According to the translation of flock the lifting speed of flock was related to the electrical field intensity the coefficient of air resistance and the electrical quantity of flock .
通过对绒毛 平动的分析,绒毛的运动 速度与绒毛的带电量、空气阻力系数及电场强度有关。
The Relation between Translation Speed and Protein Secondary Structure
翻译 速率与蛋白质二级结构的关系
A high speed and accurate E T translation method of sensor for transient aerodynamic heating control system of high speed flight vehicle is proposed .
提出一种 高速飞行器瞬态气动加热控制系统中传感器的快速、高精度ET 转换方法。
Besides this mechanism still has the characteristics such as higher rigidity positioning accuracy greater translation working space and more rapid speed .
此外,该机构还具有较高的刚度、定位精度,较大的 平动工作空间和较快的 运动 速度等特点。
The intense internal need of cultural transformation can prosper translation and the development of translation activities can speed up the processes of the transformation .
文化转型的强烈内需可以繁荣翻译事业, 翻译活动的发展则会 加速文化转型的进程。
In translation algorithm aspect slide-window least square lattice combined with adaptive notch filter is used to realize spectral line enhancement which provides notable improvement in signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) and high convergence speed .
在 翻译算法方面,采用滑动窗最小二乘格形结构结合自适应陷波器进行谱线增强,在信噪比明显提高的同时,保证了收敛 速度。
A bi-step retrieving was adopted in dictionary consulting in order to raise the translation speed of the system .
词典查询中用二级索引查询算法以提高系统的 翻译 速度。
It selected corners as features removed influence of image stretch skew rotation and translation by calculating affine invariant so matching accuracy and speed were improved .
该算法使用角作为图像匹配选取的特征,通过仿射不变处理,消除图像缩放、扭曲、旋转和 平移等变化产生的影响,提高了特征匹配的精度和正确 匹配 率。
The speed test shows that the English-Chinese translation system can reach a translation speed of about 1300 words every second on the P - ⅳ 1.7G computer .
速度测试表明,该该英汉翻译系统在P-Ⅳ1.7G的计算机上的 翻译 速度每秒可以达到1300个单词左右;
QEMU is a fast processor emulator that uses dynamic translation to achieve a reasonable speed while being easy to port to new host CPUs .
QEMU是一个快速处理器模拟器,它使用了动态 翻译技术来实现一种合理的 速度,同时可以很容易地移植到新的主机CPU上。
The result is a technical and commercial translation services company based in the City of London which understands your need for speed works for a fair price and respects your reputation .
据此,我们成立了专业的技术和商业 翻译服务公司,总部设在成都市。
These algorithms have some characteristics as follows : high robustness that can be resistance to translation rotation uniform scaling and processing noise such as a certain degree of attack ; carrying out with the rapid speed in embedding and extracting watermark ; simple and easy implementation .
该类算法具有以下特点:鲁棒性好,可抵抗 平移,旋转,均匀缩放,加噪等一定程度的攻击;算法执行 速度 快,可以快速嵌入和提取水印;简单,容易实现。
By the analysis of smooth peripheral surface heat transfer of disk during the processes of rotating and the processes of translation and rotational coupling we can get the relationship between the properties of smooth peripheral surface heat transfer and wind speed .
进而分析了对转动过程以及 平动与转动耦合过程中的圆盘光滑周面对流换热情况,得到了圆盘光滑周面对流换热特性与 风速的关系。
Regarding to large project we judge to use translation software to enhance the translation speed and guarantee translation content coherent .
对于大宗的翻译项目,我们酌情使用包括翻译软件以提高 翻译 速度,同时保证翻译内容的连惯性。
The control program of a two-dimensional translation stage and data capture card was compiled by Visual Basic software and point scan imaging system without pause during scanning process was implemented to speed up the pace . 3 .
通过VISUALBASIC软件自行编制了二维 平移台和数据采集卡的控制程序,实现了点扫描,且在扫描过程中没有停顿,加快了系统成像 速度。
It reduces manual translation and analysis to improve repeatability and speed to insight .
它可以减少手工 转换和分析,提高分析的可重复性和 速度。
Strict hierarchies exist in each of the translation groups with translators being promoted not simply for speed which is vital but judged on their faithfulness to the original material as well .
严格的等级划分存在于每个 字幕组中,翻译者的提升不仅取决于起关键作用的翻译 速度,而且也加入对原始材料的忠诚来作为评判指标。
Through the matrix multiplication results show that the parallel program which is generated by the static binary translation system SBTG not only properly perform the function of traditional serial program but also its execution speed faster than the implementation of traditional serial procedures .
通过矩阵乘法实验表明,静态二进制 翻译系统SBTG 翻译生成的并行程序不仅能正确执行传统串行程序的功能,而且执行 速度比传统串行程序要快。
美[trænsˈleʃən spid]英[trænsˈleiʃən spi:d]
[计] 翻译速度