Measuring the transmission level voltages using optical crystal and optical fiber has been intensively researched and developed .

    采用光学晶体及光学纤维实现对 电力 系统 电压的测量一直是研究与发展的重要课题。

  • Distribution of Nonlinear Products in CATV Transmission System and Level Tilt of Trunk Transmission

    电缆电视 传输系统非线性产物分布与干线发送 电平倾斜

  • Based on the bi-direction TCP traffic model the simulating framework regards local network as a node and can be divided in two parts : aggregated traffic generator at application level and aggregated traffic controller at transmission level .

    该框架利用双向TCP流量模型,将本地网络抽象为一个节点,分别研究了应用层聚集流量产生方法和 传输 聚集流量控制方法;

  • Engine and transmission matching quality level directly affect the dynamic performance and fuel economy of the whole vehicle .

    发动机与 传动 匹配的好坏 程度直接影响到整车的动力性和燃油经济性。

  • Check transmission oil level checking and topping up transmission oil-section on refilling

    检查 变速 油位检查和加满变速器油-“加注”章节

  • PTN flexible statistical multiplexing strict QoS and time synchronization transmission network telecommunication level ability to meet the needs of the development of the network operators .

    PTN灵活的统计复用、严格的QoS和时间同步等电信 传送网能力符合运营商网络发展的需求。

  • Principle of general optical transmission liquid level monitoring alarm and new type of fiber sense liquid level monitor was introduced in petrochemical enterprise . Familiar failures of the type of alarm and their causes were analyzed .

    分析石化系统常见的光纤 传感 液位监控报警仪表与新式光纤传感液位监控仪表的原理和光纤传感液位监控报警仪表的常见故障及原因。

  • In the standard of substation automation IEC 61850 9-1 and 9-2 prescribe the transmission of bay level and process level they all relate to the implement goal of merging unit ( MU ) .

    在变电站自动化标准IEC61850体系中,9-1和 9-2规定了间 隔层和过程层之间的通信,都涉及到合并单元的实现目标。

  • A Method of Multi-Radio Transmission Diversity with Packet Level Forward Error Correction

    采用分组 纠错编码的多接入 传输分集方法

  • Network can be loosely classified into two categories power controlled topology management and power aware routing Power controlled topology management schemes try to find lowest transmission power level for each link as far as network-wide connectivity is guaranteed .

    网络可以大致分为两类,功率控制的拓扑管理和能量感知路由。功率控制的拓扑管理方式,试图为每条链路找到最低的 发射功率 水平,尽可能地保证全网的连通性。

  • In the transmission level TCP and the UDP module respectively provides has the connection and the connectionless data transmission service be the upper formation application .

    传输 ,TCP和UDP模块分别为上层应用提供有连接和无连接的数据传输服务。


    水平取向对冰云辐射 传输的影响

  • PROFIBUS-DP designed for high-speed data transmission equipment level .

    PROFIBUS-DP的设计旨在用于设备一 的高速数据 传送

  • The Relation Between the Noises of Carrier Systems and Transmission Level

    载波杂音与 发送 电平的关系

  • With the development of national economy promotion of power capacity and transmission voltage level insulator flashover takes place frequently which causes enormous economic losses .

    随着经济的发展,电网容量和 输电电压 等级的提高,电力系统的绝缘子污闪事故频繁发生,造成了巨大的经济损失。

  • Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors are involved in the peripherally-evoked nociceptive transmission at spinal level in rats

    I型代谢型谷氨酸受体在脊髓 水平参与疼痛信号的 传递

  • The solution can perform analysis and validation function from the design level transmission level and application level to ensure the security of the Web Service .

    本文提出的解决方案从设计、 传输和应用等不同 层次进行了分析和技术验证,能够有效的保证企业信息应用的安全性。

  • With the expanding power grid the structures of the grid become complex and the transmission voltage level is also rising and the transmission line will increase the probability of failure .

    随着电网规模不断扩大,电网结构也不断复杂, 输电电压 等级也不断提高,输电线故障发生的概率也在增加。

  • And an overall view on some cross-layer work mechanisms of the improved schemes of TCP in MANET from the three levels are presented including the transmission level the network level and the link level .

    然后从 传输 、网络层和链路层3个层面,分别介绍了提高MANET中TCP性能方法的工作机制;

  • In this paper we first analysis the impact of transmission level to network lifetime and delay and then propose an efficient data gathering algorithm ( EDG ) .

    在本文中,我们首先分析了 传输 能级对网络生命周期及传输延迟的影响,然后提出了一个有效的数据聚集算法(EDG)。

  • The network structure of the transmission level can realize the real-time remote transmission .

    在充分考虑现场工况条件,规划了系统 传输 的网络体系结构,实现了采集数据的实时远程传输;

  • Along with the raise of transmission line design level the analysis and calculation of unbalanced tensile force effecting on the tower becomes a necessary work .

    随着 输电线路设计 水平要求的不断提高,对杆塔所承受不平衡张力的计算分析成为线路设计中的重要环节。

  • Vector control is the main way to reduce malaria transmission at the community level .

    病媒控制是在社区一 减少疟疾 传播的主要途径。

  • The effective range of single Y-beam transmission level gauge

    单束γ射线 透射式料 计的有效量程问题

  • A Transmission Power Level Exchange Mechanism for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

    一种无线自组织网的 发送功率 等级交互机制

  • In this dissertation we set two fixed thresholds for the idle probability and transmission energy level respectively . By comparing the real time observation values with the fixed thresholds whether to switch to the sleeping mode and whether to access will be determined .

    本文通过为信道可用概率与 传输能量 电平分别设置两固定门限,并将两参量的实时观测值与固定门限值相比较,以确定是否转入休眠状态以及是否进行接入。

  • By using the hollow sandwich steel tube concrete pole in the projects it is not only has technical and economic significance but also is beneficial to improve our country transmission line level and power industry competitive power in the market .

    在实际工程中采用中空夹层钢管混凝土结构,不仅有技术、经济等方面的现实意义,而且有利于提高我国 输电线路建设 水平,提高行业竞争力。