Due to the advantages such as high thrust density high transmission efficiency fast response and so on the permanent magnet linear servo motors ( PMLSM ) have become the hottest applications in the field of high-speed and high-precision linear motion control .
永磁直线伺服电机具有推力密度大、 传输效率高、 响应快速等优点,日益成为高速、高精密直线运动控制中最热门的应用。
Application of finite element method to calculate acoustic transmission function and acoustic impulse response function in a room
应用有限元素法计算房间声 传输函数和声脉冲 响应函数
The ring array has the advantages of low frequency wide band high transmission response and a large working depth .
该圆环阵具有低频、宽带、高 发送电压 响应和大工作深度等优点。
Using VxD driver this system successfully realizes the interface of CAN bus and EPP model parallel port . It can well accomplish the information transmission between them and response interruptions in time thus realizes the real-time net communications of CAN bus .
系统应用VxD驱动程序,成功地实现了PC的EPP模式并口和CAN适配卡之间的接口,能很好地完成两者之间的信息 传输,及时 响应中断信号和实现CAN总线的实时网络通信功能。
Pertaining to the state in which a transmission control unit or audio response unit cannot accept incoming calls on a line .
指 传输控制设备或音频 应答设备不能接受线路呼入的状态。
Experimental results show that with this scheme the local rate can reach 24.096 Mb / s. Comparing with conventional method the transmission and real-time response speed are significantly improved . Data can be steadily transmitted at 460 kb / s which meets the system requirement .
实验测得此传输方案的本地速率可达24.096Mb/s, 传输 和 响应速度较传统读写方式有了显著提高,数据可稳定传输在460kb/s,满足系统传输需求。
Exercise and body fluid The transmission of needling sensation response and acupuncture effects are associated with nerve - body fluid regulation .
运动与体液调节针 感 传入与针效发挥与神经体液密切相关。
Research on Project Supply Chain Risk Transmission and Response Strategies
项目型供应链风险 传递及其 对策研究
And includes derives the prototype transmission system the transfer function solves the prototype transmission system the step response and the static error summarizes the transmission system intrinsic property the influence which produces to the system and so on several aspects .
其中包括,导出样机传动机构的传递函数,求解样机 传动机构的阶跃 响应和稳态误差,总结传动机构固有特性对系统所产生的影响等几个方面。
It fully guarantees the security and reliability of information transmission in the City Emergency Response System .
充分保证信息的机密性、真实性、完整性和不可抵赖性,保障了城市 应急 联动系统中信息 传输安全与可靠性。
When the input signal is white noise or speech signal and the transmission room impulse response changes abruptly in learning process misalignment and mean square error of adaptive algorithms in stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation are researched .
实验研究了输入为白噪声或语音信号、学习过程中 发送房间冲激 响应突变时,立体声回波对消自适应算法的失配和均方误差。
The Intercepting Filter pattern wraps existing application resources with a filter that intercepts the reception of a request and the transmission of a response .
拦截过滤器模式用一个过滤器封装了已有应用资源,这个过滤器拦截了请求的接收及 响应 的 传递。
Under the circumstance that the influence of atmosphere on laser pulse is ignored the models of return signals and target response function are concluded which indicates that return signals can be look as the convolution of transmission signal and target response function .
在忽略大气对激光脉冲的影响下,推导出接收信号和目标响应函数的理论模型,表明了接收信号可以看作是 发射信号与目标 响应函数的卷积。
Then discuss core subsystem design of the third-party data import and validation state-based loan processing and custom reports which focuses on the transaction data in packaging distribution transmission and response mechanisms .
然后讨论第三方数据导入与验证、基于状态的贷款处理和自定义报表等核心子系统的设计,其中重点讨论交易数据在贷款业务处理流程中封装、分发、 传输 和 响应的机制。
The transmission response of the multilayer-film grating structure is investigated in the visible and near infrared regions .
在可见光和近红外线波段,研究了这种周期性亚波长缝阵列金属-介质多层膜光栅结构的光 传输 响应。
A series of novel topological structures with source-load coupling is proposed the transmission zeros and response curves are settled and analyzed in detail .
引入源和负载的耦合并提出一系列新型的滤波器拓扑结构,对它们的 传输零点和 响应曲线进行了详细设定和分析。
Through building a fast and high-effective cache and support the network compression transmission the service response time and the performance code execution are improved .
通过创建快速有效的缓存和灵活运用网络压缩 传输方法,较好的提高了系统的运行效率和 响应时间。
An account is given for the method of calculation of sound transmission gains and the difference between the peak and average levels in the transmission response in terms of the acoustic feedback coefficient .
本文给出传声增益的计算方法,并用声反馈系数的测量来决定 传输 响应中最大峯级和平均级之间的差值。
According to analysis the main forms of the weakening executive ability from the local government in the emergency management are slack in information transmission slow response for emergency action and inadequate accountability of officials and so on .
通过分析,在应急管理中地方政府政策执行力弱化的表现主要有:信息 传递之后、 应急行动迟缓和官员问责不力等。
These algorithms include Degree-1 reduction algorithm Series reduction algorithm new file spanning tree algorithm file transmission path algorithm and response time of file transmission path algorithm .
在此基础上,推导出Degree-1精简算法、Series精简算法、新的文件生成树生成算法、文件 传输路径生成算法以及 响应时间评估算法。
Z & Domain Representations of Transmission Line Forward Impulse Response and Characteristic Impedance
输电线路前向脉冲 响应与特征阻抗的Z域表达式
The Mediator cannot process the request from the source System Interface and generates a Negative transmission response back to the System Interface
中介无法处理源系统接口的请求,并生成了一个Negative 传输 响应 发送回该系统接口
Based on a transmission tower the seismic response of the simplified model is calculated and compared with the full model under three different site conditions .
通过数值分析,在三类不同的 场地条件下,分别对整体模型和简化模型进行了地震 反应分析和对比。
The Mediator receives the request and provides a transmission response back to the System Interface to announce that it has successfully received the request and is busy processing it .
中介接收请求,并向系统接口提供 传输 响应,告知已成功接收到请求,正在对其进行处理。
The transmission of needling sensation response and acupuncture effects are associated with nerve-body fluid regulation .
有关针刺作用的原理问题已提出了许多学说,目前,大多数学者的认识倾向于 针刺对脏器功能的调整 作用与神经、 体液密切相关,即神经-体液说。
This article take the machine transmission response and the machine dynamics question as the research breakthrough point in coor with progress of production practice attempts to seek for one kind to be able to improve the numerical control equipment overall performance the method .
本文以机床 传动 响应和机床动力学问题为研究的切入点,结合生产实践,试图寻找一种能够改善数控设备整体性能的方法。
A finite element model for calculating acoustic transmission function and acoustic impulse response in rigid rooms has been presented in this paper .
给出了应用有限元法(FEM)预测刚性房间声 传输函数和声脉冲 响应函数的计算模型。
Transmission Relation Analysis of Dynamic Response at Any Two Points on Construction
结构上任意两点动态 响应 的 传递关系分析
美[trænsˈmɪʃən rɪˈspɑns]英[trænzˈmiʃən riˈspɔns]