The reality of the situation is that the programmability of an FPGA makes it inherently larger ( in terms of transistor count ) than an equivalent hardwired chip .
真实的情形是,FPGA的可编程性使它天生就比同等的硬布线 芯片大(就 晶体管数量而言)。
Simple Analysis for the Reliability of the Adhesion Strength of the Transistor Chip for Military Use
影响军用 三极 管 芯片剪切强度可靠性的原因浅析
In this paper the layout design of a power transistor for motor drive IC chip has been present and how to reduce the parasitical parameter of layout is described in detail .
通过分析传统大功率 管版图设计的特点,结合分析 双极 型工艺条件下 晶体管寄生参量产生的原因,设计了一个适用于汽车环境下工作的驱动电机 功率驱动 芯片中大 功率 输出 管的版图。
Combining with old transistor curve grapher using single chip computer and serial port communication the transistor characteristic curves is displayed on the microcomputer .
将其与传统的 晶体管图示仪相结合并通过 单片机和串行通信在微机上显示晶体管特性曲线。
Study on the Application of Si_3N_4 Passivation Film in UHF high Power Transistor Shallow Junction Chip by ECR-PECVD
ECR-PECVD制备UHF大功率 管浅结 芯片中Si3N4钝化膜的应用研究
Study of Electric Ray Annealing on High Power Transistor Chip
低频大功率 晶体管 芯片的电子束退火研究
So a circuit need to be designed to ensure that synchronous MOSFET rectification transistor is turn-on reliably . A synchronous rectification chip is designed in the application of flyback convertor to solve the above problems preferably in the paper .
所以要设计一种电路保证同步整流 MOSFET 管可靠导通。本文设计的这款反激变换的同步MOSFET整流 芯片较好的解决上述问题。
With the ever-increasing transistor density and ever-developing processor architecture the research and design of processor is coming into a CMT ( Chip Multithreading ) era .
随着 晶体管 集成密度的日益提高和处理器体系结构的不断发展,处理器的研究和设计正迎来 片上多线程时代。
The Unequiripple Function Type Impedance Matching Network for Microwave Transistor or FET Chip
微波 晶体管、场效应管管 芯的不等波纹函数型阻抗匹配网络
Frequency conversion circuit is through to the input voltage the detection using transistor cooperation with optocoupler to control the main chip with the timing resistance in a timely to change the frequency of the main control chip to achieve .
变频电路是通过对输入电压的检测,利用 三极 管配合光耦来控制主 芯片定时电阻的阻值,适时地改变主控制芯片的频率来实现的。
According to the principle of transistor curve measurement this article describes Pumping circuit and studies a new step signal generator with single Chip microcomputer in application to power transistor module characteristic measurement .
本文从 晶体管特性测试原理出发.叙述了传统的泵式阶梯波信号产生电路.探讨了应用于电力晶体管特性测试系统中的 单片机控制阶梯波信号发生器。
美[trænˈzɪstɚ tʃɪp]英[trænˈsistə tʃip]