In order to increase the welding speed of welding stainless pipe a transistor switch power source has been designed successfully . The power source has two types : analogue type and chopper-type in which low frequence wave mixed PWM high frequence wave .
本文从提高不锈钢焊接速度的需要出发,分析了提高焊速的途径,成功地设计了两种 晶体管 电源:模拟型和低频加高频PWM调制型电源。
According to the characteristics of tiny holes electrospark machining a single micro-energy pulse power supply with self-adaptive control function in which the large power field-effect transistor ( FET ) is used as switch element has been developed .
根据电火花细微孔加工的工艺特点,研制了以大功率场效应 管为 开关器件的独立式适应控制微能脉冲电源。
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ( IGBT ) as controllable switch has been applied widely .
绝缘栅双极二级 管(IGBT)作为一种可控 开关,获得了广泛应用。
Full-bridge dual inverter configuration is adopted by main circuit which is supplied by single power source . IGBT ( insulated gate bipolar transistor ) is comparatively chosen as switch component to perform energy transfer and power conversion .
电源主电路是单电源供电,采用输出功率较大的全桥双逆变结构,比较地选取绝缘栅双极型 晶体管IGBT作为主控 开关功率转换器件。
IGBT ( Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ) is the main switch power device in the power electronics . Due to the fast switching speed and low dropout voltage it is widely used in power electronic devices .
IGBT(绝缘栅控双极型 晶体管)是电力电子技术中的主流 开关功率器件,由于开通/关断速度快、通态压降小等优点,在电力电子装置中得到广泛的应用。
On transistor switch parameter auto - Test Set
晶体管 开关参数自动测试系统
A class E amplifier can be constructed using either bipolar transistor or MEMS switch .
分析一种基于E类放大器新型 逆变 拓扑结构,并且详细分析了该 电路的特征。
A proportional drive circuit for bipolar power transistor ( GTR ) is introduced which has excellent drive performance of being able to reduce the switch losses and the storing time of the power switch .
介绍了一种应用于双极型功率 晶体管( GTR)的比例驱动电路。
Analysing on Power Loss of Inversion Transistor for Shutting in Switch Power
开关电源中逆变 管的关断功耗分析
For example a transistor is a controllable switch but it is directional between the collector and emitter and it has interactive control between the base and emitter .
例如, 晶体管是可控的 开关,但它在集电极和发射极之间是定向的,并且在基极和发射极之间是配合控制的。
Aiming at the shortcoming of the typical field-effect transistor ( FET ) switch this paper proposes a kind of novel FET switch .
针对典型场效应 管 开关 电路的缺点,提出了一种新的场效应管开关。
The electron-sheet-density in the quantum well of Strain-Si modulation-doped NMOSFET ( Metal-Oxide-Silicon Field Effect Transistor ) affects switch performance .
应变Si(StrainSi)调制掺杂NMOSFET量子阱沟道中电子面密度直接影响 器件 的 开关特性。
Thin Film Transistor ( TFT ) is the switch device of Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display .
薄膜 晶体管(ThinFilmTransistor英文缩写TFT)是有源矩阵液晶显示器的 开关元件。
In the brushless model the IGBT ( Isolated Gate Bipolar Transistor ) switch state period table is gained by GAL ( Generic Array Logic ) which analyzes the signal of position feed-back .
在无刷直流方式下,用 GAL对位置反馈信号进行逻辑综合,得到 开关管的导通规律。
By means of adding two transistors in each column bus making them form a short-circuit differential amplifier with source follower transistor and row switch transistor inside of pixel the photoelectric conversion gain is increased by this method .
通过在每列总线上增加两个晶体管,使之与像素内的行 选 通晶体管和源跟随 晶体管形成一个输入输出短接的差动放大器,提高了像素内的光电转换增益。
It includes : RW transformer transistor switch overheat troubleshoot and protective circuit ;
其中主要有:阻焊变压器、 晶 闸 管 开关过热故障诊断及保护电路;
Use of high-voltage isolated power supply and isolation drive technology we designed a series MOS transistor switch drive .
利用高压隔离电源和隔离驱动技术,设计了上述串联MOS 管 开关的驱动器。
美[trænˈzɪstɚ swɪtʃ]英[trænˈsistə switʃ]